الجمعة، 7 أبريل 2017


# Personal Pronouns
‎الضمائر الشخصية
subject pronouns: ضمائر الفاعل
I , you, she. He ,It, we, you, they

object pronouns: ضمائر المفعول
me, you, him. her, it. us, you, them
-I like him a lot.
•We do not use a noun and a personal pronoun together.
- Jim is at work. (Not :(Jim) he is …)

•We use there + be  to mention something for the first time or to say that something or someone exists.

We use it + be to give more details about something or someone that has already been mentioned.
We also use it to refer to a person when we are identifying him or her.

-there is a message for you. It is from your boss.
-Who's on the phone? It's Mr. Fox.

•We can use it as the subject to talk about weather, distance, temperature and time and also with: it seems/appears that/it is said that, It doesn't matter, it looks like. etc.

-It's a ten-minute drive to the station. It's 23 'C outside.
-it seems that there are some problems with the new management.
OR There seem to BE  some problems with the new management.

•We use it to talk about something that has already been made clear.
We use one when it is not clear which thing in particular we are talking about.

-I can't find my wallet. Have you seen it? (The speaker is talking about a specific wallet.)
-I haven't got any nice jumpers; I need to buy one (The speaker is not talking about a specific jumper)

•In short answers and after as and than we use an object pronoun (informal) of a subject pronoun + auxiliary verb (formal).
# Possessive adjectives / pronouns
‎صفات وضمائر الملكية
This is Melanie. She is sitting at her desk. She is giving a file to her colleague, Samantha . The files behind her are hers .Melanie's boss  asks her to update them every meek.
Possessive Adjectives :         صفات الملكية  (تأتي قبل الأسم المملوك )
my    / our/your/your/his /her/ their                   =========================
Possessive Pronouns   :  ضمائر الملكية ( تأتي في نهاية الجملة ولا يأتي بعدها شيئ )
mine   /  ours / yours    / yours/ his / hers   / theirs

-I like Hussein. Do you like him, too, Hamdi?
- My sister never drinks milk. She doesn't like it.
- Where's Enas? Mona wants to talk to her.
- Karim, Hassan and I are going shopping. Do you want to come with us?
- Emad washed the plates, but he didn't dry them.
- Galal! Ali! Did you get that book for me?

•Both possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns can be used to talk about ownership or the relationship between people. Possessive adjectives are followed by noun whereas possessive pronouns are not.

كلاً من صفات وضمائر الملكية تستخدم للملكية ولكن صفات الملكيه يتبعها اسم أما ضمائر الملكية لا يتبعها اسم
-this is her bag. It's hers.

•We normally use possessive adjectives with parts of the body and clothes.
-Lucy twisted her ankle.
-He put on his jacket and his hat and left.

We use the and not possessive adjectives with prepositional phrases mostly when we are talking about things that happen to parts of people's bodies. For example, blows, pains, etc. Verbs usually used in this pattern are: hit, punch, slap, bite. touch. pat, sting, etc,

-She patted him on the shoulder.
-He's got a pain in the chest
We use the word own in the following structures to emphasize the fact that something belongs to someone.

Noun + of + my /your + own
My/ your + own + noun
-I wish I had a room of my own.
OR I wish I had my own room.

Note: its = possessive adjective.
The cat is licking its paw.
It's =it is or it has .

-It's (it is) raining. (V+ing)
-It's (it has) got one  room.  ( P.p)
Possessive case حالة الملكية
The possessive case can be used to talk about ownership or the relationship between people.
It is formed in two ways:

1- with's   for people or  animals

• singular nouns + s
-Bob's dog.

• plural nouns ending in –s       :     s'
-My parents' car.

• plural nouns not ending  in-s + 's
- The men's department.

• compound nouns + s
-My sister-in-law's family.

• We use    's    after the last of  two or more names to show common possession.
-Jackie and George's camera. (The camera belongs to both of them).

• We use   's   after each name to show individual possession.
-Peter's and Mike's cameras (Each boy has his own camera.)

2. with   of  for  inanimate things

• of + inanimate thing or abstract noun
-The wheels of  the car.
-The price of fame.

• a /the /this /that + noun + of + possessive
-She's a colleague of mine. That friend of Pamela's is a doctor.

