السبت، 8 أبريل 2017

حوارات منوعه 1

# Daily life

1 I live in pasadena;
A: Where do you live?
B: I live in Pasadena.

A: Where is Pasadena?
B: It’s in California.

A: Is it in northern California?
B: No. It’s in southern California.

A: Is Pasadena a big city?
B: It’s pretty big.

A: How big is ""pretty big""?
B: It has about 140,000 people.

A: How big is Los Angeles?
B: It has about 3 million people.
I have a Honda:

A: Do you have a car? B: Yes, I do.

A: What kind of car do you have?

B: I have a Honda.

A: Is it new?

B: It was new in 2003.

A: So, it’s pretty old now.

B: Yes, it is. But it still looks good.

A: Do you take good care of it?

B: Oh, yes. I wash it once a week.

A: Do you change the oil?

B: My mechanic changes the oil twice a year.
A: Do you have a girlfriend?

B: No, I don’t. Do you?

A: I don’t have a girlfriend, either.

B: Why not?

A: I don’t know. Maybe I’m not rich enough.

B: Girls like guys with money.

A: They sure do.

B: They like guys with new cars.

A: I don’t have money or a new car.

B: Me, neither.

A: But girls like guys who are funny.

B: Maybe we should learn some good jokes.
Walking the dog:

A: Where are you going?

B: I have to walk the dog.

A: What kind of dog do you have?

B: I have a little poodle.

A: Poodles bark a lot.

B: They sure do.

A: They bark at everything.

B: They never shut up.

A: Why did you get a poodle?

B: It’s my mom’s dog.

A: So she likes poodles.

B: She says they’re good watchdogs.
Borrowing money :
A: Can I borrow $5?

B: Sure. Why do you need it?

A: I want to buy lunch.

B: Where’s your money?

A: It’s not in my wallet.

B: Your wallet is empty?

A: I don’t have even one dollar in it.

B: Being broke is no fun.

A: Even if it’s only for a short while.

B: It’s always good to have friends.

A: Friends will lend you money when you’re broke.

B: As long as you pay them back.
Going to the beach:
A: Let’s go to the beach.

B: That’s a great idea.

A: We haven’t been in a while.

B: We haven’t been in a month.

A: The last time we went, you almost drowned.

B: No, I didn’t.

A: Then why did the lifeguard dive into the water?

B: I think he wanted to cool off.

A: He swam right up to you.

B: And then he turned right around.

A: Maybe you’re right.

B: Maybe we should get going.
My wife left me :
A: Are you married?

B: No. I’m divorced.

A: When did you get divorced?

B: I got divorced two years ago.

A: Why did you get divorced?

B: My wife left me.

A: Why did she leave you?

B: She said she didn’t love me anymore.

A: Wow! That’s terrible.

B: Yes, it was.

A: Why didn’t she love you anymore?

B: She fell in love with my best friend.
What's on TV? :
A: I’m bored.

B: What’s on TV?

A: Nothing.

B: There must be something on TV!

A: Nothing that’s interesting.

B: What about that new game show?

A: Which one?

B: ""Deal or No Deal""

A: Tell me you’re joking.

B: I love that show.

A: I watched it once. That was enough.

B: It’s on right now. Let’s watch it together.
A nice place to live :
A: I like living here.

B: I agree. Pasadena is a nice city.

A: It’s not too big.

B: And it’s not too small.

A: It has great weather all year long.

B: It has the Rose Parade.

A: It has beautiful houses.

B: It has wonderful restaurants.

A: It has great schools.

B: It’s close to the mountains.

A: The people are friendly.

B: I’m not ever going to leave.
The new mattress :
A: We need a new mattress.

B: What’s the matter with this one?

A: It’s not comfortable.

B: It seems fine to me.

A: I toss and turn all night.

B: You should stop drinking coffee.

A: Look at these marks on my arms.

B: What are they?

A: They are bites.

B: Did the cat bite you?

A: No. The bedbugs in that mattress bit me.

B: Okay. Let’s get a new mattress.
My laptop is so slow:
A: My laptop is so slow.

B: Buy a new one.

A: I would if I had the money.

B: Why is it so slow?

A: That’s a good question.

B: Did you take it to a computer shop?

A: I would if I had the money.

B: Well, I guess you have to live with it.

A: Sometimes I want to throw it out the window.

B: You don’t want to do that.

A: Why not?

B: You might hit someone in the head.
How about a pizza :
A: What’s for dinner?

B: I’m not sure.

A: How about a pizza?

B: You had pizza for lunch.

A: But I love pizza.

B: Everybody loves pizza.

A: So why can’t I have pizza for dinner?

B: Because you need variety.

A: What’s “variety?

B: Different things—not the same thing all the time.

A: You mean, like a pepperoni pizza instead of a cheese pizza?

B: No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza.
The new house :
A: We need to save money.

B: Why do we need to save money?

A: Because we need to buy a house.

B: But a house is so expensive.

A: That’s why we need to save money.

B: How much do we need to save?

A: We need to save enough for a down payment.

B: How much is that?

A: That’s about $30,000.

B: Thirty thousand dollars! That will take forever.

A: Not if we save every penny.

B: Okay. Here’s seven pennies.
Fish are everywhere :
A: The ocean is so big.

B: You can’t see the end of it.

A: It goes on and on forever.

B: And it’s deep, too.

A: I think it’s five miles deep.

B: Are there fish at the bottom?

