الخميس، 6 أبريل 2017

عبارات المحادثة

# Conversational phrases:
and # American english conversations:
daily situations
1. Are you sure?
2. Are you sure about that?
3. Are you sure of what you said?
4. Are you sure that he is not coming?


A: I’ve had so many problems with my new car. It’s driving me crazy.
B: Are you sure you don’t want to buy a new one?
A: How can I? I already spent a lot of money on this one.
B: I guess you’ll be spending a lot of money on repairs then.
A: I guess so. Unless, you want to buy the car.
B: No, thanks. I don’t think I’d want to buy your car. It has too many problems.
A: I don’t blame you. It’s a piece of junk.

1. Are you used to using chopsticks?
2. Are you used to life here?
3. Are you used to staying up late?


A: How long have you been living in China?
B: About three years now.
A: Are you used to eating the food here?
B: Yes, I like it very much.
A: What about chopsticks? Are you used to using them?
B: It took me a while to get used to it but now it’s a piece of cake.
1. As far as I can remember, he didn’t come home until midnight.
2. As far as I recollect, there were few people in the village then.
3. As far as I recall, they quarreled very often at that time.
4. As far as I can see, he’s a big liar.


A: Have you seen Tom?
B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to Lisbon.
A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by now.
B: Have you called his home?
A: Yeah, but there is no answer.
B: Maybe you should call the police and file a missing person’s report.

1. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t mind that you wear this mini-skirt.
2. The coat is fine as far as color is concerned, but it is not very good quality.
3. So far as he’s concerned, nothing is as important as his daughter.


A: Have you seen the movie, Silence of the Lambs?
B: Yes. It gave me the creeps.
A: Come on, it wasn’t that bad.
B: Yes, it was. As far as I’m concerned, I’m never going to see another movie like that again.
A: Well, as far as the plot is concerned, I think it’s an interesting movie.
B: Yes, but some of the scenes were too gory.
1. Be careful with the wet paint.
2. Be careful that you don’t catch a cold. Put on more clothes before you go out.
3. Be careful not to spill the milk.


A: She has been calling me for several days now. I think she’s interested in me.
B: Are you sure? I think she already has a boyfriend.
A: How do you know?
B: A friend of hers told me. I’d be careful if I were you.
A: Why?
B: Because I heard her boyfriend is a weightlifter.
A: Wow! You're right. I guess I better not call her.

1. We are your employees, but this doesn’t mean that we must obey you unconditionally.
2. You are much older than I am, but it doesn’t mean that you are right about everything.
3. I support this measure, but it doesn’t mean that I support you without reservation.
4. I like you, but this doesn’t mean that I’ll marry you.


Wife: Dear, we have been driving around aimlessly for hours. Don’t you think we should ask for directions?
Husband: Look honey, maybe we’ve been driving for a long time, but this doesn’t mean that we’re lost.
Wife: Really? Then what have we been doing all this time?
Husband: Well, we’re taking the scenic route.
Wife: Oh, I see. You just don’t want to admit that we’re lost. You know, sometimes you’re too proud.
Husband: OK, we’re lost, but this does not mean that you have to rub it in.

1. By the way, is there a bathroom in the apartment?
2. By the way, do you have any change on you?
3. By the way, he is a difficult person.


A: I need to lose weight.
B: Yeah, me too.
A: By the way, when was the last time you exercised?
B: I can’t remember.
A: How about we both go running tomorrow?
B: Yeah, that’s a good idea. That way we can lose weight and get in shape at the same time. By the way, do you have any running shoes I can borrow?
A: Sure. I’ll lend you an extra pair.

1. Compared to other students, she is quite hard working.
2. Compared to city life, country life is quiet and peaceful.
3. Compared to fans, air-conditioners are more comfortable.


A: So how do you like your new job?
B: Compared to my last one, it’s a lot more interesting.
A: What was your last job?
B: I was a night security guard.
A: That sounds interesting.
B: Not really, since compared to my new job, I hardly saw anybody else while I was on duty.
1. Did you use to live in Tokyo?
2. Did you use to get up early?
3. You used to smoke heavily, didn’t you?


A: Did you use to have any really bad habits?
B: I used to bite my toenails when I was younger but now I don’t.
A: What made you stop?
B: One day I bit my toenail too deeply and my toe started bleeding. So I learned my lesson and didn’t bite my toenails again.

1. Don’t ever lose these papers. They are of great importance to our company.
2. Don’t ever miss a good opportunity.
3. Don’t ever arrive late for an interview.


Son: Mom, can I go swimming in the pool now?
Mother: But you just had your lunch.
Son: I know but it’s hot and I want to cool off.
Mother: Don’t ever go swimming right after eating or else you’ll get cramps.
Son: When can I go swimming then?
Mother: Why don’t you wait for at least a half an hour.

1. Do you agree that we should start early?
2. Do you agree with my plan?
3. Will he agree to the conditions in the contract?


A: I think studying English is boring and a waste of time. Don’t you agree?
B: No. I think it’s really important if you want to have a good job in the future.
A: But it’s too hard to learn.
B: I don’t agree. You just have to work at it and be persistent.
A: Maybe you’re right. I guess I need to work harder at it and be more disciplined

1. Do you carry this in size 10?
2. Do you carry this in beige?
3. Do you have this in medium?


Store Owner: How do you like this sweater?
Customer: It looks beautiful. Can I try it on?
Store Owner: Sure. Go ahead.
Customer: Oh I’m afraid it’s too tight on me. Do you carry this in a larger size?
Store Owner: Yes, we do. Here try this one.
Customer: This is perfect. I’ll take this one.

1. Do you have any single rooms available?
2. Do you have any tickets available?
3. Do you have any shoes in size 20 available?


Store Owner: Hello, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I’m looking to buy a leather jacket.
Store Owner: What kind of leather jacket are you interested in?
Customer: I was wondering, do you have any black leather jackets available?
Store Owner: Sure we do. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you some to try on.
Customer: OK. Thanks.

1. Would you mind if I smoke here?
2. Do you mind opening the window? It’s so stuffy in here.
3. Do you mind if I ask you a question?


Employer: Well, you have been working with our company for 10 years now.
Employee: Yes I know. It’s been a long time.
Employer: In all this time you have never asked for a raise. Do you mind if I ask you why?
Employee: That’s because my wife is rich.
Employer: Really? What does she do?
Employee: Well, she owns your company.
1. Do you feel like going for a walk on the beach?
2. Do you feel like going shopping at the mall?
3. Do you feel like eating some ice cream or having cake or both?
4. Do you feel like having some coffee?
5. Do you feel like getting a bite to eat?


A: I’m so bored.
B: Feel like watching a movie?
A: No, I feel like going dancing.
B: Where do you want to go?
A: How about Sam’s Disco?
B: I don’t feel like going there. It’s always too crowded.
A: We’ll try the disco down the block. It’s called Rick’s Disco.
B: OK. We’ll give it a try.
1. Shouldn't we ask for permission first?
2. Shouldn't we read the directions before we install the air conditioner?
3. Shouldn't we check the weather before we go out?
4. Shouldn't you try to save some money rather than spend it all?


A: Are you ready to go to the beach?
B: Wait. Shouldn't we check the weather report before we leave?
A: No, it’s a beautiful day and the sun is out.
B: I heard on the news last night that there was a forecast for rain.
A: You shouldn't believe everything you hear on TV.
1. Have you ever been to New York?
2. Have you ever been to Nanjing?
3. Have you ever seen Ghost?
4. Have you ever wondered if there is life after death?
5. Have you ever heard of it?


A: I want to quit my job.
B: Why, what’s the matter?
A: Nothing. I just want a change.
B: But you have a great job and you’ve been working there for ten years.
A: I know, but haven’t you ever wanted to do something different?
B: I guess so, but it seems more prudent to just stay where I am and continue working in my current job.
1. Don't tell him the bad news until he finishes his exam.
2. The secret was not discovered until he was dead.
3. I won't stop shouting until you let me go.


A: I heard that Bill got divorced.
B: Yes, he is really sad now.
A:I thought he wanted to get divorced because he didn't love his wife anymore.
B: Yes, but he didn't realize how much he needed her until they got divorced.
A: Yeah. Well now it’s too late. She already has another husband.
B: That's too bad. Sometimes people often don't appreciate what they have until they lose it.
1. He is as poor as a church mouse.
2. He is as fit as a fiddle though he is already seventy.
3. Shelly’s father is always as busy as a bee.
4. The twin sisters are as different as night and day.
5. The lecture is as dull as ditch-water.


A: Have you seen him run in a race?
B: Yes. He’s as fast as the wind when he runs.
A: But he’s not too good when it comes to studying.
B: One of my friends said he’s as dumb as a post.
A: That’s not a nice thing to say.
B: Maybe it’s not nice, but it’s true.
1. He is either drunk or mad.
2. It’s either your fault or her fault.
3. Either you are wrong or I am.


A: Do you have the report you promised me?
B: What report?
A: You know, your work report.
B: Either you’re kidding me or I’m getting forgetful in my old age.
A: I think it’s the latter.
B: I’m sorry. I’ll hand it in tomorrow.
1. I was so interested in the film that I went to see it several times.
2. It’s so hot that none of us want to go out.
3. He speaks French so well that we think he is a Frenchman.


A: Can you believe the weather we’re been having lately?
B: Yeah, it’s really hot, isn’t it?
A: It’s so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk.
B: Maybe you’re exaggerating a little bit.
A: OK, maybe it’s not that hot. But it’s hot enough to get a heat stroke.
B: You make it sound so hot, I don’t want to leave my air-conditioned house.
1. He is not only humorous, but also patient.
2. He is not only a good leader, but also an eloquent speaker.
3. I’m not only going to the party, I’m also going to sing at it.
4. Not only do I support you, so do your acquaintances.


A: Have you seen the movie Gone with the Wind?
B: Yeah. I think Vivian Leigh is beautiful.
A: She’s not only beautiful; she’s also a talented actress.
B: Yes, I’ve enjoyed all her movies.
A: Which one is your favorite?
B: I like her best in A Streetcar Named Desire.
1. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to some fish.
2. Help yourself to the refrigerator.
3. Help yourself to some steak. I made it especially for you.


