الجمعة، 7 أبريل 2017

تمارين محلولة

‎تمارين محلولة
Do as required: اجب كما هو مطلوب
1- Mary had three children. ( Make it question by using " How many" )
 - How many children did Mary have?
2- He took his children to the zoo last Friday.
   ( Change it into passive voice )
 - His children were taken to the zoo last Friday.
3- Dogs are animals.( Make it singular )
  - A dog is an animal.
4- He not (come) back yet,
He probably (come) tomorrow
 Put the verbs between brackets in their correct tense ).
 - He has not come back yet, He will probably come tomorrow
5- glass, control, the, without, is, candle, a, called, the.
 ( Re-write these words so as to form a complete and meaningful sentence )
- The glass without a candle is called the control.
6- He goes to the Youth Centre twice a month.
  (Make it question by using  "How often" )
 - How often does he go to the Youth Centre?
7- That man is our new teacher. He is standing there.
  ( Join this pair of sentences with "who" )
 - That man who is standing there is our new teacher.
8- She will do her homework. She will watch TV.
  ( Join this pair of sentences with "after" )
 - After she does her homework, she will watch TV.
9- Susan is very clever. She will pass the exam.
  ( Join with " enough…. to" and make necessary changes )
 - Susan is clever enough to pass the exam.
10- Tom didn't arrive in time. Jack didn't arrive in time.
     (Join with " neither…. nor")
 - Neither Ali nor Jack arrived in time.
11- What are you doing now ?
  ( Answer this question using the prompt " answer the questions" )
 - I am answering the questions now.
12- He …….. tired today.
    ( smells, feels, tastes, keeps) Choose the correct choice)
 - He feels tired today.
13- David travels to England every summer.
  ( Use : " last summer" and make any necessary changes )
 - David travelled to England last summer.
14- Children eat apples every Friday. ( Change into singular )
 - A child eats an apple every Friday.
15- Sandy is young. Jean is young, too. ( Join with : " as…... as" )
 - Sandy is as young as Jean.
16- School starts at eight o'clock in the morning.
    ( Make a question with "when" )
 - When does school start ?
17- Those girls have new sweaters. They are …….. sweaters.
  ( the girl's ; the girls ; the girl' ; the girls' )
 - Those girls have new sweaters. They are the girls' sweaters.
18- She can't wear that blouse. It is very dirty.
    ( Join with : " too …… to" )
    - It is too dirty for her to wear.
   Or – The blouse is too dirty for her to wear.
19- The mechanic repaired the car last week.
     ( Change into passive voice )
 - The car was repaired last week.
20- He is a heavy smoker. He smokes ………….. ( Complete )
 - He is a heavy smoker. He smokes heavily.
  21- Change into interrogative. ( Clever pupils get high marks )
    - What do clever pupils get ?
 Or – Do clever pupils get high marks ?
22- Form a sentence using the verb ( imagine ) followed by two nouns.
 - I imagine Rose an old woman.
23- Change into plural. ( A rose is a flower. )
 - Roses are flowers.
24- Correct the verb between brackets.
  ( If you ( are ) a head-master, you would have new duties )
 - If you were a head-master, you would have new duties.
25- Change into passive voice. (They collect the rubbish everyday.)
 - The rubbish is collected everyday.
26- Join using ( who ) :
    ( People are not healthy. They drink alcohol. )
 - People who drink alcohol are not healthy.
27- Join using the (ing) form.
    ( I found the baby. It was sleeping in its bed )
 - I found the baby sleeping in its bed.
28- Make a question beginning with ( How often ).
    ( We get together once a year )
 - How often do you get together ?
29- Re-write this sentence putting the word in brackets in the right position.
  ( She plays tennis. ( sometime )
 - She sometimes plays tennis.
30- Ann has been given a reward.
( Change into negative )
 - Ann has not been given a reward .
31- Use ( post ) as a transitive verb in a useful sentence.  
 - Helen posted a letter to Suzan yesterday .
32- Onions are vegetables.
 ( Change into singular )
 - An onion is a vegetable.
33- Mary invited the Browns to a party. (Change into passive voice)
 - The Browns were invited to a party.
34- We ( make ) Martin monitor next year.
   ( Correct the verb between brackets )      - We shall make Martin monitor next year.
35- The story was interesting. It pleased many writers.
( Join using : which )
 - The story which pleased many writers was interesting.
36- I saw dirt in the room. I couldn't stand it. (Join using : ing from)
 - I couldn't stand seeing dirt in the room.
37- George goes to work by bus.
    ( Make a question beginning with : How )
 - How does George go to work ?
38- I can do it faster. (Re-write this sentence putting the word "much" in the right position)
 - I can do it much faster.
39- Thomas has three friends.
    ( Make it question by using " How many " )
 - How many friends does Thomas have ?
40- He took the children to the zoo last Friday.
    ( Change into passive voice )
 - The children were taken to the zoo last Friday.
41- Dogs are animals.
( Make it singular )
 - A dog is an animal.
41- He goes to library twice a month. ( Make it question by using :
 " How often " )
 - How often does he go to library ?
42- That man is our new teacher. He is standing there.
  ( Join this pair of sentences with " who " )
 - That man who is standing there is our new teacher.
  43- Mary drank a lot of milk this morning.