A: There are fish at the top and the bottom.

B: Are there more fish or more people?

A: I think there are more fish.

B: I hope so. I love to eat fish.
A bad boyfriend:
A: Do animals talk to each other?

B: Of course they talk to each other.

A: What do they talk about?

B: They talk about other animals.

A: What else do they talk about?

B: They talk about food and the weather.

A: Do they talk about us?

B: Of course they talk about us.

A: What do they say about us?

B: They say that we are funny-looking.

A: Ha! We’re not funny-looking; animals are funny-looking.

B: We’re funny-looking because we wear clothes.
Talking animals :
A: Do animals talk to each other?

B: Of course they talk to each other.

A: What do they talk about?

B: They talk about other animals.

A: What else do they talk about?

B: They talk about food and the weather.

A: Do they talk about us?

B: Of course they talk about us.

A: What do they say about us?

B: They say that we are funny-looking.

A: Ha! We’re not funny-looking; animals are funny-looking.

B: We’re funny-looking because we wear clothes.
Housecleaning day :
A: I have to clean the house.

B: Yes, it’s very dirty.

A: You can help me.

B: Why me?

A: Because you helped make it dirty.

B: What do you want me to do?

A: I want you to clean the bathroom.

B: Oh, that’s easy.

A: Clean the sink, the tub, the counter, and the toilet.

B: That’s a lot of work.

A: Tell me when you finish.

B: I don’t think so. You’ll just give me more work.
A TV lover :
A: You’re watching too much TV.

B: What do you mean?

A: I mean you’re wasting your life.

B: I’m having fun.

A: You’re sitting there with your mouth open.

B: Who cares?

A: I care. Do something.

B: Okay. I did something.

A: What did you do?

B: I turned up the volume.

A: That’s not what I meant by “do something.?

B: Will you do something? Leave me alone
Write to your grandma :
A: Did you write a letter to grandma?

B: Yes, I did.

A: Did you tell her about school?

B: I told her that school is fun.

A: Did you put the letter in an envelope?

B: Yes, and I sealed the envelope.

A: Did you put a stamp on the envelope?

B: I couldn’t find any stamps.

A: They’re in the kitchen drawer.

B: Okay. I just put a stamp on the envelope.

A: Give me the envelope, and I’ll mail it for you.

B: When is grandma going to learn about e-mail?
Are you sleepy ?:

A: Why are you yawning?

B: I’m sleepy.

A: Why don’t you go to bed?

B: I want to watch this TV show.

A: Maybe you should record it.

B: The tape recorder is broken.

A: Then you should watch the rerun.

B: Why? I’m watching the original.

A: But you’ll be asleep in about one minute.

B: I’m just yawning because the commercials are on.

A: Okay. I’ll tell you how the show ends.

B: Zzz.
God is watching :
A: It’s Sunday.

B: So?

A: You know what that means.

B: I forgot.

A: Sunday means we go to church.

B: Oh, yeah.

A: Put on a coat and tie.

B: Why?

A: To show respect to God and others.

B: I’m glad Sunday is only once a week.

A: I hope God didn’t hear that.

B: He’ll forgive me.
Feed the cat :
A: Did you feed the cat?

B: I’ll do that in a minute.

A: The cat is meowing. He’s hungry.

B: Okay. I’ll feed him right now.

A: You shouldn’t make him wait.

B: I was doing my homework.

A: The cat doesn’t care about your homework.

B: The cat doesn’t care about anything.

A: That’s the way cats are.

B: All they think about is themselves.

A: Maybe we should get rid of him.

B: Of course not! He’s family.
Shave your face:
A: I hate shaving.

B: Me too.

A: I just cut myself again.

B: Did you use a new blade?

A: It doesn’t matter. Old blades cut, new blades cut.

B: Maybe you should use an electric shaver.

A: They make a lot of noise, but they don’t give a close shave.

B: Maybe you should stop shaving.

A: And grow a beard?

B: Sure. Why not?

A: Because food and other stuff sticks in my beard.

B: Hmm. Here’s an idea. Put cream on your face and have the cat lick it off.
Two polite people :
A: Excuse me.

B: Yes?

A: Are you reading this paper?

B: Oh, no. Help yourself.

A: I asked because the paper is sitting next to you.

B: Thank you. That’s polite of you to ask.

A: Some people would just pick it up.

B: Yes, I know. Some people are rude.

A: I always try to be polite.

B: So do I.

A: The world needs more polite people like us.

B: I agree 100 percent.
Give me a puppy:
A: Mom, I want a puppy.

B: Let me think about it.

A: Why do you have to think about it?

B: Because a puppy costs money.

A: No, it doesn’t. Puppies are free.

B: Yes, but a puppy needs shots.

A: Shots for what?

B: So it won’t get sick. Just like you get shots.

A: I hate shots.

B: And a puppy eats food. Food costs money.

A: No problem. I’ll give him food off my plate.

B: Oh, no you don’t. Puppies don’t eat vegetables.
Kittens to give away :
A: Look at all these kittens!

B: How many are there?

A: Eight.

B: They’re all so cute.

A: Yes, but I can’t keep them.

B: What are you going to do with them?

A: I’m going to give them away. Do you want one?

B: Yes, I would love one.

A: Which one do you want?

B: That one. The one that’s all black.

A: Yes, I like that one, too.

B: I’ll call him Blacky.
Happy in heaven :
A: My parents go to church every Sunday.