A: Thanks for inviting me over for dinner this evening.
B: You’re welcome.
A: It looks delicious.
B: Well here. Help yourself to some shrimp. It’s fresh.
A: Thank you. Mm... It tastes delicious.
B: Have some more. I don’t want you to leave hungry.

1. How about going for a spin in my new car?
2. How about minding your own business?
3. How about those Yankees!
4. What about your holidays?
5. What about his qualifications for the job?


Husband: Is it time to get up already?
Wife: Yes, Dear, it’s 6 a.m. You have to hurry up and get dressed.
Husband: I guess so, hey honey how about making me a cup of coffee while I hop in the shower?
Wife: Sure, Dear. How would you like your coffee?
Husband: With milk and sugar, please.
Wife: Sure, right away. Now take that shower before it gets too late.
1. You forgot to bring your homework again. How come?
2. How come your little sister is so angry?
3. How come we were not invited to the party?


A: Are you going to your sister’s wedding?
B: I decided not to go.
A: How come you’re not going?
B: Because I’m afraid that if I go I’ll catch the bouquet of flowers and then I’ll have to get married.
A: Don’t be silly. Just make sure you don’t catch it.
B: Hey, that’s a good idea. I never thought of that.

1. How dare you call me fat!
2. How dare you speak to me like that!
3. How dare he do that to me!
4. How dare you turn him down!


Boss: David, more and more money has been missing from the company’s funds over the past six months.
Employee: Really? What’s been happening?
Boss: Obviously somebody has been stealing the money.
Employee: Who do you think it could be?
Boss: Well, you’re the accountant. You tell me.
Employee: Do you think I did it? How dare you accuse me of stealing!

1. How do you like your new apartment?
2. A: How do you like your new colleagues?
B: I love them. They are very friendly to me.
3. How does your mother like the tea set?


A: How long have you been in China?
B: A few months.
A: How do you like living here?
B: Great! I’m having a great time.
A: How do you like the food here?
B: It’s pretty good. I just can’t get used to using chopsticks.
A: You’ll get used to them after a while.

1. How long does it take to get to the station by subway?
2. A: How long will it take to build the stadium?
B: It will take about eighteen months.
3. How long did it take you to knit this sweater?


Teacher: Did you finish the assignment I gave you last week?
Student: Sure, no problem.
Teacher: Really, you didn’t think it was difficult?
Student: Actually it was pretty easy.
Teacher: How long did it take you to finish the assignment?
Student: It only took a day. My friend and I did it together so it was easier.

1. A: How often is there a leap year?
B: Every fourth year.
2. How often is there a flight to Shanghai?
3. How often do you write to your parents?


A: I’ve been having bad dreams lately.
B: Really? How often?
A: Just about every night.
B: What do you dream about?
A: I dream about being in a boat and suddenly a storm comes and I drown because I can’t swim.
B: Maybe you should learn how to swim. Then you won’t have any nightmares.
1. I bet we’re lost.
2. I bet he is home now.
3. I bet he will win the prize.


A: Where’s my wallet?
B: You left it on your desk. Remember?
A: I know but it’s not there anymore.
B: I bet Sally took it.
A: What makes you think so?
B: I saw her hanging around your desk when you weren’t there.

1. I can hardly believe that he is deaf; he can understand us so well.
2. I can hardly believe that Paul was put in prison for bribery.
3. I can hardly believe what I have seen.


Employer: I have some bad news for you.
Employee: What's the matter?
Employer: Our company has been having some financial troubles and we have to lay off some workers.
Employee: Really?
Employer: I'm afraid so and you're one of the workers whose job we'll have to cut.
Employee: I can hardly believe my ears! I never thought I would lose my job here.
1. I can't help laughing every time I think of that.
2. I couldn't help noticing your ring; it's beautiful.
3. I can't help but feel sorry for him.
4. I can't help remembering how beautiful she looked.


A: So how long have you known Maria?
B: Only four days.
A: Only four days! That's so short, and you seem so crazy about her.
B: I know. I can't help thinking about her. She's always on my mind.
A: Well, why don't you ask her out on a date?
B: I'd like to, but what if she said no? I don't think I could stand the rejection.
1. I can’t say for certain.
2. I can’t say who did the best.
3. I can’t say with any certainty that eating less can be a cure for obesity.


A: So who do you think will win the NBA championships?
B: I really can’t say. Both teams this year seem really good.
A: Hey there’s a game on tonight. You want to watch it with me?
B: That sounds great! Can your brother watch it with us?
A: Well I can’t say. He said he’d be home late from work.
1. I can’t wait to see my family.
2. I can’t wait to hear from you.
3. I can’t wait to buy a computer.


Daughter: Only two days until my birthday! I can’t wait!
Mom: Now don’t get too excited, you still have lots of homework to do.
Daughter: I hope a lot of people come to my party.
Mom: Did I tell you that Aunt Jenny will be there?
Daughter: Really! That’s great! Oh, I can’t wait to see her.
Mom: Me too. OK, now get back to your homework. You still have lots to do before your birthday.

1. I dare say you will succeed in the election.
2. I dare say he won’t come.
3. A: I would imagine he 抯 forgotten.
B: I dare say he has.


A: I heard the news this morning about our friend Jim.
B: Is it true that he will be leaving us to live in Alaska?
A: Yes. He’s going there to live with the Eskimos.
B: I dare say that’s an adventurous thing to do.
A: Yeah, well, he’s going there to teach the Inuit population, who suffer from high illiteracy.
B: I hope that he will succeed and make friends with the people he'll be with.
1. I’d like you to fetch some boiled water.
2. I’d like you to send for a doctor.
3. I’d like you to look after my baby for a while.


A: I’d like you to do me a favor.
B: What is it?
A: Can you mail this at the post office for me? I have to go to the doctor for an appointment and I don’t have enough time to go to the post office.
B: OK, but can you get something for me when you go to the doctor’s?
A: Sure, what is it?
B: I’d like you to get some cold medicine. I think I have a cold.
1. I’d hate for you to think I didn’t care.
2. I’d hate for you to miss the party.
3. I’d hate for you to leave our company.
4. I’d hate for you to get sick.


A: Do you have the five dollars I lent you yesterday?
B: Oh I forgot! I 抣l run home real quick and bring you the money.
A: You don’t have to go right away.
B: I’d hate for you to think I was lazy in returning your money.
A: That’s OK. I know you’re a responsible person.
B: Yeah, but just the same, I’ll go home and get the money right away.
1. If it hadn’t been for your help, my experiments would have failed.
2. If it hadn’t been for the lifeboat, I would have drowned.
3. If it hadn’t been for her careful arrangement, the party would not have been a success.
4. Without my persuasion, he would not have come.
5. Without your financial support, we could not have finished the project.


Woman: Where’s my son?
Fireman: Don’t worry, Miss, your son will be fine. We sent him to the hospital.
Woman: Thank you so much.
Fireman: You’re welcome.
Woman: Without your help my son would have died in that fire.
Fireman: We got here just in time. A minute later and it would have been almost impossible to save him.
1. If there is one thing that annoys me, it’s people who don’t keep their promises.
2. If there is one thing that disappoints me, it’s his failure to arrange his time responsibly.
3. If there is one thing that upsets me, it’s my forgetfulness.
4. If there is one thing that surprises me, it’s his winning the competition.
5. If there is one thing that interests me, it’s fashion design.


A: Is that pesky lady coming to the office again?
B: Yeah, I’m afraid so.
A: If there’s one thing that bugs me, it’s her critical attitude.
B: Yeah, well, that’s her personality, I guess.
A: But it’s so annoying. She makes me feel so stupid sometimes.
B: Just don’t pay any attention to her. She won’t stay long.
1. I had no idea that she was a thief.
2. He has no idea how to operate these machines.
3. I have no idea what time it is.


Teacher1: Have you met the new student Sally?
Teacher 2: Yes, she 抯 a very nice girl.
Teacher1: I kept asking her questions in class today, but she wouldn’t respond.
Teacher 2: That’s because she is hard of hearing.
Teacher 1: I had no idea she had a hearing problem.
Teacher 2: It’s not too serious. You should make her sit in the front of the class so she can hear you better.
1. I’ve got to go.
2. I have got to buy something to drink.
3. I have got to mail some cards to my friends.
4. I’ve got to apologize for troubling you so much.
5. You’ve got to try this dish; it’s tasty.


A: How many candy bars have you eaten today?
B: I think I’ve eaten ten so far.
A: That’s too much! You’ve got to stop eating so much.
B: Why?
A: Because if you eat too much candy, you’ll rot your teeth.
B: You’re right. I’ve got to stop eating so many sweets.
1. I’ll be back as soon as possible.
2. I’ll work as hard as I can.
3. Try to be as careful as possible.
4. Come as quickly as possible.
5. Run as fast as you can.


Father: I hope you’ll do better this semester. I was disappointed in your grades last year.
Son: Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll study as hard as I can.
Father: I hope so. If you have any questions, just ask me and I’ll help you as much as possible.
Son: Thanks, Dad.
Father: Your education is important for your future.
Son: I know. I’ll work as hard as I can.
1. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving for Beijing.
2. I’ll let you know if I can make it for dinner.
3. I’ll let you know if I get bored.
4. I’ll let you know when I get hungry.


A: Are you coming to dinner tonight?
B: I don’t know. I have to work late tonight.
A: When will you know for sure?
B: I’ll let you know this afternoon if I can make it for dinner tonight.
A: What time this afternoon?
B: I’ll give you a call around 3:00.
1. I’d be grateful for your help.
2. I’d be grateful if you’d be quiet.
3. I’d be grateful if you’d give me a hand.
4. I’d be grateful if you’d take care of my baby.
5. I’d be grateful if you danced with me.