    (Make it question by using " How much ")
    - How much milk did Mary drink this morning ?
44- Sandy takes a great interest in the Olympics.
     ( Change into passive voice )
 - A great interest is taken in the Olympics.
45- A fly is an insect. ( Make it plural )
 - Flies are insects.
46- Rose ( not go ) to cinema yesterday. She always ( go ) to cinema on Fridays
  ( Put the verbs between brackets in their correct tense )
 - Rose did not go to cinema yesterday. She always goes to cinema on Fridays
47- nations, competitions, sports, Games, many, Olympics, among, are, the
  (Re-write these words so as to from a complete and meaningful sentence )
 - The Olympic Games are sports competitions among many nations.
48- Jack played the piano at the concert.
  ( Make it question by using" Where " )
 - Where did Jack play the piano ?
49- The story won first prize. It pleased many writers.
  ( Join this pair of sentences with " which " )
 - The story which pleased many writers won first prize.
50- Henry goes. I'll give him the book.
    ( Join this pair of sentences with " before " )
 - Before Henry goes, I'll give him the book.
51- Light passes through the lens. It acts on light sensitive chemicals in the film. (ing-form)
 - Light passing through the lens acts on light sensitive chemicals.
52- Thomas swims well. Jack swims well. ( Join with " Both " )
 - Both Thomas and Jack swim well.
53- The mechanic oils the machine every week. ( Passive Voice )
 - The machine is oiled every week.
54- These books can't ……. .
  ( borrowed, be borrowed, borrow, borrowing )
  ( Choose the correct option )
 - These books can't be borrowed.
55- Tom was brave. He told the truth. ( Join with " enough " )
 - Tom was brave enough to tell the truth.
56- He plays chess every Friday.
    ( Use " How often " to make a question )
 - How often does he play chess?
57- He will know you. He will see you. ( Join with " as soon as " )
 - He will know you as soon as he sees you.
58- If he ( be ) a bird, he would fly.
   ( Correct the verb between brackets )
 - If he were a bird, he would fly.
59- I can't eat those apples. (sour) those apples are ………… (Complete by using "too…. to")
 - Those apples are too sour for me to eat.
60- I was alone in the house. I couldn't bear it.
  (Join this pair of sentences by using "… ing from ")
 - I couldn't bear being alone in the house.
61- Rose usually gets high marks. She is very clever.
   ( Join with " who " )
 - Rose who is very clever usually gets high marks.
62- John oiled the machine yesterday. ( Passive Voice )
 - The machine was oiled yesterday.
63- David is tired of …….. to his brother.
   ( listen, listening, listens, to listen )
  ( Choose the correct option )
 - David is tired of listening to his brother
  64- Jack ran fast. He caught the bus. ( Join with " enough " )
    - Jack ran fast enough to catch the bus.
65- George drank two cups of milk.
    ( Use " How many " to make a question)
 - How many cups of milk did George drink ?
66- John asked me. I like to go out. ( Join with " whether " )
 - John asked me whether I liked to go out.
67- If Sandy were a bird, she (fly ).
  ( Correct the verb between brackets )
 - If Sandy were a bird, she would fly.
68- Jack can't read that book.(difficult )
  ( Complete by using " too …….. to " )
 - That book is too difficult for him to read.
69- The pupils work in the lab. They are interested in chemistry.
  ( Join this pair of sentences by using " ….. ing form " )
 - The pupils working in the lab are interested in chemistry.
70- The camera is inexpensive. It is fitted with a small lens.
   ( Join with " which " )
 - The camera which is fitted with a small lens is inexpensive.
71- Rose makes a cake everyday.
( Negative )
 - Rose does not make a cake everyday
72- Jean played tennis yesterday. ( when )  
 - When did Jean play tennis ?
73- I saw smoke. It was coming down the floor.
    ( Join into one sentence )  
 - I saw smoke coming down the floor.
74- Sandy ( wrote ) a letter every Friday. ( Correct the verb )  
 - Sandy writes a letter every Friday.
75- Answer this question using the singular. Flies are insects.  
 - A fly is an insect.
76- Make a question using ' How much ' or ' How many '. She drank two cups of tea.  
- How many cups of tea did she drink ?
77- Change into passive voice. They write the exercises in ink.
 - The exercises are written in ink.
78- Answer this question. When do you wake up in the morning ?
 - I wake up at six o'clock in the morning.
79- They played tennis yesterday. ( Negative )
 - They did not play tennis yesterday.
80- He usually ( going ) to school early. ( Correct the verb )
 - He usually goes to school early.
81- The verb ( is ) followed by an adjective.
 - John is clever.
82- I found the baby. He  was sleeping in his bed.
     ( Join in one sentence )
 - I found the baby sleeping in his bed.
83- Use ( is ) followed by an adverb of place.
 - Tom is here.
84- John has some books. ( Negative )
 - John does not have any books.
85- We ( write ) English yesterday. ( Correct the verb )
 - We wrote English yesterday.
86- She ………. tired. Choose ( taste, feels, keeps, smells )
 - She feels tired.
87- They went to school yesterday. ( Where )
 - Where did they go yesterday ?
88- Use ( are ) in a sentence following by a noun.  
  - These men are teachers.
89- She watched the rain. It was falling heavily
    ( Join into one sentence )
 - She watched the rain falling heavily.