B: They trust in God.

A: They hope they will go to heaven.

B: They probably will.

A: But no one knows for sure.

B: That’s for sure.

A: No one knows what happens after we die.

B: If we are good, we will be happy in heaven with God.

A: That’s what many people believe.

B: If we are bad, we will be unhappy forever in hell.

A: I don’t want to go to hell.

B: Let’s go to church with your parents on Sunday.
His line is never busy :
A: My husband died.

B: I’m sorry for you.

A: Thank you.

B: When did he die?

A: A couple of months ago.

B: You still miss him.

A: Yes, but I talk to him almost every day.

B: When you go to church?

A: No, when I call him on his cell phone.

B: What do you mean?

A: I buried him with his cell phone.

B: What will you do when the battery dies?
Friday the 13th
A: Today is Friday the thirteenth.

B: That’s a bad day.

A: It’s supposed to be unlucky.

B: You’re supposed to stay home all day.

A: That’s what I do.

B: My friend stayed in a hotel on Friday the thirteenth.

A: That was a mistake.

B: He stayed on the thirteenth floor.

A: What happened?

B: Someone stole his laptop.

A: He was asking for it.

B: He learned his lesson. He’s home today.
Do you love me? :
A: Do you really love me?

B: Of course.

A: Prove it.

B: How can I prove it?

A: Take me to dinner.

B: That’s it? That’s all I have to do?

A: Take me to a nice restaurant, not to McDonald’s.

B: But a nice restaurant costs money.

A: Yes, and you have to make a reservation.

B: That’s such a hassle.

A: I knew you didn’t love me.

B: Okay, okay! I’ll make a reservation right now.
Had has a girlfriend :
A: My parents are divorced.

B: So are mine.

A: Why did your parents get divorced?

B: My father found a new girlfriend.

A: That’s too bad.

B: My mother was hurt and angry.

A: She had good reason. What did she do?

B: She told him to drop his girlfriend.

A: What did your father do?

B: He moved out of our house.

A: I guess he really liked his new girlfriend.

B: Yes, but she left him a year later.
What's  that smell?:
A: My grandma’s apartment smells funny.

B: So does mine.

A: I think it’s an old people’s smell.

B: Really?

A: Yes. I think when you get old, you begin to smell.

B: Like fruit that is too ripe?

A: Yes, just like fruit that is too ripe.

B: But the smell is different.

A: Yes, old people don’t smell like fruit.

B: No, they smell like a thrift shop.

A: Yes, a thrift shop has that same smell.

B: Yes, an old smell.
They deliver :
A: The price of stamps goes up and up.

B: I think stamps used to cost a penny.

A: That was a long time ago.

B: It was before I was born.

A: Now a stamp is 42 cents.

B: But in May it will be 44 cents.

A: Have you ever lost a letter in the mail?

B: No, I haven’t.

A: Neither have I.

B: So, they do a good job for the money.

A: Yes, they do.

B: Maybe we shouldn’t complain.
A lost button :
A: A button came off my shirt.

B: What are you going to do?

A: First, I have to find the button.

B: Where did you lose it?

A: I have no idea.

B: A button is hard to find. Did you look in your pant cuffs?

A: That’s a good idea.

B: I found a button in my pant cuffs one time.

A: Let me look. No, it’s not there.

B: Many shirts come with an extra button.

A: You’re right. This one does have an extra button.

B: Now all you have to do is sew it on.
Did you say something:
A: I have to go to the bathroom.

B: You drink too much coffee.

A: But I love coffee.

B: Well, it’s your life.

A: You eat too much chocolate.

B: I don’t think so.

A: Have you looked in the mirror?

B: Do you think I’m getting fat?

A: I didn’t say that.

B: What did you say?

A: I said I have to go to the bathroom.

B: That’s what I thought you said.
Washed and folded :
A: Did you do the laundry?

B: Yes, I did.

A: What did you wash?

B: I washed the sheets and towels.

A: What about the pillowcases?

B: Yes, I took them off the pillows and washed them.

A: Did you dry everything in the dryer?

B: Yes, I dried everything in the dryer.

A: Then what did you do?

B: I folded all the towels.

A: Did you put the sheets on the beds?

B: Yes, and I put the pillowcases on the pillows.
Talk radio :
A: Do you listen to the radio?

B: I listen day and night.

A: What do you listen to?

B: Mostly talk radio.

A: What’s that?

B: People talk about current events.

A: What do they say?

B: They say they want change.

A: What kind of change?

B: They want tax cuts.

A: Why do they want tax cuts?

B: Because tax cuts will save them money.
A bad diet :
A: Mom, I’m hungry.

B: Look in the fridge.

A: I’m looking. There’s nothing to eat.

B: Are you sure?

A: It’s almost empty.

B: I went to the market yesterday.

A: I don’t see anything.

B: I bought lots of oranges and apples.

A: I don’t want fruit. I want something tasty.

B: Eat the fruit. It’s good for you.

A: Next time you go to the market, let me go with you.

B: No, thank you. All you want to eat are hot dogs and candy bars.
A ham sandwish :
A: What is there to eat?

B: I don’t know. Look in the fridge.

A: I think I’ll make a sandwich.

B: What kind?

A: A ham sandwich.

B: The bread is in the cabinet.

A: Where’s the mustard?

B: It’s in the fridge, I think.

A: Oh, yes, here it is. Do you want a sandwich?