A: How do you like the music at this dance club?
B: It’s great. I love dancing.
A: Me too. You know I’d be grateful if you’d dance with me.
B: Sure, but first you have to do me a favor.
A: What’s that?
B: Well, I’d be grateful if you’d stop stepping on my foot.
1. I’m afraid you didn’t quite get his meaning.
2. A: Could I speak to Elizabeth, please?
B: I’m afraid she is not in at the moment.
3. I’m afraid we are going to be late.
4. I’m afraid I can’t make it.


Policeman: OK, stop right there you thief! Don’t Move!
Bank Manager: Don’t shoot!
Policeman: Put your hands over your head and don’t make any sudden move.
Bank Manager: Look, officer, I’m afraid you have the wrong person. I’m the bank manager, not the thief.
Policeman: Are you sure? Oh, I’m sorry. I’m afraid I’ve made a terrible mistake.
Bank Manager: Well, you still have a chance to get your man. I saw somebody carrying a bag full of money running that way.
1. I’m calling to say goodbye to you.
2. I’m calling to tell you that the concert begins at 7:00.
3. I’m calling to book two tickets for tonight’s film.
4. I’m calling to warn you of the coming storm.


Teammate: Hello?
Coach: Hello! Is this Peter?
Teammate: Yes. Hello! Coach.
Coach: I’m calling to remind you that we have practice tomorrow.
Teammate: What time does it begin?
Coach: We’ll start at 6 a.m. So don’t be late.
1. I’m looking forward to working with you.
2. I’m looking forward to coming to China again.
3. I’m really looking forward to the holidays.


Nephew: Aunt Jane, I hope you’ll be home next Sunday. I’d like you to meet my fiancée.
Aunt: I’m looking forward to meeting her. What’s her name again?
Nephew: Rachel.
Aunt: That’s such a lovely name. How long have you known each other?
Nephew: About two years now.
Aunt: I am looking forward to attending your wedding soon.
1. I’m not really happy with their performance.
2. I’m not really happy with your behavior.
3. I’m not really happy with your present situation.
4. I’m not really happy with their service.
5. I’m not really happy with my life.


A: I’ve been so depressed lately.
B: Why? What’s the matter?
A: I’m getting older and I’m not happy with the way my life is going.
B: What’s so bad about it?
A: I just go from girlfriend to girlfriend and I’m never happy or satisfied.
B: I think you’re thinking too much about yourself. You need to concentrate on helping others.
1. I’m thinking about moving to a new house.
2. I’m thinking about taking a science course.
3. I’m thinking about getting a divorce.


A: What are you going to have for breakfast?
B: I’m thinking about having some eggs.
A: That sounds good. Can you make some for me too?
B: Sure. How many do you want?
A: I think I’ll have two eggs.
B: OK. Two eggs are coming right up.
1. I really go for Beethoven.
2. I really go for this house. It’s terrific.
3. She goes for tall and handsome men.
4. I don’t go much for modernism.


A: Hey, I’m hungry. How about you?
B: Yeah, I can really go for some Chinese food right now.
A: That’s a great idea. Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant right now.
B: OK. It’s my treat.
A: Are you sure?
B: Yeah. You can pay next time.
1. It was Jack who broke the window when we were playing football.
2. It is Jane that I want to marry.
3. It was here in the supermarket that he met his first love.


A: Who ate all the cookies?
B: I think it was the dog that ate them.
A: Are you sure?
B: It’s possible.
A: I think it was you who ate all the cookies but you’re trying to cover it up.
1. It’s too bad that we lost the match.
2. It’s too bad that we have to cancel the get-together.
3. It’s too bad that you can’t come.
4. It’s too bad.
5. It’s too bad that the rain spoiled our picnic.


A: What happened to Steve? I haven’t seen him at work for a long time.
B: He was fired because of his poor work performance.
A: It’s too bad he’s gone. He had such a good sense of humor.
B: Yes, but he also had a serious drinking problem which affected his work.
A: I didn’t know that.
B: Yeah. He had such potential too. It’s too bad.
1. It’s my fault we missed the bus.
2. It’s my fault you didn’t get paid on time.
3. It’s my fault we lost the game.


A: I can’t find my car keys.
B: I’m sorry it’s my fault. I accidentally locked them in the car last night when I came home.
A: Well, at least they’re not lost.
B: That’s true but how are you going to get them out?
A: I have another set of keys tied under the car.
B: That was smart thinking.
1. It’s not that I don’t like the car, but I think it is too expensive.
2. It’s not that I am unwilling to help you, but I’m tied up with extra work these days.
3. It’s not that he doesn’t need your help, but he thinks it will be an inconvenience to you.
4. A mountain is not famous because it is high, but because it has some spirit dwelling in it.


Mother: You have to finish your dinner before you leave the table.
Son: But, Mom, I can’t eat anymore. I’m stuffed.
Mother: What’s the matter? It doesn’t taste good?
Son: It’s not that I don’t like your cooking, but I ate some cookies before we had dinner.
Mother: And now you don’t have an appetite. You know you’re not supposed to have any snacks before dinner.
Son: Sorry, Mom. I promise I’ll try and finish eating everything.
1. It’s on the tip of my tongue, let me see.
2. His address is on the tip of my tongue, wait a minute.
3. The question she wanted to ask was on the tip of her tongue.


A: Did you see the new employee in our company?
B: Yeah. Do you know her name?
A: It’s on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t remember.
B: Well, let’s just ask the manager?
A: I’ve got a better idea. Let’s just ask her instead.

1. It is said that he is quite a handsome young man.
2. It’s said that a new president will be appointed.
3. It should be pointed out that your proposals are theoretically correct but practically impossible.
4. It has been proven that your method is the best.
5. It will be noted that what they have done to him is wrong.


Judge: So, you’ve come to beg for the life of your son?
Woman: Yes, Your honor.
Judge: And why do you think I should pardon him?
Woman: It is said that you are a just but merciful man.
Judge: Mercy is given to those who show mercy.
Woman: But, Your honor, he’s my son, my own flesh and blood.
Judge: He may be your own flesh and blood, but he’s a cold-blooded murderer.
1. A: Do you want to eat a Western or Chinese meal?
B: It’s up to you.
2. It’s up to us to help those in need.
3. It’s not up to you to tell me how to do my job.


Father: I’m looking forward to our son’s graduation this weekend.
Mother: Yes, so am. But what will he do after graduation? He really needs to go to college.
Father: Well, Dear, we can’t force him to go to college. It’s up to him.
Mother: I know that but he has to learn to be independent. He can’t just keep living at home.
Father: You’re right. I’ll talk to him about getting a job. Maybe he can work at my store.
Mother: That’s up to you, Dear. You just have to make sure that he does his work and doesn’t loaf around.
1. It’s your turn to tell a story.
2. It’s your turn to cook.
3. It’s your turn to sweep the floor.
4. It’s your turn to give a presentation.
5. It’s your turn to perform.


A: I have been washing the dishes for over a week now.
B: Well, I think you are very good at doing the dishes, so maybe you should do them for another week.
A: No, we made an agreement that we would take turns doing the dishes. Now it’s your turn to do them.
B: OK, I’ll do them. But I’ll warn you I don’t think I can do them as well as you.
A: That’s OK. I’ll give you plenty of chances to practice until you get really good at it.
B: I knew you would say something like that.
1. It may surprise you, but I paid off all the debts in a year.
2. It may surprise you, but Maggie refused my proposal.
3. It may surprise you, but I bought all these books for 20 Yuan.
4. It may surprise you, but he’s just been promoted to manager.
5. It may surprise you, but he was once in prison.


A: How come you never go to McDonalds?
B: This may surprise you, but I’m a vegetarian.
A: So you don’t eat any meat?
B: That’s right; no meat or dairy products.
A: Why dairy products?
B: Because they come from animals.
1. I have been learning English for almost ten years.
2. I have been living here for thirty years.
3. Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere.

A: What's the matter? You look so tired lately.
B: I haven't been sleeping very well these past few nights.
A: Why not?
B: I've been worried about my financial troubles and when I try to go to bed I can't sleep.
A: Why don't you try reading before you go to bed? Maybe that will make you tired.
B: I've tried that but it doesn't work. I end up reading books about money.
1. I've had enough of her continual chatter.
2. I've had enough of your complaining.
3. Haven't you had enough of him? I found him so boring.
4. I've had enough of the traffic here.
5. I've had enough of this city.


A: New York City is a tough place to live.
B: Yeah, it's so crowded and the pollution is so bad.
A: You know, I've had enough of this city. I'm going to quit my job and move to the country.
B: What will you do for a job?
A: I don't know. I'll do anything as long as it means getting out of here.
B: Well, I don't think changing your environment will make things better. You should learn to be content where you are first.
1. I wonder if it would be convenient to visit you next Monday.
2. I wonder if Mr. Wang could arrange a meeting with me.
3. I was wondering if the manager would agree with my design.
4. I was wondering if you could come to the meeting this afternoon.


Salesman: Excuse me, Miss, I wonder if I could have a few minutes of your time?
Woman: Why?
Salesman: Well, I'd like to introduce you to the new super model ZX-2000 vacuum cleaner.
Woman: I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry now. I don't have time to try it out.
Salesman: That's no problem. Excuse me for interrupting you. Here, have my card.
Woman: Thanks. If I get a chance, I will check out your vacuum cleaner another time.
1. I would rather stay than leave.
2. He would rather work all day long than do nothing.
3. The mother would rather die than lose her child.
4. She’d rather resign than take part in such shameful business deals.


A: I'm desperate for money right now.
B: What's the matter?
A: I don't have enough money to pay for my rent.
B: Why don't you ask Kurt to loan you some money?
A: I'd rather dig trenches with a spoon than ask for his help.
B: I wouldn't be so proud if I were you. Sounds to me you don't have much of a choice.
1. No matter what he says, don't believe him.
2. No matter how you do it, it will be wrong.
3. No matter where he goes, he carries his suitcase.
4. No matter how you spend your holiday, tell me about it.


A: What's bothering you?
B: I want to get out of here and get away from all my problems.
A: Are you sure that changing your location will solve your problems?
B: No but at least things will be different.
A: No, matter where you go, you will bring your problems with you.
B: I guess you're right.
1. You eat so little. No wonder you are so slim.
2. Are you a librarian? No wonder you are so well read.
3. There is something wrong with your leg? No wonder you walk so slowly.