90- Sandy played the piano yesterday. ( When )
 - When did Sandy play the piano ?
100- Jack helps his sister. ( Negative )
  - Jack does not help his sister.
101- Thomas ( study ) English everyday. ( Correct the verb )
  - Thomas studies English everyday.
102- David goes to school every morning. ( Where )  
- Where does David go every morning ?
103- Henry ( plays ) the piano yesterday. ( Correct the verb )
  - Henry played the piano yesterday.
104- Use ( are ) followed by an adjective.
  - The boys are clever.
105- Jean always ……… silent. ( looks, keeps, smells, tastes )
  - Jean always keeps silent.
106- Make a sentence having a gerund as the subject of a sentence.
  - Smoking is bad.
107- The trees are covered …………… snow.
    ( add a suitable prepositions ) .
  - The trees are covered with snow.
108- What happened to the exercise.  ( answered ) . Answer .
  - The exercise was answered.
109- A stone is thrown at the window by Rose.  ( Make negative ) .
  - A stone is not thrown at the window by Rose.
110- You will be in England tomorrow.
   ( use " going to " to indicate future ) .
  - You are going to be in England tomorrow.
111- The train ( leaves ) a few minutes ago.
 ( Correct the verb between brackets ) .
  - The train left a few minutes ago.
112- John has gone home. Add ( already ) .
  - John has already gone home.
113- Mary has three children.  ( make question ) .
- How many children does Mary have ?
114- Everyone likes Sandy.
  ( Substitute the underlined noun by a suitable pronoun ).
  - Everyone likes her .
115- Jack and Rose didn't pass the exam.  ( Neither ……. nor ) .
  - Neither Jack nor Rose passed the exam.
116- The girls cleaned the class yesterday.  ( Make it interrogative ) .
  - Did the girls clean the class yesterday ?
117- Re-arrange the following words so as to make a meaningful sentence :
   ( to, John, been, Susan, and, have, both, France ) .
  - Both John and Susan have been to France.
118- My father gave me a present last week.
    ( Make it simple present ) .
  - My father gives me a present every week.
119- The thief stole our money yesterday.  (Make it passive voice) .
  - Our money was stolen yesterday.
120- We shall have a holiday next week.  ( Use " going to " ) .
  - We are going to have a holiday next week.
  121- I threw a stone at the window.  ( Change into " passive " ) .
    - A stone was thrown at the window.
122- He will visit me tomorrow.  ( Change into " passive " ) .
  - I shall be visited tomorrow.
123- Mary likes ( swim ) .  ( Correct the verb )
  - Mary likes swimming.
124- The bell ( ring ). So we must go in.
   ( Put the verb in the present perfect tense )
  - The bell has rung. So we must go in.
125- I threw stones at the window.  ( Change into " passive " ) .
  - Stones were thrown at the window
126- Lions are wild animals.  ( Change into singular ) .
  - A lion is a wild animal.
127- I met him on the train yesterday.
    ( Make a question using where ) .
  - Where did you meet him yesterday ?
128- He played the piano yesterday ( guitar )
   ( Negative : Use the word between brackets ) .
  - He played the piano yesterday. He did not play the guitar yesterday.
129- I saw smoke. It was coming from a room.
    ( Join using ing form ) .
  - I saw smoke coming from a room.
130- I took the children to the zoo yesterday.
    ( Change into passive voice ) .
  - The children were taken to the zoo.
131- She is a careful typist. She types
   ( Fill in the blanks with a suitable derived word )
  - She is a careful typist. She types carefully .
132- Supply a sentence with the pattern.  ( Subj. + V. be + n. )
  - Tom is a teacher.
133- What are you doing now ?
    ( Answer the question using the correct verb form )
  - I am writing now.
134- Give an example.  Use this pattern :
    ( Subject + transitive verb + object ) .
  - I speak English.
135- Jean writes a letter to her friend every year.
    ( Use " last " instead of " every " )
  - Jean wrote a letter to her friend last year.
136- Diamonds are precious stones.  ( Change into singular ) .
  - A diamond is a precious stone
137- They discussed the new plan in details yesterday.
    (  Passive voice )
  - The new plan was discussed in details yesterday.
138- David drank a lot of tea yesterday.  ( Make question. Use : " How much " ) .
  - How much tea did David drink yesterday ?
139- A course that lasts for five weeks is a ………… .
    ( Complete ) .
  - A course that lasts for five weeks is a five-week course.
140- George visits his uncle every Friday.  ( Negative ) .
  - George does not visit his uncle every Friday.
141- What's Mary doing ?
    ( Answer this question . Use " wash the dishes " ) .
  - Mary's washing the dishes.
142- He is a good player. He plays …………… .
    ( Complete. Using an adverb )
  - He is a good player. He plays well.
143- Did Jack send you a parcel ?
     ( Answer completely with Yes, …………. )  
  - Yes, he did.
  144- He speaks English well.  ( Change into negative )  
    - He does not speak English well.
145- She put her hand on my head.
    ( Make a question using " Where " )
  - Where did she put her hand ?
146- The girl is crying now. Her mother died last night.
    ( Join with " Whose " )
  - The girl whose mother died last night is crying .
147- John has not sold his car yet.  ( Re-write this sentence using " tomorrow " instead    of " yet " and put the verb in its correct tense )  
  - John will sell his car tomorrow.