B: Yes, that sounds nice.

A: How about some potato chips?

B: Yes. And a pickle, if we have any.
Time for your bath :
A: It’s time for your bath, young lady.

B: But, Mom, I’m not dirty.

A: You need a bath every day.

B: Why?

A: Because you don’t want to smell bad.

B: I don’t smell bad.

A: That’s what you think.

B: If I smelled bad, I could smell me.

A: I can smell you.

B: I can smell you, too.

A: That’s my perfume.

B: When can I wear perfume?
A black screen :
A: Something’s wrong with my computer.

B: Exactly what?

A: All I get is a black screen.

B: What’s the matter?

A: I think I know, because this happened before.

B: What happened before?

A: My hard drive crashed.

B: Oh, no. That’s bad news.

A: It sure is, but I’m going to call HP first, just to make sure.

B: Will you lose all your files?

A: No, I always back up my files.

B: You’re smart.
A new hard drive :
A: I called HP about my computer.

B: What did they say?

A: They said I need a new hard drive.

B: That’s too bad. How much is a new one?

A: It’s not too much, only about $85.

B: Plus installation?

A: No, my hard drive is easy to remove and replace.

B: Really?

A: Yes, it’s just a couple of screws.

B: That’s nice.

A: It’s a lot better than paying someone $60.

B: If my hard drive crashes, I’ll just call you.
Your email address :
A: What’s your email address?

B: It’s bluedog123.

A: Bluedog123. Are you sure that’s all?

B: Yes.

A: No. That’s incomplete.

B: What do you mean?

A: What’s your mailing address?

B: 456 Cherry Drive, Pasadena, CA 91170.

A: That’s correct.

B: So what’s the problem?

A: Bluedog123 is just the street. You have to give me the city, state, and ZIP code.

B: Oh, I get it. My email address is bluedog123@yahoo.com.
Time for a Nab :
A: I’m going to take a nap.

B: You should unplug the phone.

A: That’s a good idea.

B: Do you want me to wake you in an hour?

A: No, thanks. Just let me sleep until I wake up.

B: I’ll start dinner at 6:00.

A: Okay. I think I’ll be awake by then.

B: If not, your nose will wake you up.

A: You mean I will smell the food cooking?

B: You might even dream about dinner.

A: I don’t think I’m going to dream about anything. I’m really tired.

B: Have a nice nap.
Thinking about his funeral :
A: That was a nice funeral.

B: Yes, dad, it was.

A: The son gave a nice speech about his father.

B: It was long, too.

A: I think it was about 45 minutes long.

B: But it went by fast. It was interesting.

A: I liked it.

B: I’ll give you a speech like that, too.

A: Do you think anyone will come to my funeral?

B: Of course.

A: I think only the family will be there.

B: You have lots of friends. They will be there, too!
The elephant :
A: Yikes! What was that noise?

B: I had to blow my nose.

A: Did you have to blow right next to the phone?

B: Did you hear that?

A: Of course I heard that. I thought a plane had crashed into your house.

B: It wasn’t that loud.

A: I will blow my nose sometime for you, and you’ll see.

B: Okay. I’ll take your word for it.

A: I thought you had an elephant in your house.

B: You’re funny.

A: What did you say? I think I’ve gone deaf.

B: I’m going into the bathroom to blow my nose. I’ll be right back.
You can have some of my friends :
A: I have lots of friends.

B: Really? How many do you have?

A: I don’t know, maybe one hundred.

B: That is a lot of friends. Do you have a best friend?

A: Of course. I have lots of best friends.

B: How many best friends do you have?

A: I think about twenty-five.

B: Hmm. I have only one best friend.

A: I feel sorry for you.

B: I have only a few friends.

A: You must be lonely. I will share my friends with you.

B: That’s very nice of you.
If you cheat , you will die:
A: Don’t you ever cheat on me.

B: Why would I do that?

A: Because men like to cheat.

B: Some men do, but not me.

A: I’m watching you.

B: I’m an open book. Watch me all you want.

A: If I catch you, you’ll be sorry.

B: You won’t catch me, because I love you. I’m not a cheater.

A: I will poke your eyes out.

B: I don’t want any other woman.

A: I will chop your toes off, one by one.

B: Honey, please. You’re the only woman for me, forever. I swear it.
Let's not go out :
A: I hate to go outside.

B: Me too.

A: Why do you hate to go outside?

B: I meet too many jerks.

A: I agree.

B: This city is full of jerks.

A: Rude people are everywhere.

B: But what can you do?

A: You can yell at them.

B: And they will yell back at you.

A: Yelling doesn’t do any good.

B: No. The best thing to do is just stay home.
Fill out the form :
A: Will you look at this form?

B: Are you having problems with it?

A: I don’t understand some things.

B: Let me help you.

A: What does “MI?mean?

B: “MI?stands for Middle Initial.

A: What does “MM/DD/YY?mean?

B: That means Month/Day/Year. Use numbers.

A: I don’t understand.

B: For example, if your birth date is January 12, 1987, write 01/12/87.

A: Oh. That’s simple enough.

B: Always print clearly, and fill in the bubbles completely.
The animal shelter :
A: Let’s go to the animal shelter.

B: What do you want to do?

A: I want to get a puppy for my son.

B: That will make him so happy.

A: I’ll get him one of those little dogs.

B: One that won’t grow up too big.

A: And eat too much.

B: Do you know which one he would like?