A: Is there something wrong? You look so sad.
B: My house was robbed last night and the thieves stole all my furniture.
A: No wonder you look so upset.
B: Yeah. I called the police but they said there was little they could do.
A: Why not?
B: Because there were no witnesses and the thieves didn't leave any traces.
1. Now that I come to think about it, you're right to dismiss him.
2. Now that I come to think about it, how ignorant I was!
3. Now that I think about it, you are wise not to have accepted him.
4. Now that I think about it, he is a person really worth trusting.


A: Where did you put my dictionary?
B: I'm sorry, but I can 抰 remember where I put it last.
A: But that's my favorite dictionary.
B: Wait, now that I think about it, I left it on the kitchen table.
A: How could you be so careless? You should be more careful with other people’s things.
B: Sorry. I'll be more careful next time.

1. Once you decide, you can't change your mind.
2. Once you have a stomachache, take the medicine twice a day.
3. Once he finds out what you've done, he'll get mad.


A: My friends have been asking me to smoke cigarettes with them.
B: Be careful! You don't give in to peer pressure.
A: Why?
B: First of all, smoking is bad for your health and second, once you start smoking it will be hard to stop.
A: Yeah, you're right. I know a lot of people who are addicted to smoking.
B: I bet most of them started because their friends also smoked.
A: You're right. I won't do it. I won't smoke with my friends.
1. I ran to the station only to find that the train had left.
2. She came home excitedly only to find nobody was in.
3. I search desperately for my purse, only to find all my money was gone.
4. I arrived at the restaurant, only to find I had no money on me.


A: Why are you so late?
B: I'm sorry but I missed the bus.
A: How could you miss the bus?
B: I hurried to get to the bus stop only to find I didn't have enough change to pay the fare.
A: I'm sorry to hear that.
B: I had to go back home and get some change and wait for the next bus.
1. On one hand, it's convenient, but on the other hand, it's time-consuming.
2. On one hand, he is very obedient to his wife; on the other hand, he treats his parents badly.
3. On one hand, Jason does everything in the office; on the other hand, he does nothing at home.
4. As a teacher, he is very patient in class; but on the other hand, he is not so patient with his own child.


A: What do you think of Shakespeare?
B: On one hand his plays are very interesting to watch but on the other hand they are hard to read.
A: I feel the same way sometimes.
B: So what do you do?
A: I just try to catch the general meaning of each sentence.
B: That sounds like a good idea.
1. See that the door is locked before you leave.
2. See that you have enough sleep every day.
3. See that you go to see your parents often.


Employer: You were late to work again this morning.
Employee: Yes, I'm sorry but I had to help my mother go to the hospital. She was sick.
Employer: I don't care what you had to do. You're supposed to be on time. See that you’re not late again.
Employee: But this was an emergency.
Employer: It's your third emergency this month.
Employee: Yeah well, my mother gets sick a lot.
1. Speaking of the movies, have you seen "The Patriot"?
2. Speaking of honesty, I know a lot of people who don't pay bus fares.
3. Speaking of Ben, have you seen him recently?
4. Speaking of bicycles, China is called "the kingdom of bicycles".


A: I can't wait until Valentine's Day.
B: Speaking of Valentine's Day, how is your girlfriend?
A: She’s doing well. I took her out to dinner last night.
B: Did you have a good time?
A: Yeah, the food was delicious.
B: Hey, speaking of food, are you hungry? Let's grab a bite to eat.
A: That sounds great. Let's get some Chinese food.
1. Thanks to their help, we accomplished the task on time.
2. Thanks to computers, lots of tasks are now easier.
3. Thanks to your timely warning, I didn't make a mistake.
4. Thanks to your stupidity, we lost our game.


A: I'm so glad we won the game.
B: Thanks to you, you scored the final goal and won.
A: Actually, you deserve the credit. Thanks to you, the ball was passed to me and I scored.
B: Yeah, we all worked together.
A: I hope that we can win the next game.
B: If we work together like we did this past game, I'm sure we will.
1. Thank you for what you have done for me.
2. Thank you for your help.
3. Thank you for the gift.
4. Thank you for giving me a lift.
5. Thank you for your advice.


A: I have a big favor to ask.
B: What is it?
A: Well, I need to borrow $1,000 for the down payment on a car.
B: OK, I'll lend you the money but you have to pay it back as soon as you can.
A: I promise I will. Thanks a million.
B: You're welcome.
1. The first thing I'm going to do when I get home is sleep for a whole day.
2. The first thing I'm going to do when I get a pay raise is to treat you to dinner.
3. The first thing I'm going to do when I spend my vacation in the country is go fishing.


A: Did you get a package in the mail today?
B: I sure did.
A: What was it?
B: A box of cookies from my mom.
A: That’s great! She's coming here next week, isn't she?
B: Yes, she is. The first thing I'm goanna do when I see her is give her a hug and thank her.
1. The more you put your heart into English, the more you'll be interested in it.
2. The more you pay, the more you will gain.
3. The sooner, the better.
4. The earlier you set about your work, the sooner you will finish it.


A: Are you still selling your car?
B: Yeah, but the more I think about it, the more I want to keep it.
A: Why’s that?
B: Because buying a new car would be very expensive and I wouldn't be able to afford the insurance.
A: But you already put an ad in the paper.
B: I know but if anybody calls, I'll just tell them it's not for sale any more.

1. There is nothing as exciting as meeting an old friend unexpectedly.
2. For me, there is nothing as enjoyable as reading a novel on the grass.
3. There is nothing as pleasant as spending a weekend in the countryside.
4. There is nothing as refreshing as having a good rest.


A: Do you cook for yourself?
B: Yes, I do, but it's not the same as what my mother makes.
A: I know what you mean. There's nothing as good as home cooking.
B: My mom's given me some recipes, but when I make them they don't come out the same as when she cooks.
A: Maybe you should just ask her to cook for you.
B: No, I’d rather try and learn myself.
1. There is nothing I like better than listening to the radio.
2. There is nothing women like better than shopping.
3. There is nothing she likes better than chatting with friends.


A: Did you just finish playing basketball?
B: Yes and I'm so thirsty.
A: How about a Coke?
B: That sounds great! There's nothing better than a cold Coke when you’re hot and thirsty.
A: So how does it taste?
B: Great! Thanks a million.
1. We’d be better off without them as neighbors.
2. We’d be better off without him at the party.
3. They’d be better off without their wives around them.
4. I’d be better off without the incident on my mind.


A: Our new dog has been howling all night long.
B: I know. It’s really getting on my nerves.
A: We should have gotten a quieter pet, like a fish.
B: I agree. I think we 抎 be better off without a dog.
A: So what are we going to do?
B: I guess we’ll have to bring it back to the animal shelter.
1. We'd better buy a computer.
2. You’d better not ask him.
3. You had best accept his success.
4. You had best set out early.


A: I heard the temperature is going to drop dramatically tonight.
B: Really?
A: Yes, so you'd better dress warmly before you go out.
B: I will. Thanks for telling me.
A: You're welcome. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.
B: Thanks for your concern. I don't want to get sick either.
1. We may as well buy a Benz since you don't like Ford.
2. We may as well have a try since it's worth doing.
3. We may as well take the risk. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


A: We've been looking for your lost CD for hours.
B: It's got to be here somewhere.
A: We'll never find it. We may as well give up.
B: No way. It's my favorite CD.
A: OK, I'll help you look for another ten minutes then I'm going home.
B: Don't worry I know we'll find it.
1. What became of the poor child?
2. What will become of my family if my father goes bankrupt?
3. What will become of my dog during my absence?
4. What will become of the water if we put it outside during the winter?


A: Remember that old man who used to beg for money on the street across from our house?
B: Yeah. Whatever became of him?
A: Well he got a job and now he owns a small ice cream shop in town.
B: That’s great. We should visit him some time.
A: Yeah, we should. Let’s go today and get some ice cream.
B: Then we can ask him how he’s been and how he started his business.
1. What can I do for you?
2. What can I do to cheer her up?
3. What can I do to make him satisfied?
4. What can I do to stop them?


Customer: Excuse me, are you the tailor?
Tailor: Yes, I am. What can I do for you?
Customer: Well, I’d like to have a business suit made for me.
Tailor: Sure, let me take your measurements then you can tell me what style you’d like.
Customer: When do you think you can finish the suit?
Tailor: Well, it depends on what style you want. Business suits usually take about a week to finish.
1. What do you mean by saying that?
2. What do you mean by canceling your performance?
3. What do you mean by “out of the question”?
4. What do you mean by asking such a question?


Boyfriend: Happy anniversary!
Girlfriend: What do you mean?
Boyfriend: Today is our one-month anniversary of dating.
Girlfriend: Oh, I see. You know everything has a beginning and an end.
Boyfriend: What do you mean by saying that?
Girlfriend: Well, I think it’s time for us to break up. I’m sorry.
1. I’ve got the what-do-you-call-it for you.
2. I cannot find the what-do-you-call-it.
3. She’s just gone out with old what’s-his-name.
4. What’s-his-name called you this morning?
5. Where did you put the what-do-you-call-it?


Wife: Honey, you’ve been trying to fix that sink for hours.
Husband: I know, I know. My back is killing me.
Wife: Well, how can I help you?
Husband: Hand me that what-do-you-call-it.
Wife: You mean the wrench?
Husband: Yeah that’s it.
1. What do you say about going to the cinema this afternoon?
2. Let’s go by plane. What do you say?
3. What do you say about some light music?


A: I’m so upset.
B: What’s the matter?
A: My girlfriend broke up with me today.
B: I’m sorry to hear that. Hey, what do you say you and I go to the movies this afternoon? Maybe that will cheer you up.
A: That sounds like a good idea.
B: Sure it is. It will get your mind off of your girlfriend, I mean your ex-girlfriend.
1. What is it for?
2. What did you say that for?
3. What do you need so much money for?