148- Tom swims well. Jack swims well.
   ( Join into one sentence using both ….. and )  
  - Both Tom and Jack swim well.
149- Teachers are either men or women.  ( Change into singular )  
  - A teacher is either a man or a woman.
150- His jokes are funny. They made us all laugh.
    ( Join with " enough " )
  - His jokes are funny enough to make us all laugh.
151- Re-write the following words to make a meaningful sentence.  
   ( the, goods, we, stolen, found ) .
  - We found the stolen goods.
152- I always tell the truth.  ( Change into interrogative )
  - Do you always tell the truth ?
153- They eat eggs for breakfast.
    ( Put the word " rarely " in the right place )
  - They rarely eat eggs for breakfast.
154- Tom met Rose at the concert last Friday.
    ( Use " Where " to form a question )
  - Where did Tom meet Rose last Friday ?
155- The boy is happy . He has got a high mark.
     ( Join with " who " )
  - The boy who has got a high mark is happy.
156- Write a sentence on the following pattern.  
   ( Subject + Verb to be + adverb of time ) .
  - My birthday is today.
157- David hasn't left yet.  ( Re-write this sentence using " tomorrow " instead of " yet " and make any necessary changes )
  - David will leave tomorrow.
158- A thief stole some diamonds yesterday.
    ( Change into passive voice )
  - Some diamonds were stolen yesterday.
159- Shall I have meat or shall I have fish for dinner ?  
   ( Answer in one sentence using " either …….. or " ) .
  - You can either have meat or fish for dinner.
160- Re-arrange the following words to form a meaningful sentence.
   ( was, from, coming, below, smoke, there ) .
  - There was smoke coming from below.
161- I ran very fast. I caught the train.  ( Join with " enough " )
  - I ran fast enough to catch the train.
162- I watched the rain. It was falling heavily.
   ( Join these sentences )
  - I watched the rain falling heavily.
163- Same, heard, I, voice, the, again.  ( Form a complete sentence )
  - I heard the same voice again.
164- The train arrives at ten o'clock.
   ( Make a question by using " when " )  
  - When dose the train arrive ?
  165- They studied hard last night.  ( Change into interrogative )
     - Did they study hard last night ?
166- Mary made coffee yesterday.
    ( Change into present simple tense )
  - Mary makes coffee everyday.
167- We don't go to school ………. Friday.
    ( Write a suitable preposition )
  - We don't go to school on Friday.
168- I write my homework everyday.  
   ( Change into present continuous tense in the negative ) .
  - I am not writing my homework now.
169- He didn't travel to Paris every year.  ( Make it affirmative )  
  - He travelled to Paris every year.
170- Helen wakes up at seven o'clock.
    ( Make it interrogative using "when" )
  - When does Helen wake up ?
171- John has a bicycle. He often walks to school.  ( although )
  - Although John has a bicycle, he often walks to school.
172- They are doing the exam now.  ( Make it simple future )
  - They will do the exam tomorrow.
173- The mechanic oils the machine everyday.
    ( Make it passive voice )  
  - The machine is oiled everyday.
174- Martin goes to the youth centre everyday.
    ( Make it simple past )  
  - Martin went to the youth centre yesterday.
175- They collect the rubbish every morning. +
    ( Change into passive voice )
  - The rubbish is collected every morning.
176- The film was very sad. It made Susan cry. (Join . Use : which )  
  - The film which made Susan cry was very sad.
177- Adam is rich. Smith is rich.  ( Use : as ………… as )
  - Adam is as rich as Smith.
178- We read our text books at night.
    ( Put the adverb "usually" in the right place )
  - We usually read our text books at night.
179- The mechanic repaired the broken machine.  
   ( Make a question . Use : What ……. ? ) .
  - What did the mechanic repair ?
180- Betty is very clever. She will pass the examination.  
   ( Combine them with " enough " ) .
  - Both is clever enough to pass the examination.
181- The girl is a typist. She is sitting over there.  ( Use : who )
  - The girl who is sitting over there is a typist.
182- A fly is an insect.  ( Change into plural )
  - Flies are insects.
183- He hasn't come yet.  ( Use : next Monday )
  - He will come next Monday.
184- One drinks a lot of tea in England.  ( Change into passive)
  - A lot of tea is drunk in England.
185- He had to work three weeks a month.  ( Make question )
  - How often did he have to work ?
186- He likes answering questions.  ( Make negative )
  - He does not like answering questions.
187- She saw dirt in the room. She couldn't help it.
   ( Join the sentences using " ing from " ) .
  - She couldn't help seeing dirt in the room.
  188- (Use " remain " which links the noun that comes after it with the subject )
    - They remain teachers.
189- If he ( be ) a bird, he would fly.
    ( correct the verb between brackets )
  - If he were a bird, he would fly.
190- He plays chess every Friday.
   ( Use " How often " to make a question )
  - How often does he play chess ?
191- These books can't ………. .
   ( borrowed, be borrowed, borrow, borrowing )
   ( Choose the correct option ) .
  - These books can't be borrowed.
192- They work hard. They pass the examination.  ( Join with if )
  - If they work hard, they will pass the examination.
193- Tom hasn't done his homework yet.
    ( Use tomorrow instead of yet )  
  - Tom will do his homework tomorrow.