A: Oh, yes, I took him there yesterday. He showed me one that he really liked.

B: I bet you had to drag him away.

A: He wanted to take it home yesterday.

B: I wonder what he’ll name it.
Is it raining? :
A: What’s the weather like?

B: I don’t know. I just woke up.

A: Why don’t you look outside?

B: Okay. It looks like rain.

A: Why do you say that?

B: The sky is gray.

A: Is it raining right now?

B: No.

A: How do you know?

B: The street isn’t wet.

A: I have to go shopping today.

B: You’d better take an umbrella.
It's so hot :
A: I can’t believe how hot it is.

B: It’s not even noon yet.

A: That means it will get hotter.

B: I am dying from the heat.

A: Turn on the air conditioner.

B: It doesn’t work.

A: What happened?

B: I don’t know.

A: Did you call the repairman?

B: Of course.

A: When is he coming?

B: He’s busy. He said next week.
A snowman :
A: I’ll be glad when winter comes.

B: Why is that?

A: Because I love the snow.

B: Yes, the snow is fun.

A: Last year we made a big snowman.

B: How big was it?

A: It was seven feet tall.

B: How long did it take?

A: It took us all day.

B: Did you give him a nose?

A: Of course. We gave him a big carrot for a nose.

B: Let me help you make one this year.
The ATM :
A: I’m going to the bank.

B: What do you need to do?

A: I need to withdraw some money.

B: How are you going to do that?

A: I’ll just use the ATM.

B: What’s that?

A: It’s the Automatic Teller Machine.

B: It gives you money?

A: I just insert my debit card into the machine.

B: And it gives you money?

A: Well, it gives me money, but it’s my own money.

B: Oh. What good is that? I thought it gave you free money.
Move the blue bin :
A: Did you put the blue bin out on the street?

B: Oh, no. I forgot.

A: Well, you’d better take it out front.

B: What time does the recycle truck come by?

A: It usually gets here at noon on Tuesday, which is tomorrow.

B: I’ll just take it out to the street tomorrow morning.

A: Oh, no, you don’t.

B: What do you mean?

A: Every morning you get up late and rush off to work late.

B: Do you think I’ll forget to do it?

A: You’ll remember to do it, but you won’t have time to do it.

B: Okay, I’ll take it out front right now.
Digital TV :
A: Are you ready?

B: Ready for what?

A: Ready for the big switch.

B: What are you talking about?

A: The nation is switching to digital TV.

B: Oh. Of course I’m ready.

A: Did you buy the converter?

B: No, I don’t need a converter because I bought a digital TV.

A: How much was that?

B: It was only about $120 for a 13-inch screen.

A: Does it pick up any digital channels?

B: Oh, yes. I get six Korean channels but nothing in English!
Just shoot me :
A: People are funny.

B: They sure are.

A: Did you hear about the pilot?

B: The one that stole a small plane?

A: Yes, he stole a plane in Canada and flew into the U.S.

B: Did they catch him?

A: Yes. After two U.S. fighter jets followed him for an hour, he landed on a highway.

B: Did he crash?

A: No, he just landed the plane and walked to a restaurant.

B: Did the cops find out why he flew into the U.S.?

A: His life sucked. He was hoping a fighter jet would shoot him down.

B: Poor guy.
Don't be a racist :
A: The police need our help finding a robber.

B: How do you know?

A: The TV news is reporting a bank robbery.

B: Do they know what the robber looks like?

A: Yes, he’s 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, black hair, and about 30 years old.

B: What race is he?

A: They didn’t say.

B: The TV news doesn’t tell us the race anymore.

A: Of course not. That would be racist.

B: But how can we identify someone if we don’t know their race?

A: Don’t ask me.

B: Then they also shouldn’t tell us if the robber is male or female, because that is sexist.
Use a tissue :
A: Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve.

B: But I don’t have a tissue.

A: Then go find a tissue in the bathroom.

B: I didn’t have time to get one from there.

A: Your sleeves are not tissues.

B: But Mom, all my friends use their sleeves.

A: That doesn’t make it right.

B: I saw Dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday.

A: I will talk to your father about that.

B: I bet Dad did it all the time when he was my age.

A: Your daddy was a good little boy.

B: How do you know? Were you his mommy, too?
Tow littel ones :
A: I’m worried.

B: Worried about what?

A: I’m getting married.

B: You should be happy, not worried.

A: I am happy, but marriage is a lot of responsibility.

B: Yes, you have to take care of your wife.

A: And I have to take care of our children.

B: Are you going to start a family?

A: Yes. We want to have a little boy and a little girl.

B: That sounds wonderful.

A: Except we can’t afford it!

B: No wonder you’re worried.
But is it art :
A: I don’t get art.

B: Or artists.

A: They’re in a different world.

B: I saw a painting of a jar that was full of pencils.

A: The artist said the jar was both full and empty.

B: But it was full of pencils! How could he say it was empty?

A: Artists see things differently.

B: Did you ever see anything that Picasso painted?

A: Of course! He’s world famous.

B: Did he ever take art lessons?

A: I can’t believe it. I drew paintings like that in third grade.

B: Where are they? Maybe they are worth millions.
Life is for living :
A: What’s the point?

B: The point of what?

A: Of living.

B: Who knows? You live, and then you die.

A: We must be here for some reason.

B: Maybe we’re here to have fun.

A: Then why aren’t I having fun?

B: Because you’re thinking too much.