A: Have you heard that my father is going to quit his job?
B: What would he do that for?
A: He said work is too hectic and that he needs a break.
B: What will he do to earn a living?
A: He said he would take a vacation for a while and then go into the carpentry business. He thinks it will be more relaxing.
B: Well, I hope he’s happy.

1. What if it rains when we have no umbrella with us?
2. What if they are against us?
3. What if we get lost in the jungle?
4. What if they don’t approve of our earning some money in our spare time?


A: Did you hear the weather forecaster 抯 prediction for rain tomorrow?
B: Yeah, but I never believe the weather reports because they are usually wrong.
A: But what if he’s right?
B: I guess we’ll have to change our plans for tomorrow.
A: That means we can’t go to the beach.
B: Only if it rains.
1. What I’m trying to say is that he is a good husband.
2. What I’m trying to say is that it’s worth buying.
3. What I’m trying to say is that human nature doesn’t change.
4. What I’m trying to say is that you should think of others.
5. What I’m trying to say is that smoking is harmful.


A: Where did you put my Walkman?
B: I forget.
A: You should be more careful with other people’s things.
B: Are you saying I’m careless?
A: What I’m trying to say is that when you borrow something from someone, you should take good care of it.
B: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’ll try to find it right away.
1. What’s the matter with him?
2. What’s the matter with your finger? It’s bleeding.
3. What’s wrong with this machine?
4. What’s wrong with you, Mum? You look so pale.
5. What’s wrong with your car?


A: Your face is so pale. Are you OK?
B: No, I’ve had a fever for a few days and I am sick to my stomach.
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I think I have food poisoning.
A: What do you think it was from?
B: I had some raw seafood the other day at a Japanese restaurant. Maybe that was it.
1. What would you do if you were me?
2. What would you do if you were in my shoes?
3. What would you do if you had a lot of money?
4. What would you do if you failed?
5. What would you do if the rumors were true?


A: Can I ask you a hypothetical question?
B: Sure, go ahead.
A: What would you do if you were given a million dollars?
B: Well, first I’d buy a nice house for my parents to live in and take care of all their financial problems. Then I’d buy a house for my sister and do the same.
A: That’s very nice of you.
B: I’d just like to take care of my family as best as I can.

1. What’s the use of talking about it?
2. What’s the use of crying over spilt milk?
3. What’s the point of arguing with her?
4. What’s the point of worrying about it?


A: How long have you been studying English?
B: Over ten years now, but my English is not very fluent at all.
A: Why not?
B: I don’t like speaking English because I’m afraid of making mistakes.
A: What’s the use of studying English if you won’t speak it?
B: You’re right. I should try to speak out more and not be so afraid of making mistakes.
1. What’s your favorite dish?
2. Who is your favorite film star?
3. What’s your favorite subject?
4. Which is your favorite book?


A: I love ice cream.
B: Really? Me too. What’s your favorite flavor?
A: Well, I like both strawberry and coffee ice cream.
B: I like vanilla best.
A: What’s your second favorite ice cream flavor?
B: My second favorite is peppermint.
1. Where can I get a map?
2. Where can I find a policeman?
3. Where can I find him?


A: I plan to go to Beijing this summer.
B: That sounds great. Where will you go when you get there?
A: I’m not sure yet. I have to make a plan. Where can I get a map of Beijing?
B: I have one. I can lend to you.
A: That would be great. I’ll take care of it and give it back when I’m done.
B: OK. Just be careful because it’s my only copy.
1. Where there are difficulties, there are ways to get over them.
2. Where there is opposition, there are rebellions.
3. Where there is contact, there is friction.
4. Where there are women, there are jealousy and suspicion.
5. Where there is a will, there is a way.


Son: Dad, I’ll be having my college interview with Harvard University next week.
Father: That’s great son, I’m glad to hear that.
Son: Yeah, but the problem is the competition to get into that college is very stiff.
Father: Well, are you sure you really want to go there?
Son: Yes, I’ve wanted to go to that college since I was in junior high school.
Father: Don’t worry, Son. If you really want to go there, then I’m sure you will get in. Remember, where there’s a will there’s a way.

1. Whether it rains or not, we’ll hold the sports meet.
2. They’ll find out the truth, whether or not you tell it to them.
3. Whether or not we like it, we have to accept it.
4. Whether you are willing or not, you have to do it.


A: I don’t like this movie.
B: Look, I already paid for the tickets, so whether you like it or not we’re going to finish watching it.
A: Well, I’ll just read a book then.
B: Don’t be such a stick in the mud. Just watch it with me.
A: But I don’t like it.
B: Come on, give it a chance. The movie just started.
1. Why not try to persuade him to give up smoking?
2. Why don’t you go ask the teacher?
3. Why not buy some ready-made food?
4. A: Let’s go to see a film tonight.
B: Sure, why not?


Teacher: I’d like you to introduce the guest speaker at the student assembly today.
Student: Why me? I can’t do that.
Teacher: Why not? You’re a good student and I think you will do a great job.
Student: But I’ve never spoken in front of so many people before. I wouldn’t know what to say.
Teacher: Don’t worry. I’ll help you prepare the speech. Why not give it a try?
Student: OK, I guess I have nothing to lose.
1. Would you care for something to drink?
2. Would you care for some tea?
3. Would you like to borrow my car?
4. Would you like to try yourself?


Waiter: How was your meal?
Customer: It was delicious.
Waiter: Would you care for some dessert?
Customer: What do you recommend?
Waiter: There’s a Greek pastry called baklava that’s made of chopped nuts, butter and cinnamon all soaked in honey. Would you like to try it?
Customer: Sure. It sounds delicious.
1. You are not to doze off in class.
2. You are not to waste your time doing nothing.
3. You are not to scribble on the wall.
4. You are not to take photos in the museum.


Boyfriend: May I see your daughter please?
Father: My daughter is very upset right now.
Boyfriend: Please just give me a chance. I want to talk to her.
Father: I’m sorry but you’re not to see her again.
Boyfriend: But why?
Father: You’re a monster. She doesn’t need someone like you to break her heart.
1. You can never be too careful driving.
2. We cannot praise him enough as a hero.
3. One cannot practice enough when learning a foreign language.
4. You can never overestimate Shakespeare’s plays.
5. You can never over-emphasize the importance of physical training.


A: Where is Allen? He’s late.
B: Did you give him directions on how to get here?
A: He told me he already knew how to get here.
B: You can never be too sure with him.
A: Why is that?
B: Because he has a bad sense of direction and he always gets lost.
1. You only have to ask her in order to know what has happened.
2. You only have to call her in order to know whether she will come or not.
3. I only have to consult the digital dictionary in order to find out the meaning of a word I don’t know.
4. You only have to ask the teacher in order to solve the problem.
5. You only have to get some newspapers in order to find the advertisements you need.


Teacher: Have you started your report yet?
Student: I’m having a hard time getting the information.
Teacher: It’s so easy to get information these days.
Student: Then how can I get it?
Teacher: You only have to search the Internet in order to get the information you’re looking for.
Student: Oh, I didn’t think of that.
# American english conversations :
A: Excuse me, do you mind if I sit down?

B: No. Let me move my bag.

A: Thanks. By the way, do you live in the dorm? I think I've seen you there.

B: Yes, I just moved in last week.

A: I live in the dorm, too.

B: Oh, really? Do you like it?

A: Yeah, it's okay. It takes me about 5 minutes to get to my first class in the morning.

B: I'm not so lucky. My first class is on the other side of the university. But I've got a bicycle, so it doesn't take too long.

A: I've got a bike, too. But I haven't needed it this semester.

B: Well, this is my stop coming up. By the way, my name's Bob.
A: Hi, Bob. I'm Sylvia.

B: Nice meeting you, Sylvia. I'll probably see you around.

A: Okay. Bye, Bob.
A: Hi there; I'm Zack. I saw you in the 8:00 class.

B: Oh, you mean Math 204?

A: Yeah, you probably didn't see me. I was late, so I was sitting by the door.

B: Well, I'm Sylvia. I'm sorry; did you say your name was 'Jack'?

A: Actually, it's Zack with a 'Z.'

B: Sorry, Zack. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

A: Don't worry about it. People are always calling me Jack.

B: Zack, why are you taking that 8:00 math class?

A: That's the only time I can take 204. If I could take it later, I would.

B: Yeah, I understand. My schedule's the same way.

A: But next semester, I think I'll be able to take Math 205 in the afternoon.

B: I'd like to do that. I'm just not a morning person; especially when it comes to math!
A: Dr. Evans?

B: Yes?

A: Let me introduce myself. I'm Mark Davis from Lakeside Hotel.

B: How do you do, Mr. Davis? It's very kind of you to meet me.

A: Oh, it's my pleasure. How was your flight?

 B: It was okay, but it was really long. I'm a bit tired.

A: I'd imagine so. That's a 19-hour flight from Sydney to Chicago.

B: I hope you don't mind if I just check in and go to sleep.

A: No, not at all. Let's pick up your bags and get you over to the hotel.

B: That sounds great.
A: Hey, Tyler! Long time, no see.

B: Sylvia! I haven't seen you here at the gym for ages.

A: Yeah, I've just been too busy to work out.

 B: How's school going?

A: Everything's okay except for an 8:00 math class I have.

 B: That is early! Say, it isn't Math 204, is it?

A: Yes, it is. Why?

B: Oh, a friend of mine is in that class.

A: Really? What's his name?

B: Zack Peterson. Do you know him?

A: I think so. What color is his hair?

 B: He's a carrot-top.

A: Yeah, that's him. He likes the morning math class as much as I do.
A: Jean, could you help me?

 B: Sure, Marie. What do you need?

A: Oh, it's this registration form I have to fill out for school; there's a line that I don't know what to do with.

B: Which one?

A: Where it says 'Country of Origin.' I was born in France, but when I was a baby we moved to California. That's where I lived until I went to university.

B: Your mother's an American citizen, right?

A: Yes, she is. She was born and raised in Texas.

]B: And you have a U.S. Passport?

A: Yes, I do.

B: Well, then, don't worry about that part. It's only for people who aren't American citizens.