194- Umbrellas are useful in winter.  ( Change into singular )
  - An umbrella is useful in winter.
195- Write a sentence following this pattern.  
   ( Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object ) .
  - I gave Ann a book.
196- He will watch TV. He will do his homework. (Join with after )
  - He will watch TV after he does his homework.
197- He didn't listen to his teachers' advice. He didn't do his homework .
   ( Join with " neither …… nor " ) .
  - He neither listened to his teachers' advice nor did his homework.
198- I shall wait here. You will come back.
     ( Combine with " until " )
  - I shall wait here until you come back.
199- What's Mary ashamed of ?  ( Answer this question using " make mistakes " )
  - Mary's ashamed of making mistakes.
200- What did Martin enjoy ?  " Answer using ( dance ) "
  - Martin enjoyed dancing.
Change into interrogative. استفهامي
(He has a lot of food.)
    -Does he have much food ?
 Make plural.
( An officer usually wears a uniform.)
    - Officers usually wear uniforms.
Make question beginning with (How many)
(I drank two cups of tea this morning.)
    - How many cups of tea did you drink this morning?
Use the word in brackets instead of the underlined one and make the necessary changes.
    (We are playing tennis this afternoon.) ( just)
    - We have just played tennis.
Correct the verb in brackets (My brother always (drive) his car carefully.
    - My brother always drives his car carefully.
Change into passive voice. (We did all the exercises yesterday)
    - All the exercises were done yesterday.
Change into indirect speech. (The old man said." I am very tired today".)
    - The old man said that he was very tired that day.
Fill in the blanks with (some, any, a, an, the)
(I want … oranges. Do you have.. ?)
I want some oranges. Do you have any ?
Fill in the blanks with the right word in brackets.
   (We have been writing our assignment .… a long time.) ( since, ago, for)
    - We have been writing our assignment for a long time.
They bought some articles yesterday. (Change into negative)
    - They did not buy any articles yesterday.
Overcoats are useful in winter. (Make singular)
    - An overcoat is useful in winter.
How long have you been doing your homework?
   (Answer the question using: since 7 o'clock.)
I have been doing my homework since 7 o'clock.
We want to learn driving.
   (Rewrite the sentence using "going to" instead of "want" to show intention.)
We are going to learn driving.
We now (answer) easy questions. (Correct the verb tense)
    - We are now answering easy questions.
The policemen investigate the case thoroughly. (Change into passive voice.)
    - The case is investigated thoroughly.
She said to her mother," Please, help me." (Change into indirect speech)
    - She asked her mother to help her.
Take …… umbrella with you to avoid …… rain.. (Fill in the blanks with a; an; the; some; any)
    - Take an umbrella with you to avoid the rain.
Did you meet him an hour …….. ?
   (Choose the correct adverb to fill in the blank with: just ; ago ; yet)
    - Did you meet him an hour ago ?
It (rain) in winter but it not (rain) now. (Correct the verbs between brackets).
    - It rains in winter but it is not raining now.
They have done their homework yet. (Change into negative)
    - They have not done their homework yet.
Two days ago, we ………. the rent in advance. (Choose : pay, paying, paid, pays).
    - Two days ago, we paid the rent in advance.
The teacher said to his pupils, "Don't talk any more." (Change into indirect speech).
    - The teacher asked his pupils not to talk any more.
She painted all the chairs. (Change into passive voice).
    - All the chairs were painted.
Boys swim near boats. (Change into singular)
    - A boy swims near a boat.
They wrote their lessons yesterday.
    (Rewrite it using "tomorrow "instead of yesterday and making any necessary changes).
    - They will write their lessons tomorrow.
English has been spoken. (the nurse) (Change into active voice)
    - The nurse has spoken English.
The student has been learning English for seven years.
(Make a question: Use: "How long ?")
    - How long has the student been learning English ?
He is writing on a sheet of paper. (Make plural)
    - They are writing on sheets of paper.
John always (go) to school in the morning but he (not go) there on Friday.
    (Correct the verbs between brackets)
    - John always goes to school in the morning but he does not go there on Friday.
The children voices were heard near Mr. Jack house. (Insert ('s) to show possession.)
    - The children's voices were heard near Mr. Jack's house.
Sandy plans to resign. (Intention. Use : "going to")
    - Sandy is going to resign.
Give a sentence, the verb in it indicates sensation.
    - I can see Susan now.
Fetch me a …….. of cake. (Choose : block, area, tin, slice)
    - Fetch me a slice of cake.
The government pays the workers well. (Change into passive voice)
    - The workers are paid well.
She eats a lot of bread. (Make a question. Use: "How much")
    - How much bread does she eat ?
Are you going to help me ? (Change into indirect speech) . Use :(He wants to know)
    - He wants to know if I am going to help him.
There is a lot of oil in the can. (Change into negative)
    - There is not much oil in the can.
Form a sentence that contains a verb in the present to express fact.
    - The sun shines during the day.
We sweep the carpets every week. (Change into passive voice )
    - The carpets are swept every week.
Dogs are faithful animals. (Change into singular)
   - A dog is a faithful animal.
While I (walk) in the market, I (see) my teacher. (Correct the verb)
    - While I was walking in the market, I saw my teacher.
A lion eats meat. (Change into plural)
    - Lions eat meat.
She said, " I am tired today." ( Change into indirect speech)
    - She said that she was tired that day.