A: So I should stop thinking?

B: Stop thinking about what the point is.

A: Okay. I’ll start thinking about having some fun.

B: Just be patient. Fun doesn’t come along every five minutes.
A tough choice :
A: Beer is a powerful drug.

B: So are cigarettes.

A: Which would you prefer?

B: What do you mean?

A: When you die and go to heaven, they will offer you beer or cigarettes.

B: I could pick only one or the other?

A: Yes. Nothing’s perfect, not even in heaven.

B: Boy, that’s a tough one.

A: What’s so tough about it? Of course, I would pick cigarettes.

B: But cigarettes taste much better when you have a cold beer.

A: Well, you can’t have everything.

B: I don’t think I want to go to your heaven.
Patch it or sew it ?:
A: My pants have a hole in the front pocket.

B: You shouldn’t carry pens in your pocket.

A: Yesterday a pen fell through my pants onto my shoe.

B: Lucky for you it wasn’t a sharp knife.

A: Who carries a sharp knife in their pocket?

B: Criminals, of course.

A: Anyway, I have to fix the hole.

B: You can sew it up or use an iron-on patch.

A: Tell me about this patch.

B: The patch has glue. The hot iron melts the glue so the patch sticks on.

A: That sounds a lot easier than sewing.

B: It is. But after about ten washings, the glue washes off.
What's so funny:
A: Do you know any good jokes?

B: I can’t remember jokes.

A: Neither can I.

B: They go in one ear and out the other.

A: Who makes up all these jokes?

B: Who knows? But there must be a hundred new ones every day.

A: Yes, just in English alone.

B: I wonder if every language has jokes.

A: Of course! People everywhere like good jokes.

B: What do you think people joke about the most?

A: I think most jokes are about women.

B: Oh, really? I think most jokes are about men!
Spanish spoken here :
A: You’re very lucky.

B: Why do you say that?

A: You speak two languages.

B: Well, my English isn’t perfect.

A: No one speaks perfect English.

B: Maybe I will be the first!

A: I’ve been thinking about learning Spanish.

B: Spanish is easy. I’ll be happy to teach you.

A: How long will it take me to learn?

B: I think it will only take you a year or two.

A: How soon can we begin?

B: Ahora! That means right now.
It's The only erth we've got :
A: Do you know what today is?

B: Yes, it’s April 22.

A: It’s more than just a date.

B: Is it your birthday or anniversary?

A: No, it’s Earth Day.

B: What’s that?

A: It’s a yearly reminder to take care of our planet.

B: Oh, you mean like reuse things and recycle stuff?

A: Yes. We need to think green, save water, and stop using plastic bags.

B: How about if I take shorter showers?

A: That’s a good idea, because showers waste a lot of water.

B: From now on I’ll spend only 20 minutes in the shower.
No time for rhyme :
A: Poetry sucks.

B: I don’t know anyone who likes it.

A: Some of it is okay, I guess.

B: Yes, the poems that rhyme and are easy to remember.

A: Like ""One, two, buckle my shoe.""

B: But people still write poems.

A: No one makes any money at it.

B: Shakespeare was a poet.

A: Did he get rich from his poetry?

B: Probably not.

A: Poems are a little bit like songs.

B: Yes, but songs have music. Without music, songs would suck, too.
Dumb and happy :
A: How smart are you?

B: I don’t know. I think I’m average.

A: Did you ever take an IQ test?

B: No, I never did. All I know is that I got A’s and B’s in school.

A: I wish I was really smart.

B: Don’t be ridiculous.

A: What do you mean?

B: If you’re going to make a wish, wish that you were really rich or famous.

A: Don’t you ever wonder what it’s like to be super-smart?

B: It must be very lonely.

A: Why’s that?

B: Because if you’re super-smart, no one understands what you’re saying.
Live from nbc 4 !
A: I missed the TV news last night. What was on?

B: Nothing that would pass as news.

A: What’s the weather going to be like this weekend?

B: I don’t know. Whenever the weather comes on, I switch channels.

A: What was the lead story on the news?

B: Some actress was in court for driving without a license.

A: What was the second story?

B: Some actor married a woman young enough to be his daughter.

A: What was the third story?

B: A bull chased a man in a supermarket.

A: Wasn’t there anything about Octo-Mom?

B: Of course. She’s going to hire a nanny for her eight infants.
Life after death :
A: What are you going to do about your death?

B: Well, mostly I’ll try to avoid it.

A: I mean, are you going to get buried or cremated?

B: My wife and I will be cremated.

A: Are you going to be buried next to each other?

B: Oh, no. Our ashes will be shaken into the ocean.

A: You’re not going to be buried?

B: A coffin costs too much and takes up too much space.

A: Yes, but it will be in a cemetery where your children can visit you.

B: Children seldom visit their parents in a cemetery.

A: That’s true. A cemetery is for dead people, not living people.

A: We figure our kids can visit us whenever they go to the beach.
Wipe your feet :
A: Did you wipe your feet?

B: Yes, of course I wiped my feet.

A: Then why is there mud on the carpet?

B: I don’t know. It’s not my mud.

A: Well, someone brought it into the house.

B: Look at the bottom of my shoes—they’re clean.

A: Of course they’re clean. You left all the mud on the carpet.

B: Okay, I’ll get the vacuum cleaner.

A: Don’t vacuum it now.

B: Don’t you want me to clean up the mud?

A: Wait till it dries. It will be easier to vacuum.