A: Thanks, that's everything; I'm finished! All I need now is a stamp and an envelope.
A: Hi Steve. So that was your car I saw. I thought you always ate at the dorm.

B: Hi Juanita. Most of the time I do. But on Fridays and weekends, I like to go out.

A: Listen, you want to help me finish my fries? I shouldn't have ordered the large.

B: Thanks, they look good. Uh, by the way, Juanita, can I ask where you're from?

A: I'm from Isabela, a town in Puerto Rico. Why?

B: Well, you speak English fluently, and your Spanish is perfect.

A: I've used both languages ever since I can remember. My parents made sure I attended schools where they spoke English.

B: I'd love to be bilingual. I've studied Chinese for five years, but I know I'll never speak like a native.

A: Let me ask you something, Sebastian. Do you ever dream in Chinese?

B: Um, yes, I do sometimes. Is that a good sign?

A: It shows that you're making progress. I bet you know more Chinese than you think you do.
A: Hi, Viola. Anybody sitting here?

B: Oh, hi, Tyler. No, have a seat. Looks like the whole dorm came to have lunch today, doesn't it?

A: Yeah, it does; it's crowded. They must have bused some of them in! Hey, in class today I heard you say that you have a big family.

B: That's right. I've got six brothers and five sisters.

A: Wow! That is pretty big! Are you the oldest?

B: No. Actually, I'm the second oldest.

A: That's got to be a lot of work. What do your parents do?

B: Well, my father drives a cab. He works out at the airport at night.

A: What about your mother; what does she do?

B: My mother runs a small family store.

A: What kind of store is it?

B: Oh, we mostly sell food - bread, eggs, milk, rice, that sort of thing.

A: I guess a food store like that would come in handy if you had a large family.
A: Sylvia, what languages do you speak?

B: As you know, Korean is my first language. I also speak English and some Chinese. How about you; what languages do you speak?

 A: English, German, and French. While I was studying in Europe, I used French and German all the time. Now my French is rusty, but I do keep my German up.

B: How do you practice your German?

A: Oh, the man who lives next door--I call him Heinz--is from Berlin. He and I are always talking about Germany.

B: Well, all you need now is a neighbor from Paris!
A: Dan--what do you like to do in your spare time?

B: I like to play sports.

A: Which sport do you play the most -- volleyball, basketball, football, or baseball?

B: The last one. When I was in high school, I was a pitcher.

A: You're more active than I am. I like reading, photography, and computers.

B: I don't know much about computers. All I have is a typewriter.

A: Really, but you can't get on the Internet with that!

B: That's right. I use the library's computers when I read my email.

A: Well, I know what you need for your birthday!

A: That box looks heavy, Serena. Can I help you carry it up to your apartment?

B: Thanks. This chair was on sale, but I wasn't thinking about the stairs. I wish we had an elevator in this building!

A: I've got this side. Hey, Serena, I was wondering; what do you do during the day?

B: Well, on weekdays I usually get up at ten. I get on the Internet or read the paper for two hours. Then I eat lunch around noon. If I have time, I'll go catch a matinee at the theater over at the mall.

A: When do you go to work?

B: I catch a bus at three-thirty, and I get to the office about forty-five minutes later. Wait; let me unlock the door.

A: And what time do you come back?

B: Here in the corner is fine, thanks. Uh, I get home pretty late, usually after one in the morning.

A: Really? What exactly is your job?

B: Oh, I thought you knew. I'm a TV announcer. I do WNTV's entertainment reports! Haven't you seen me before?

A: Gee, I'm sorry. I never watch TV.
A: What time is it, Sylvia?

B: Uh, it's seven-fifty.

A: Huh, my watch is slow. Maybe it's the battery.

B: Oh, that reminds me; I should tell you about the scatterbrained thing I did.

A: What was that?

B: Well, a few mornings ago, when I woke up, it was already seven-thirty. I thought I'd slept through the alarm.

A: Seven-thirty! That didn't give you much time, did it?

B: No, it didn't. I took a quick shower, jumped into my clothes, and ran all the way here.

A: Did you make it in time?

B: Yeah, I think I got here right at eight. But there was one problem.

A: What was that?

B: There were no other students; I was the only one here!

A: Oh, no! Let me guess--it was Saturday!

B: That's right. I need a clock that tells me what day it is.
A: What time is it, Sylvia?

B: Uh, it's seven-fifty.

A: Huh, my watch is slow. Maybe it's the battery.

B: Oh, that reminds me; I should tell you about the scatterbrained thing I did.

A: What was that?

B: Well, a few mornings ago, when I woke up, it was already seven-thirty. I thought I'd slept through the alarm.

A: Seven-thirty! That didn't give you much time, did it?

B: No, it didn't. I took a quick shower, jumped into my clothes, and ran all the way here.

A: Did you make it in time?

B: Yeah, I think I got here right at eight. But there was one problem.

A: What was that?

B: There were no other students; I was the only one here!

A: Oh, no! Let me guess--it was Saturday!

B: That's right. I need a clock that tells me what day it is.
A: Excuse me, sir; I can't read this timetable. When does train 214 leave?

B: It leaves at four-thirteen pm.

A: And what time does it arrive in Chicago?

B: Just a sec; let me check. It gets in at six twenty-five pm.

A: Okay, I can read this; it's easier than I thought.
One more thing--I'll come back on Sunday. Should I use the same timetable?

B: If you turn the page over, you'll see the times for weekends and holidays on the other side

A: Great! Thanks for your help.

B: No problem. Have a good trip.
A: Hey Jenny; I'm home.

B: Hi Tom; anything new at work?

A: Yeah. The Lees asked us over to their house for dinner tomorrow night.

B: What time?

A: Harry said to come around 6:30.

B: That sounds fine. You know where they live?

A: Well, Harry drew me this map.

B: Wow, it's hard to read; the words are so small! Where's north; is it up here?
 A: Uh . . . , I think so.

B: Okay, then this dark line has to be the freeway. And . . . what's this dotted line?

A: Maybe it's a train track.

B: And this circle here looks like a lake. I think he wrote 12253 Waterview Court. Is that right?

A: Something like that. I can check my address book.

B: You know what, Tom? Let's get on the Internet and print out a better map. What do you think?

A: Yeah, let's do that. We'll get lost using this.
A: Can you take me to Civic Opera House, please?

B: Sure thing. You going to that musical that's playing there?

A: Yes. But it starts at six. Do you think we'll make it in time?

B: Traffic's light and we're not that far away. I'll get you there in about ten minutes.
A: Great! I was late the last time I went, and I couldn't get in till intermission. That's not good if you're a theater critic for the paper like I am.

B: Well, don't worry; this time you'll have plenty of time to spare.
-- A short time later --

B: Here you are, sir, Civic Opera House. What did I tell you? You're thirty minutes early.

A: I sure appreciate it. How much do I owe you?

B: Seventeen twenty-five.

A: Okay, here's a twenty. Keep the change.

B: Thank you, sir. Enjoy the show.

A: I will. Thank you.
A: Tickets . . . tickets, please. May I see your ticket, miss?

B: Yes. Uh, now where did I put it? Just a moment; let me look for it.

A: Sure.

B: In my bag? No. Is it on the seat, the floor? No. Oh, here it is in my pocket!

A: Thank you. Are you going all the way into the city?

B: Yeah, the semester's out and I just took my last exam, so I'm going to go sightseeing in Chicago.

A: Is this your first time riding the train to Chicago?

B: No, this is my second time, but I don't remember much. I came with my parents when I was 3.

A: Well, I'd suggest changing seats. The view's much better over on that side of the train.

B: Thank you, I'll do that.

A: And hold on to your ticket. You might be asked for it again. Have a nice trip.

B: Thanks for your help. Maybe I'll see you again when I come back.
A: Tyler, do you know of an easy way to get to the airport? I'm flying home for the holidays.

B: Why don't you take the bus, Sylvia? That's what I always do when I fly.

A: Okay, but I don't know anything about the bus service here.

B: Well, let me ask you--you ever heard of 'FastPass'?

A: No, not until now. Is that a bus line?

B: Yes, it is. It will take you straight to your terminal at O'Hare.

A: That sounds like what I need. Do you know how much it costs?

B: The last time I took it, it was $30 one-way. Let me see if I have their card in my wallet. Yeah, here it is. You should call 1-800-500-5500 to reserve a seat.

A: So, do I have to make a reservation?

B: No, you don't have to, you know. But it's better if you do. That way you can make sure you've got a seat. They're pretty crowded at times, especially around holidays.
A: Uh, I think you said 1-800-500-5500, right? I'll give them a call when I get home. Thanks a lot, Tyler.

A: Grist Clothing.

B: This is Pat Jones from Hope Industries. May I speak to George Grist, please?

A: Oh, Ms. Jones! This is George Grist speaking. How are you?

B: I'm fine, thanks. The reason why I called is to ask if I can come and show you our new swimwear catalogue.

A: I'd like that. Say, I'm free after lunch. So, how about this afternoon, say 1:00?

B: I'm afraid I can't, Mr. Grist. I'll be in a meeting all afternoon. I wish I could get out of it but . . .

A: I understand. Is Thursday at 3:00 okay? Are you free then?

B: Hmmm ... I think I am, but let me check. Uh, yes, 3:00 is fine.

A: Great. I'll see you then, Ms Jones.

B: Thank you, Mr. Grist. Bye.

A: Excuse me, ma'am?

B: Yes, sir. How can I help you?

A: I'm a guest here; I'm in Room 514. I have some free time this afternoon, so I want to go see a park, a landmark, something. What would you suggest?

B: Uh . . . Wrigley Field on a sunny day like today is nice.

A: Wrigley Field . . . ? Don't the Cubs play baseball there?

B: That's right. In fact, they have a game there at 4:00. You want to see a building with history? I think Wrigley Field is THE Chicago landmark to see.

A: Great, how do I get there?

B: Go north one block and take the El.

A: The 'El'?

B: Oh, that's short for 'elevated train.' Nothing gets you in or out of Wrigley faster.