I met my friend yesterday. (Change into interrogative)
    - Did you meet your friend yesterday? Or - When did you meet your friend?
There are three bottles of milk on the table.
    (Make a question beginning with "How much" or "How many")
    - How many bottles of milk are there on the table?
The teacher  needs a lot of colored pencils. (Change into negative)
    -The teacher does not need many colored pencils.
I (meet) an old friend as I (walk) along the road. (Correct the verb between brackets)
    - I met an old friend as I was walking along the road.
They don't make desks of paper. (Change into passive voice)
    - Desks aren't made of paper.
She will say to him, "you can do it if you try". (Change into indirect speech)
    - She will tell him that he can do it if he tries.
Helen has read ……… of news in the newspaper. (a slice, a type, an item, a grain)
He writes a report every month. (Use (at this moment) instead of (every month) .
  -He is writing a report at this moment.
Boys swim near boats. (Change into singular)
    - A boy swims near a boat.
The doctor said, "To whom does this watch belong?" (Change into indirect speech)
   - The doctor asked to whom that watch belonged.
These pens belong to us. They're …………. . (Possessive pronoun)
    - These pens belong to us. They're ours.
While they (drive) their cars, a policeman (stop) them. (Correct)
    - While they were driving their cars, a policeman stopped them.
She didn't take the medicine. (Change into passive voice)
    - The medicine wasn't taken.
I said to her, "Your dress is very expensive." (Change into indirect speech)
    - I told her that her dress was very expensive.
The man bought a …… of ice. (grain, block, slice, item). Choose.
       The man bought a block of ice.
The baby is sleeping now. (Use: every day instead of now).
    - The baby sleeps every day.
A fly is an insect. (Change into plural)
    - Flies are insects.
The man said to the girl, "Why did you write in ink yesterday? "Change into indirect speech."
    - The man asked the girl why she had written in ink the day before.
This book belongs to me. It is ……… . (Possessive pronoun)
- This book belongs to me. It is mine.
The storm blew down the trees. (Change into passive voice )
    - The trees were blown down.
A bird is an animal. (Change into plural)
    - Birds are animals.
They bought some books yesterday. (Change into negative)
    - They did not buy any books yesterday.
……… man sitting in ……. corner is …….. cleverest merchant. (a, an, the)
    - The man sitting in the corner is the cleverest merchant.
‎طريقة الحل : نبدأ الجواب بالكلمات بين الأقواس ثم الكلمة الاستفهامية ثم  الفاعل الموجود بعد الفعل المساعد ثم الفعل المساعد والتكملة إن وجدت .
1. Why is Tom late? ( I wonder)
    - I wonder why Tom is late.
2. What's the weather like in Hong Kong  ? (I know)
    - I know what the weather is like in Hong Kong .
3. What's Helen doing ? (I wonder)
    - I wonder what Helen is doing.
4. Why has the accountant been sacked ? (The manager has explained to me)
    - The manager has explained to me why the accountant had been sacked.
5. Which is the cheapest hotel ? (He wants to know)
    - He wants to know which the cheapest hotel is.
6. When will the mechanic repair the machine ? (I've asked)
    - I've asked when the mechanic would repair the machine.
7. Why can't she go home by bus? (I wonder)
    - I wonder why she can't go home by bus.
8. Who has Martin visited? ( I've discovered)
   - I've discovered who Martin has visited.
9. What are the typists doing at the moment? (I'll ask the secretary)
    - I'll ask the secretary what the typists are doing at the moment.
10. Why is Jack packing ? (They won't tell me)
    - They won't tell me why Jack is packing.
11. Why is Mac late? (I wondered)
    - I wondered why Mac was late.
12. Where is the police station ? (He wanted to know)
    - He wanted to know where the police station was.
13. How far away is the railway station ? (The tourist asked me)
   - The tourist asked me how far away the railway station was.
14. When will you receive your driving license ? (They asked me)
    - They asked me when I would receive my driving license.
15. Where has the secretary kept the files ? (I wanted to know)
    - I wanted to know where the secretary had kept the files.
16. What was she doing in the kitchen ? (Everyone wondered)
    - Everyone wondered what she was doing in the kitchen.
17. Why won't Jill help her mother ? (He wondered)
   - He wondered why Jill wouldn't help her mother.
18. Where do you live ? (He wants to know)
    - He wants to know where I live.
19. When does the train leave? (He's asked me)
    - He's asked me when the train left.
20. Why did you leave so early ? (Helen asked Tom)
    - Helen asked Tom why he had left so early.
21. When do you start work ? (She'll ask you)
    - She'll ask you when you start work.
22. What does Arthur do in the afternoon? (I wonder)
    - I wonder what Arthur does in the afternoon.
Give examples of the following:-
1- Verb of (sensation حواس) :
 – l can see you now.
2- Verb indicating (fact حقيقة) :
 - The sun shines during خلال the day.
3- Verb indicating (habit عادة شخصية  ) :
- I watch TV every night.
4- Verb indicating (custom عادة جماعية ) : - Europeans wear hats قبعات .
5- Verb indicating (possession تملك or  أو ownership ملكية ) :
-I have a 4-cylinder car.
6- Verb indicating (intention) :
- My friend intends to go to college.
7- Verb indicating (past tense زمن ماض ) : - It rained yesterday.