B: Next time I will be more careful.
Mother's day :
A: What are you getting for your mom?

B: What are you talking about?

A: Sunday is Mother’s Day.

B: This Sunday?

A: Of course. It’s all over the news.

B: I thought it was next Sunday.

A: Well, you’d better get her something.

B: I’ll get her a nice card.

A: Is that it?

B: Yes. That’s all I ever give her.

A: She raised you, and all you ever give her is a card?

B: It’s okay. She knows that I love her.
A new flag :
A: I don’t like our flag.

B: What’s the matter with it?

A: It’s too much like other flags.

B: Yes, a lot of flags have stripes.

A: A flag should be pretty.

B: What should our flag look like?

A: It should have a pretty woman on it.

B: That’s ridiculous!

A: You don’t like pretty women?

B: Of course I do. But not on our flag!

A: Every nation should have a pretty woman on their flag.

B: You can’t go to war carrying a flag with a woman on it!
Work up an appetite :
A: I had a busy morning.

B: What did you do?

A: I watered all the plants.

B: You have a lot of plants.

A: Then I did my laundry.

B: That takes some time.

A: I took the dog for a walk.

B: I’ll bet he enjoyed his walk.

A: I vacuumed the entire house.

B: That’s a lot of work.

A: And then I made lunch.

B: I’ll bet you were hungry!
Dailing for dollar :
A: I don’t have long distance service with my home phone.

B: So how do you make long distance calls?

A: I use a calling card.

B: Where do you get that?

A: I buy it at the dollar store.

B: How much is it?

A: It’s one dollar for 100 minutes.

B: That’s only a penny a minute!

A: It’s a great price. But you have to dial a lot of numbers.

B: How many?

A: First you dial seven numbers, then ten numbers, then ten more numbers.

B: Yikes. I think I’ll keep my long distance service.
Daily life :
calling credit card company :
A: I’m calling today about a bill that I never received.

B: Can you tell me which credit card it was for?

A: It was for my Master Card.

B: You should’ve gotten that bill two weeks ago.

A: I haven’t got it in the mail yet.

B: The computer is showing that all bills have been mailed.

A: What am I supposed to do about my bill then?

B: Maybe you should call your post office.

A: But if it’s their mistake, can I get an extension on my bill payment?

B: Yes, but you will need to send us proof of their mistake.

A: Thank you very much for your help.

B: No problem. Enjoy the rest of your day.

A: I haven’t received my credit card bill yet.

B: Which credit card are you speaking of?

A: My Master Card.

B: We sent that bill out a couple of weeks ago.

A: I never got it.

B: Your bill was mailed already.

A: What am I going to do since I haven’t received the bill?

B: If you haven’t gotten it yet, then you should probably take that up with your post office.

A: Can I get an extension on my bill if it does happen to be the post office’s fault?

B: If that’s the case, you will need to provide proof of their mistake.

A: Thanks for everything.

B: Don’t mention it. Call back if you have any more problems.

A: I was inquiring about a bill that I never got.

B: Which credit card was the bill for?

A: The bill was for my Master Card.

B: That bill should have been mailed about two weeks ago.

A: It never came in the mail.

B: My computer shows that it has already been mailed.

A: I have not gotten my bill, so what should I do about that?

B: You should try contacting your post office.

A: If it is the post office’s fault, may I have an extension on my bill?

B: You’ll have to prove it was their error; then you can get an extension.

A: Thank you for all your help.

B: You are very welcome. Have a good day.
Disputing a charge :
A: There’s a problem with my credit card.

B: Tell me what the problem is.

A: A charge came up on my bill that I didn’t make.

B: What was the charge for?

A: The charge was for a $350 purse, but I did not buy it.

B: Are you sure that you didn’t make that purchase?

A: I would know if I bought something that expensive.

B: I apologize. What day was this purchase made?

A: It was bought on November 12th at 3:15 pm, while I was at work.

B: All right, we’ll do an investigation.

A: Until this investigation is finished, will I have to pay for the charge?

B: No, you don’t. We’ll take care of it.

A: I have a problem with my credit card.

B: What’s wrong with it?

A: There is a charge on my card that I didn’t make.

B: Can you tell me what the charge was?

A: It’s for a purse that cost $350.

B: Are you positive that you didn’t buy the purse?

A: I can’t even afford a purse that expensive.

B: I’m very sorry. When was this purchase made?

A: I was at work, but the purchase was made at 3:15 on November 12th.

B: We’re going to investigate this claim.

A: Do I have to pay for this charge?

B: You won’t have to pay for anything.

A: There is something wrong with my credit card.

B: What’s the problem?

A: There is a charge on here that I never made.

B: What charge was made?

A: It was a charge for a $350 purse that I never bought.

B: You didn’t make this purchase?

A: I think I would remember if I made a purchase that large.

B: Sorry. When was this purse purchased?

A: It was purchased on the 12th of November at 3:15 pm, but I was at work.

B: We’ll do an investigation and get to the bottom of this.

A: In the meantime, do I have to pay for this charge?

B: No. We’ll take care of everything.
order cable services :
A: I would like to order cable.

B: Sure, what package do you want?

A: What kinds of packages do you offer?

B: We have all kinds of movie channel packages.

A: What else do you have?

B: There is a package for all sports channels.

A: Do you have a package that includes all the movie channels with the basic channels also?

B: Yes, we do offer that package.

A: I want that.