A: Well, the game starts in one hour, so I'd better go now. Thanks for your help!

B: No problem; have a good time!
A: Uh, what does it say I should do next?

B: Excuse me. Do you need some help?

A: Well . . . yeah . . . I guess so. I'm trying to get to the university, but I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of this ticket machine.

B: Just push the green button that says 'University' and put in two dollars and seventy-five cents.

A: Okay. Like this?

B: Yes, that's right. The train you want will leave from platform 2 at 9:15, which is half an hour from now.

A: Thank you. Oh, and could you tell me how often the trains come?

B: They come every fifty minutes in the evening.

A: Okay. And do you know what station I should get off at?

B: You want University Avenue; that's five stops from here.

A: Okay, I think I've got it. Thanks again.

B: Sure. Good luck.
A: Hi Anna. I'd like to buy a ticket to Chicago, please.

B: What time do you want to leave, Mr. Robinson?

A: Well, tomorrow morning, as early as I can. I've got to see a client and appear in court before noon.

B: There's a bus every thirty minutes starting at 5:30 am.

A: Then, I'd like to leave at that time. Wait . . . my wife's going to drop me off here on her way to work. Could you give me a 6:30 ticket instead?

B: Sure. Will that be one-way or round-trip?

A: Oh, I probably should buy a round-trip ticket now because I'll be coming back tomorrow evening.

B: Do you know what time tomorrow?

A: Uh, do you have a bus that comes around 9?

B: Yes, there's one at 9 o'clock.

A: Okay, I'll take that. I told my wife that we'd go see a movie at 9:30.
A: Hello.

B: Hi there Sylvia. This is Tyler.

A: Oh, Tyler! Where have you been? I called you a few times. I even stopped by your place, but you weren't there.

B: Sorry, I didn't tell you. We go to Indian Lake every Fourth of July. It's kind of a family tradition.

A: Indian Lake? Where's that?

B: Uh, it's about an hour and a half from Chicago. My parents have a cabin here.

A: So, it's just you and your folks there?

B: Yeah, but they have to go back home tomorrow night. Say, would you like to come out?

A: I'd love to, but I can only stay for the weekend. I have a test Monday afternoon.

B: I can get you back in time if we leave early Monday morning. You know how the drive is Monday morning!

A: You don't have to drive me anywhere, Tyler. My friend just sold me her car; that's what I wanted to tell you. Now . . . how do I get to Indian Lake?

A: Frontier Airlines. How may I help you?

B: I'd like to make a reservation for the second of May.

A: Yes, sir. Could you give me the city you're leaving from and your destination, please?

B: I'll be departing from Houston, Texas, and flying to Chicago, Illinois.

A: And when do you want to return?

B: Uh, I want to come back on the fifth. Oh, and ma'am, I'd like the cheapest flight you have.

A: Yes, sir. Well, if you leave at 6 am from Houston on May fifth, the price for the flight is $150.

B: And what about from Chicago on the fifth?

A: That's also $150 if you leave at 6 am.

B: Great, let's do that. And would you have any information about places to stay? I'm going to an attorney's convention in the Michigan Avenue area.

A: Yes, sir. But first, may I have you name?

A: I'd like to reserve two tickets for the matinee on Saturday, the 10th.

B: For which movie, ma'am?

A: Oh, that's right; you have eight theaters there. Um . . . for 'Dark and Stormy Night,' please.

B: I'm sorry, that show is sold out.

A: Well, how about the matinee on the 11th?

B: Yes ma'am, we do have tickets for that show.

A: Are there any seats left in the middle?

B: Yes, but they're not next to each other. If you want them together, we still have seats in the front and at the back.

A: The front row sounds good. How much are the tickets?

B: $13 total.

A: Okay. Can I use my credit card to pay for the tickets?

B: Sure. Could you give me your name, the name of your card, the card number, and the expiration date, please?

A: Uh, just a second. I have to get my credit card out.

A: Skylight Hotel Reservations.

B: I want to reserve a room, please.

A: Certainly madam, when would you like to stay?

B: Next Thursday night, that's the 15th.

A: And what type of room would you like? Single or double?

B: Um, there were two of us going, but now it's only me, so . . . just a single room, please.

A: If you'd give me just a moment, please . . . Yes, we do have a single room available on the 15th. The room rate is ninety dollars.

B: Wow! Boy . . . that's a bit more than I expected to pay.

A: Well, you can try calling other hotels, but you'll find this is pretty standard.

B: Uh . . . okay. I don't have the time to call around and I know you're probably right.

A: Great. Let me go ahead then and reserve a room for you. Can you tell me your name, please?

B: It's Mrs. Horner, Peggy Horner. That's with two Gs.
A: 911.

B: Help. I need some help!

A: Yes sir. Can you tell me what is happening?

B: I'm at the university and a student of mine is . . . is going into labor right at this very moment.

A: Yes sir. Can you tell me exactly where you are?

B: On the . . . on the . . . I'm sorry, I'm a nervous wreck right now. We're on the second floor of Cutler Hall, room 211.

A: I understand, sir. May I have your name and the student's name?

B: Her name is . . . uh . . . Anita Rivera. And my name's Lawrence Clark. I'm a professor here at the university

A: Okay, who is there with you?

B: Um, Anita and two other students. They're watching her while I call. What do you think; should we drive her to the hospital?

 A: No, an ambulance is already on its way. It should be there very soon.

B: Uh, what should we do while we wait for it to come?

A: Just keep her calm and warm.

B: Okay, we'll do that. Thank you.

A: Jiffy Pizza. Can I take your order?

B: Yes. I'd like a large pizza.

A: What kind of toppings would you like on that?

B: Uh, I don't know. What toppings can I order?

A: Well, we've got pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ham, pineapple, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, and green peppers.

B: Hmm . . . I'll have sausage and mushroom. No . . . wait . . . let me change that. I'd like ham and pineapple on it.

A: Okay. Would you like a drink with that?

B: Yes. What do you have?

A: We've got one-liter bottles of apple juice, orange soda, grape soda, and cola.

B: I'd like the orange soda, please.

A: Okay. That comes to . . . thirteen ninety. May I have your name, address, and phone number?

B: Uh, my name's Joan Smith. I'm at 533 Rosewood Avenue, and you can reach me at 876-2345.

A: Okay. That's Joan Smith at 533 Rosewood Avenue, 876-2345?

B: Yes, that's right.

A: Okay. We'll be there at 5:15.

B: In half an hour? Great, thanks!

A: Dr. Silver's Office.

B: Oh, I thought you opened at 10:00 am, but my wife said to try earlier. She was right! I was going to call you at lunch.

A: Yes, people are always surprised that we're here so early. How can I help you, sir?

B: I'd like to make an appointment to have a check-up, please.

A: Okay. Could I have your name please?

B: Yes. My name is Ian Conley.
A: Mr. Conley, how about the day after tomorrow at 9:30?

B: Um . . . would you have anything in the afternoon? I have a meeting Thursday morning.

A: Okay. Hmm . . . we do have an opening that afternoon at 4:00. Would that be good for you?

B: Yes, that would be just fine.

A: Okay. Mr. Conley, while I have you on the line, could I just check a few things?

B: Sure.

A: Is your address still 2354 Locklear Street, apartment 11?

B: Actually, ma'am, it's number 17.

A: Okay, I'll change that. And your phone number--is it 233-4027?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Thank you, Mr. Conley. Alright, I have you down for 4:00 on Thursday afternoon.

B: Thanks. See you then.

A: Bye.
A: Agh! This phone booth is so dark. I don't know if I dialed the number right.

B: This is the International Operator. How may I help you?

A: Oh, great! Yes, sir. I'd like to make a collect call to Seoul, Korea, please.

B: What's the number you want to call?

A: The area code is 2, and the phone number there is 333-9373.

B: May I have your name, please?

A: My name is Sylvia.

B: I'm sorry. Could you spell that for me please, please?

A: Sure. It's S... like in Sally or Sherri, Y..., L..., V..., I..., A.

B: And who would you like to talk to?

A: Anyone who answers. It doesn't matter. It'll be either my mom or my dad.

B: Okay. Please hold on and I'll connect you. Alright, go ahead, ma'am; your party is on the line.

A: Thank you so much.

A: Great Lakes Fish and Lobster. How may I help you?

B: Yes, when I ate lunch there yesterday, I saw that you accept reservations.
A: Yes, we do.

B: Well, then I'd like to reserve a table for 6:00 tonight if that's possible.

A: Certainly, may I have your name, sir?

B: My name is Tyler.

A: And let me confirm the time you said--you want a table at 6 pm, is that correct?

B: Yes, it is.

B: How large is your party, sir?

A: Uh . . . including myself, there will be ten of us altogether.

B: And do you have a preference, sir?

A: Huh . . . excuse me?

B: Is there any place you would prefer to sit? We do have a smoking section out on the terrace.

A: Oh, I see! Um, would it be possible to reserve a table next to the window? You have a good view of the city.

B: Yes, we can arrange that.

A: Thank you very much.

B: No problem. We'll see you at six.
A: Hank Kern's office, Sally speaking.

B: Hi, this is Jack Mason calling. Could I speak to Harry, please?

A: Can you hold on one moment, please. I'll see if he's here.

B: Sure.

A: Mr. Mason, Harry walked over to the diner for lunch. He should be back soon. Would you like to leave a message for him?

B: Yes, could you ask him to call me at 708 429-1850. I need to talk to him about the blueprints I drew up for the Peterson building.

A: I'm sorry; could you repeat your number please?

B: Yes, it's 708 429-1850, and my name is Jack Mason. I'll be here at my office until 6:30 tonight.

A: Thank you Mr. Mason. I'll tell Harry to call you as soon as he gets back.

B: Thank you, bye.

A: Bye.
A: Sir, you've been using the Online Catalogue for quite a while; is there anything I can help you find?

B: Boy, I've got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I'm really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just don't know where to begin.

A: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don't you narrow it down to something like . . . uh . . . the history of the studios during that time?

B: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I typed in 'movie studios.'