8- Verb indicating (future tense زمن مستقبل) :
- I shall go to school tomorrow.

‎تمارين  محلولة
‎عن القرامر مع الحل بدون تعليق
* Do as required between brackets:-
56. Change into interrogative.
(He has a lot of food.)
    -Does he have much food ?
57. Make plural.
( An officer usually wears a uniform.)
    - Officers usually wear uniforms.
58. Make question beginning with (How many) (I drank two cups of tea this morning.)
    - How many cups of tea did you drink this morning?
59. Use the word in brackets instead of the underlined one and make the necessary changes.
    (We are playing tennis this afternoon.) ( just)
    - We have just played tennis.
60. Correct the verb in brackets (My brother always (drive) his car carefully.
    - My brother always drives his car carefully.
61. Change into passive voice. (We did all the exercises yesterday)
    - All the exercises were done yesterday.
62. Change into indirect speech. (The old man said." I am very tired today".)
    - The old man said that he was very tired that day.
63. Fill in the blanks with (some, any, a, an, the) (I want ……..… oranges. Do you have ….. ?)
    - I want some oranges. Do you have any ?
64. Fill in the blanks with the right word in brackets.
   (We have been writing our assignment ……………….… a long time.) ( since, ago, for)
    - We have been writing our assignment for a long time.
65. They bought some articles yesterday. (Change into negative)
    - They did not buy any articles yesterday.
66. Overcoats are useful in winter. (Make singular)
    - An overcoat is useful in winter.
67. How long have you been doing your homework?
   (Answer the question using: since 7 o'clock.)
    - I have been doing my homework since 7 o'clock.
68. We want to learn driving.
   (Rewrite the sentence using "going to" instead of "want" to show intention.)
    - We are going to learn driving.
69. We now (answer) easy questions. (Correct the verb tense)
    - We are now answering easy questions.
70. The policemen investigate the case thoroughly. (Change into passive voice.)
    - The case is investigated thoroughly.
71. She said to her mother," Please, help me." (Change into indirect speech)
    - She asked her mother to help her.
72. Take …… umbrella with you to avoid …… rain.. (Fill in the blanks with a; an; the; some; any)
    - Take an umbrella with you to avoid the rain.
73. Did you meet him an hour …….. ?
   (Choose the correct adverb to fill in the blank with: just ; ago ; yet)
    - Did you meet him an hour ago ?
74. It (rain) in winter but it not (rain) now. (Correct the verbs between brackets).
    - It rains in winter but it is not raining now.
75. They have done their homework yet. (Change into negative)
    - They have not done their homework yet.
76. Two days ago, we ………. the rent in advance. (Choose : pay, paying, paid, pays).
    - Two days ago, we paid the rent in advance.
77. The teacher said to his pupils, "Don't talk any more." (Change into indirect speech).
    - The teacher asked his pupils not to talk any more.
78. She painted all the chairs. (Change into passive voice).
    - All the chairs were painted.
79. Boys swim near boats. (Change into singular)
    - A boy swims near a boat.
80. They wrote their lessons yesterday.
    (Rewrite it using "tomorrow "instead of yesterday and making any necessary changes).
    - They will write their lessons tomorrow.
81. English has been spoken. (the nurse) (Change into active voice)
    - The nurse has spoken English.
82. The student has been learning English for seven years.
    (Make a question: Use: "How long … ?")
    - How long has the student been learning English ?
83. He is writing on a sheet of paper. (Make plural)
    - They are writing on sheets of paper.
84. John always (go) to school in the morning but he (not go) there on Friday.
    (Correct the verbs between brackets)
    - John always goes to school in the morning but he does not go there on Friday.
85. The children voices were heard near Mr. Jack house. (Insert ('s) to show possession.)
    - The children's voices were heard near Mr. Jack's house.
86. Sandy plans to resign. (Intention. Use : "going to")
    - Sandy is going to resign.
87. Give a sentence, the verb in it indicates sensation.
    - I can see Susan now.
88. Fetch me a …….. of cake. (Choose : block, area, tin, slice)
    - Fetch me a slice of cake.
89. The government pays the workers well. (Change into passive voice)
    - The workers are paid well.
90. She eats a lot of bread. (Make a question. Use: "How much")
    - How much bread does she eat ?
91. Are you going to help me ? (Change into indirect speech) . Use :(He wants to know)
    - He wants to know if I am going to help him.
92. There is a lot of oil in the can. (Change into negative)
    - There is not much oil in the can.
93. Form a sentence that contains a verb in the present to express fact.
    - The sun shines during the day.
94. We sweep the carpets every week. (Change into passive voice )
    - The carpets are swept every week.
95. Dogs are faithful animals. (Change into singular)
   - A dog is a faithful animal.
96. While I (walk) in the market, I (see) my teacher. (Correct the verb)
    - While I was walking in the market, I saw my teacher.
97. A lion eats meat. (Change into plural)
    - Lions eat meat.
98. She said, " I am tired today." ( Change into indirect speech)
    - She said that she was tired that day.
99. I met my friend yesterday. (Change into interrogative)
    - Did you meet your friend yesterday? Or - When did you meet your friend?
100. There are three bottles of milk on the table.
    (Make a question beginning with "How much" or "How many")
    - How many bottles of milk are there on the table?