B: Do you want anything else?

A: No, but is it possible for me to add channels later?

B: You can always get rid of channels or add some later.

A: I want to get some cable.

B: Do you know what package you want to get?

A: What packages do you have?

B: We have movie channel packages.

A: What else have you got?

B: You can get the sports package.

A: Is there a package with basic and movie channels?

B: We have that package.

A: Let me get that package.

B: Is there anything else you would like?

A: That’s everything, but can I add channels later?

B: You will be able to add or get rid of channels another day.

A: May I order some cable from you today?

B: Okay, what package would you like to order?

A: I’m not sure of what packages you offer.

B: We offer packages with all the movie channels.

A: Are there any other packages?

B: We also have packages with all the sports channels.

A: I want a package that has the basic and movie channels.

B: We have that available.

A: I would like to get that.

B: Would you like anything else with your package?

A: That’s it, but will I be able to add more channels at another time?

B: Yes, you can add or get rid of channels later on if you would like.
Inquiring about internet services :
A: I would like to order some internet today.

B: What kind would you like?

A: What kind of internet is there?

B: You can get DSL or dial-up.

A: Which of those two is best?

B: I would recommend DSL.

A: Is that one better?

B: It’s better because it doesn’t tie up your phone.

A: What do you mean by that?

B: DSL isn’t connected through your phone line, but dial-up is.

A: So then I can’t use my phone if I’m on the internet?

B: That’s correct. With DSL you can do both.

A: I need to get internet.

B: Which kind of internet connection do you want to get?

A: What kind can I get?

B: There is dial-up or DSL.

A: Which one do you feel is best?

B: I would get DSL if I were you.

A: DSL is better than dial-up?

B: It’s the best choice; plus, it won’t tie up your phone line.

A: I’m not sure what that means.

B: Dial-up is connected through your phone, unlike DSL.

A: That’ll make it impossible for me to use.

B: Exactly. With DSL you don’t have that problem.

A: I’d like to have internet on my computer.

B: Do you know what kind of internet you would like to get?

A: What are my options?

B: You can either get dial-up or DSL.

A: Which one would you recommend?

B: DSL is the best choice.

A: Why is DSL better?

B: It’s a lot better because it doesn’t tie up your phone line.

A: What exactly does that mean?

B: Well, with dial-up your internet is connected by your phone line.

A: That means that I can’t use my phone and the internet at the same time, right?

B: That’s right. You won’t have that problem with DSL.
installing high speed internet:
A: I need to get my high speed internet installed.

B: You’ll need to make an appointment.

A: Could I do that right now, please?

B: What day would you like us to do the installation?

A: Is Friday good?

B: We’re only available at 3:00 pm.

A: You can’t come any earlier than that?

B: I’m sorry. That’s the only available time.

A: Are you available this Saturday?

B: Yes. Anytime on Saturday will be fine.

A: How does 11:00 sound?

B: We can do it. See you then.

A: I would like high speed internet installed in my house.

B: You have to make an appointment before we can come out and install it.

A: I’d like to make an appointment right now.

B: What day are you available?

A: I would like to have it done this Friday.

B: Three o’clock is the only time we can come in.

A: Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier?

B: I’m sorry, but that’s our only available time.

A: How about Saturday?

B: We’re completely open on Saturday.

A: Can you come over at 11:00?

B: That’ll be fine.

A: When can I get high speed internet installed?

B: You’re going to have to make an appointment.

A: Can I make one right now?

B: When would you like the installation to be done?

A: I’m off this Friday.

B: The only time we can come on Friday is at 3:00 pm.

A: I’m going to need it installed earlier than that.

B: I’m sorry, but we’re booked up on Friday.

A: Is Saturday any better?

B: Saturday is perfect. What time would you like?

A: Is 11:00 fine?

B: That’s perfect. See you on Saturday.
Reporting an internet problem :
A: I need somebody to come over and fix my internet.

B: What’s wrong with it?

A: For some reason it’s just not connecting.

B: How long have you been having this problem?

A: It hasn’t been working the past few days.

B: Does the internet come up at all?

A: It does, but it won’t connect to anything.

B: Well, the internet isn’t down, so there must be something wrong with your connection.

A: Could you send someone to fix it today?

B: I’ll send somebody over right away to fix it.

A: When will they be here?

B: They should be there in the next hour.

A: I need to get my internet fixed.

B: What’s the problem with your internet?

A: It won’t connect.

B: How long has this been happening?

A: This problem has been happening for a few days now.

B: The internet doesn’t come up at all?

A: It just won’t connect to a webpage, but it will pop up.

B: There’s obviously a problem with your connection.

A: I’m going to need someone to come and fix it for me.

B: I can send somebody right now to fix it.

A: How long will it take for them to get here?

B: They’ll be there in about an hour.

A: Can you send someone to fix my internet?

B: Are you having a problem with it?

A: My internet is having problems connecting.

B: Can you tell me how long your internet has been messing up?

A: I’ve been having this problem for the last few days.

B: Will the internet even pop up?

A: It’ll pop up, but it won’t connect to a webpage.

B: Since the internet isn’t broken, your connection must be messed up.

A: Do you think you can send somebody over to fix it?

B: If you’d like, I can send someone to fix it right now.

A: How long will it be till they get here?

B: It should be no longer than an hour.

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100 Common English Usage Problems 1. a, an The article  a is used before consonant sounds  the article an before vowel sounds. Words ...