A: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding '1930s' or '1940s' or maybe 'Golden Age.'
B: 'Golden Age' is a good idea. Let me type that in . . . . Hey, look, just 6 books came up that time. That's a lot better.

A: Oh . . . another thing you might consider . . . have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?

B: No, I've only been searching for books.

A: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the 'Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature.' And we do subscribe to 'The Los Angeles Times.' You might go through their index to see if there's anything you want.

B: Okay. I think I'll get started with these books and then I'll go over the magazines.

A: If you need any help, I'll be over at the Reference Desk.

B: Great, thank you.
A: Hello. Matt Ellis speaking.

B: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name's Pam Johnson. My roommate, Janet Holms, wanted me to call you.

A: Janet Holms? Oh, that's right; she's in my Shakespearean English class. Has anything happened to her?

B: Nothing, it's just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She's afraid she won't be able to attend your class this afternoon, though. I'm calling to see if it would be okay if I gave you her essay. Janet said it's due today.

A: Certainly, that would be fine. Uh, you can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.

B: Would it be alright to come by your office around 4:00? It's impossible to come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon.

A: Uh, I won't be here when you come; I'm supposed to be at a meeting from 3 to 6, but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00.

B: Fine; please tell her I'll be there at 4:00. And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is located? Janet told me where your class is, but she didn't give me directions to your office.

A: Well, I'm in Room 302 of the Gregory Building. I'll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I'll get it when I return.

B: I sure appreciate it; Janet was worried about not getting her paper in on time.

A: No problem. I'll look for Janet's paper later this evening. Good-bye, Ms. Johnston.

B: Bye, Dr. Ellis. Thanks again.
A: Hello, Steve?

B: Hi, Veronica. What's going on?

A: Oh, my car's having problems again, but I don't have the time or the money to get it fixed.

B: Is it really bad?

A: It's starting to overheat whenever I'm idling or in heavy traffic, and two days ago I had to pull off the expressway and wait until the engine cooled down.

B: Have you taken it into a shop?

A: Well, I went to two different places yesterday; one mechanic said he'd check the coolant level and look for fluid leaks, and the other guy said he thought it was the thermostat. I didn't leave the car with either of them, though, because I didn't have a ride back.

B: What are you going to do?

A: I really don't know. I'll have to figure out something; the bus service is terrible around where I live. Anyway, could I ask you for a favor?

B: Of course, what is it?

A: You know, tomorrow's Monday and we're supposed to turn in our homework in English, but I'm only gotten halfway through it-I've just been too busy. If I came over, would you help me finish it?

B: Sure, I'll be here all evening. And actually I haven't finished the homework either; I've just been putting it off, so it's good you're coming over-I need someone to motivate me.
A: Excuse me, Dr Chandler, do you have a moment?

B: Of course, what can I do for you, Sienna?

A: I want to change the topic of my paper. You know I was writing about Apollo 11, but now I want to write about something else.

B: I'm surprised. On Monday, you were showing me all the pictures of the moon landing you'd found on the Internet.

A: Well, yesterday my friend introduced me to her uncle, who was an astronaut at NASA up until a year ago. I'd like to write about him if that's okay.

B: Yes, that sounds like it'll be a fascinating paper. Make sure you include some historical facts, though; this gentleman's job must have been very interesting, but don't forget the historical context or background.

A: I've got some books about the American space program.

B: That sounds like a good start. You could talk a little about the European and Russian space programs, too.

A: I'll do that. I'll see you next week, Dr. Chandler. Thank you!

B: Bye, Sienna. I look forward to reading your paper.
A: Holly, is it possible to borrow your notes? I'll return them tomorrow.

B: Sorry, but I usually go to the cafeteria and review them. Say, how about copying them over in the library?

A: Okay, I think I've got enough coins for the machines. You're a lifesaver, Holly!
B: No problem. But I don't understand why you need my notes, Carter; you haven't missed any classes.

A: Weekday mornings, I'm a cashier at a coffee shop downtown. After work, I come directly to school, and, boy, am I beat!

B: Wow, you're probably exhausted!

A: That's exactly why I want to borrow your notes; I've been nodding off during class, so my notes aren't very good.

B: Well, here's Professor Labelle; how you feeling?

A: I'm usually awake at the beginning. But thirty minutes into class and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open.

B: Listen, I need someone to study with, and you need someone to keep you awake; want to be study partners?

A: Yeah, I'd sure appreciate it.

B: Okay; let's start today at the library. We're going there anyway, and I don't have to go to the cafeteria.

A: Sounds good. Oh, no, it looks like he's brought along some more of his slides; elbow me if I start drifting off.

B: I'm afraid I won't be very helpful; his slides make me sleepy too!

A: Oh, Janna, you're early! I'm happy you're here early today because I'd like to discuss your attendance for a moment.

B: Gee, Dr. Livingston, I'm really sorry about missing yesterday.

A: Actually, it's been several days. Counting today, we've only had 6 classes, yet you've already missed 4. You won't be able to pass if you're constantly absent.

B: Sorry, I've been extremely busy.

A: Well, I hope you're ready for today's exam.

B: Today? I thought it was Monday!

A: Read the syllabus, Janna; this is precisely what I'm talking about. You should either make an effort to attend, or you should consider withdrawing while it's still possible.

B: What do you mean?

A: Today's the final day you can withdraw and get a full refund.

B: Maybe I really should; what do you suggest?

A: I wish you could attend classes regularly; however, if you don't believe you're capable of this, then don't waste your money.

B: Thanks, Dr. Livingston; I really appreciate your advice. If it's okay, I suppose I'll go ahead and drop the class.

A: It's entirely up to you, but that might be best if you don't think things are going to change. Excuse me, the students are coming, and I've got to get ready for class. I wish you the very best of luck, Janna.

B: Thank you, Dr. Livingston. Good bye.
- Short talk :

Good morning everyone. My name is Professor Michael Andrews. On behalf of myself and my colleagues, I would like to welcome you to Extrasolar Planetology, which is a new class being offered by the Astronomy Department this year.

About twenty-five years ago, there was no solid proof that other planets existed beyond our solar system. Most astronomers at that time felt that planets had to be out there, but they could not see them or prove they were there. Why? Simply put, planets are small and space is vast. Imagine trying to see a pea with a telescope from a hundred miles away, and you'll understand how hard it is to find planets that are light years distant.

Clearly, something changed, for we now have a class called Extrasolar Planetology. What changed? Well, mainly, instruments got better and sophisticated telescopes were put into space. As a result, astronomers began to find the proof that they had lacked before.

The very first good evidence for the existence of other planets came from observations of 'wobbling' stars. Using their high-tech instruments and space-based telescopes, astronomers found that some stars wobbled as they moved through space. What could be causing this the astronomers wondered? And then Eureka! The only likely explanation seemed to be that these stars were being affected by the gravity of unseen orbiting companions. In other words-planets!

And now, if you would please turn off the lights, I would like to show you some slides of a few of these wobbling stars Class, before I let you go today, I want to tell you about a fascinating program that is going to be on in four days at 8 pm on Channel 12. It's part of the 'Great Minds in Psychology' series that has been on Public TV this year. The subject of Monday's program will be Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. The program explains how Freud pioneered the technique of psychoanalysis, and it looks at Freud's investigations into the internal conflicts between the conscious and unconscious. As you know from taking this class, Freud split the psyche into three parts: the id, the ego and the super ego. The program covers this fairly well, and everything is illustrated with great computer animation that makes the explanations really easy to grasp. One more thing I like is that Freud's controversial ideas are shown without bias, for the narrative is fair and balanced, as well as scholarly. There are no 'Freud lovers' or 'Freud bashers' here. You really should make an effort to watch this show, especially since some questions about Sigmund Freud will be on the quiz next Tuesday. But more than that, I think you will find the hour-long show to be both interesting and informative. By the way, it says here in the program notes that the following week's program will be about Carl Jung. I just hope that it's as good and evenhanded as this one is about Sigmund Freud. Well, that's all I have for today. Tomorrow is a holiday, so I will see you Monday afternoon. Oh, and please make sure you bring in your homework when I see you next time. Bye and have a good holiday!

Welcome. It looks as if everyone who's coming is already here, so let's start, shall we? In yesterday's class, I talked about how the Earth and the Moon are thought to have formed. As I told you, the best theory concerning their origins seems to be the 'Single Source' theory. This states that the Earth and Moon were made out of the same ball of molten mass. I also talked about how the Earth eventually cooled down and how its surface features formed. And just before the end of class, we looked at how all the continents were fused into one gigantic continent called Pangea. Now, to continue from where we left off, we know for certain that this massive continent did not last forever-just look at a present-day globe. According to current theories regarding continental drift, this huge landmass probably began to fracture into the continents we see today about 200 million years ago. This date is supported by the ages of basalt flows that have been found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It is likely, by the way, that the Atlantic did not form immediately after Pangea's breakup, but I'm getting way ahead of myself. Right now I want to show you a short video about Pangea. After that, I'll talk about the oceans.

Good afternoon everybody and welcome to English Etymology 201. I hope that all of you have found a seat and can hear me; if not, please let me know. My name is Professor Patricia Morris; I'll be your instructor for the next 10 weeks. As you can probably tell, this is one of the most popular-and crowded-classes on campus; indeed, every time this etymology course is offered, this room is filled to capacity. Why is that? Well, in order to use the English language, it's very important to have at least a basic understanding of word parts. Just to cite one estimate-and there are many-there are over 1 million words in the English lexicon. If you are an English learner, you might wonder how you can possibly remember all of these words. Well, for one thing, you don't have to; no native speaker exists who knows all of the words in the English language. Besides, there are shortcuts. Shortcuts? Yes, if you know the most commonly used prefixes, roots, and suffixes-most derived from Latin, Greek and Germanic sources-you will understand a good number of English words when you first run across them. Ears perk up whenever I put it this way-knowing the word parts that make up many English words will substantially increase your vocabulary. This is probably the number one reason why this class is so popular.

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Problems 100

100 Common English Usage Problems 1. a, an The article  a is used before consonant sounds  the article an before vowel sounds. Words ...