101. The teacher  needs a lot of colored pencils. (Change into negative)
    -The teacher does not need many colored pencils.
102. I (meet) an old friend as I (walk) along the road. (Correct the verb between brackets)
    - I met an old friend as I was walking along the road.
103. They don't make desks of paper. (Change into passive voice)
    - Desks aren't made of paper.
104. She will say to him, "you can do it if you try". (Change into indirect speech)
    - She will tell him that he can do it if he tries.
105. Helen has read ……… of news in the newspaper. (a slice, a type, an item, a grain)
106. He writes a report every month. (Use (at this moment) instead of (every month) .
    -He is writing a report at this moment.
107. Boys swim near boats. (Change into singular)
    - A boy swims near a boat.
108. The doctor said, "To whom does this watch belong?" (Change into indirect speech)
   - The doctor asked to whom that watch belonged.
109. These pens belong to us. They're …………. . (Possessive pronoun)
    - These pens belong to us. They're ours.
110. While they (drive) their cars, a policeman (stop) them. (Correct)
    - While they were driving their cars, a policeman stopped them.
111. She didn't take the medicine. (Change into passive voice)
    - The medicine wasn't taken.
112. I said to her, "Your dress is very expensive." (Change into indirect speech)
    - I told her that her dress was very expensive.
113. The man bought a …… of ice. (grain, block, slice, item). Choose.
       The man bought a block of ice.
114. The baby is sleeping now. (Use: every day instead of now).
    - The baby sleeps every day.
115. A fly is an insect. (Change into plural)
    - Flies are insects.
116. The man said to the girl, "Why did you write in ink yesterday? "Change into indirect speech."
    - The man asked the girl why she had written in ink the day before.
117. This book belongs to me. It is ……… . (Possessive pronoun)
- This book belongs to me. It is mine.
118. The storm blew down the trees. (Change into passive voice )
    - The trees were blown down.
119. A bird is an animal. (Change into plural)
    - Birds are animals.
120. They bought some books yesterday. (Change into negative)
    - They did not buy any books yesterday.
121. ……… man sitting in ……. corner is …….. cleverest merchant. (a, an, the)
    - The man sitting in the corner is the cleverest merchant.
Answer the following questions using the prompts between brackets :-
‎طريقة الحل :
‎  نبدأ الجواب بالكلمات بين الأقواس ثم الكلمة الاستفهامية ثم  الفاعل الموجود بعد الفعل المساعد ثم الفعل المساعد والتكملة إن وجدت .
1. Why is Tom late? ( I wonder)
    - I wonder why Tom is late.
2. What's the weather like in Hong Kong  ? (I know)
    - I know what the weather is like in Hong Kong .
3. What's Helen doing ? (I wonder)
    - I wonder what Helen is doing.
4. Why has the accountant been sacked ? (The manager has explained to me)
    - The manager has explained to me why the accountant had been sacked.
5. Which is the cheapest hotel ? (He wants to know)
    - He wants to know which the cheapest hotel is.
6. When will the mechanic repair the machine ? (I've asked)
    - I've asked when the mechanic would repair the machine.
7. Why can't she go home by bus? (I wonder)
    - I wonder why she can't go home by bus.
8. Who has Martin visited? ( I've discovered)
   - I've discovered who Martin has visited.
9. What are the typists doing at the moment? (I'll ask the secretary)
    - I'll ask the secretary what the typists are doing at the moment.
10. Why is Jack packing ? (They won't tell me)
    - They won't tell me why Jack is packing.
11. Why is Mac late? (I wondered)
    - I wondered why Mac was late.
12. Where is the police station ? (He wanted to know)
    - He wanted to know where the police station was.
13. How far away is the railway station ? (The tourist asked me)
   - The tourist asked me how far away the railway station was.
14. When will you receive your driving license ? (They asked me)
    - They asked me when I would receive my driving license.
15. Where has the secretary kept the files ? (I wanted to know)
    - I wanted to know where the secretary had kept the files.
16. What was she doing in the kitchen ? (Everyone wondered)
    - Everyone wondered what she was doing in the kitchen.
17. Why won't Jill help her mother ? (He wondered)
   - He wondered why Jill wouldn't help her mother.
18. Where do you live ? (He wants to know)
    - He wants to know where I live.
19. When does the train leave? (He's asked me)
    - He's asked me when the train left.
20. Why did you leave so early ? (Helen asked Tom)
    - Helen asked Tom why he had left so early.
21. When do you start work ? (She'll ask you)
    - She'll ask you when you start work.
22. What does Arthur do in the afternoon? (I wonder)
    - I wonder what Arthur does in the afternoon.
Exercise: Give examples of the following:-
1- Verb of (sensation حواس) : – l can see you now.
2- Verb indicating (fact حقيقة) : - The sun shines تشرق during خلال the day.
3- Verb indicating (habit عادة شخصية  ) : - I watch TV every night.
4- Verb indicating (custom عادة جماعية ) : - Europeans wear hats قبعات .
5- Verb indicating (possession تملك or  أو ownership ملكية ) : -I have a 4-cylinder car.
6- Verb indicating (intention) : - My friend intends to go to college.
7- Verb indicating (past tense زمن ماض ) : - It rained yesterday.
8- Verb indicating (future tense زمن مستقبل) : - I shall go to school tomorrow.

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Problems 100

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