When we refer to a certain place or time,  the possessive case is formed as follows:

* phrase of place ( shop /home /business ) + 's
- at the chemist's (we mean the shop)  
-at Susan's .(house)

*phrase showing length of time specific moment or event + 's
- a year's savings/two hours' drive/today's news.

• We can use either    's or of   when we talk about places or organizations.
-Rome's population OR   the population of Rome ..
Their, There, ,They’re
1- Their à ضمير ملكية للإنسان أو الحيوان ولابد أن يأتي بعدها شئ يمتلك
Ex: à The boys rode their new bikes .
à The president wouldn’t answer their questions.

2- There à تعني (هناك) ومن الممكن أن تدل على الاتجاه
ex: She is standing over there .
‎هنا تدل على الاتجاه
‎ملحوظة: يتم اختيار (there) إذا جاء بعدها (or) are is
Ex: There is no reason to worry.
There are no students here.
3-They’re à means they are
Ex: à They’re going to attend the party
# Relative Pronouns
‎ضمائر الوصل
هي الضمائر التي تربط بين الجملة الوصفيه والاسم الموصوف ( بمعنى تعود على الاسم الذي تم وصفه في الجملة الثانيه )
وضمائر الوصل تستخدم لربط جملتين بسيطتين لتحويلهما الى جمله معقده وسنتناول هنا كل واحده بالتفصيل وكيفية ربط جمليتين .
وضمائر الوصل هي :
Who   –   whom   –   which   –  that   –   whose   –  where   -  when

*This is the boy who writes the lesson .
‎.يكتب الخطاب  هذا هو الولد الذي
* This is the boy whom I saw him yesterday.
‎هذا هو الولد الذي رأيته بالأمس .
* This is the pen which I bought yesterday.
‎ذلك القلم الذي اشتريته بالأمس .
* This is the place where I live.
‎ذلك المكان الذي أعيش فيه .
* This is the place in which I live.
‎ذلك المكان الذي أعيش فيه .
* This is the man whose son is a doctor.
‎هذا هو الرجل الذي ابنه دكتور .
* This is the writer whose book is good.
‎هذا هو الكاتب الذي كتابه جيد .
*The children played with kites Ali had made them. (join)
The children played with kites which Ali had made.
*Ali and Hassan are my brothers. I'm proud of them.
Ali and Hassan are my brothers whom I'm proud of.
*There are the beans . I poured a lemon juice over them.
These are the beans which I poured a lemon juice over.
*This is the house of Mr. Ayman. Omar lives in this house.
This is the house of Mr. Ayman where Omar lives.
‎* في حالة الربط  نحدد الجزء المتكرر في الجملة الثانية :  
‎ :  إذا كان فاعلا عاقلا .who
‎ : إذا كان مفعولا عاقلا. whom
‎  إذا كان مفعولا غير عاقل.: which

Who = that  
‎تستخـدم لربـط الجمـل ببعضهـا وتحـل محـل الإسـم أو الضمير المكـرر فى الجملـه الثانيـة .
‎تحـل محـل فاعـل عاقـل وتوضـع بعـد الفاعـل الذى تصفـه ويمكن استخـدام  that   بدلا منهـا .
-Ahmed is my friend.  He won the prize.    ( who )
Ahmed who ( that ) won  the prize is my friend.

‎لاحــظ  :ـ
-That is the man.  He helped me
That is the man who ( that ) helped me.
Who = whom = that
-Ahmed is my brother.   You met him yesterday.      ( whom )
Ahmed whom  ( who -  that  ) you met yesterday is my brother.

‎  :ـ  يمكـن حـذف ضمـير الوصـل إذا كان يحـل محـل مفعـول .
Ahmed, you met yesterday is my brother.
That's the man.                         You are talking about.
That's the man whom  / who  / that  you are talking about.
That's the man you are talking about.

‎  :ـ  يبقـى حـرف الجـر كما هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يوضـع قبـل ضميـر الوصـل  whom   فقـط وليـس
 who – that .
That's the man about whom you are talking.

Which =that
‎تحـل محـل الفاعـل أو المفعـول غير العاقـل وتوضـع قبل أو بعد الاسم الذى تصفه ويمكن استخدام   that   بدلا منها .
-The books are all mine.  They are on the shelf.
The books which ( that ) are on the shelf are all mine.
-I opened the window.   It overlooks the garden.     ( which )
I opened the window which ( that ) overlooks the garden.
-The dog is mad.  You killed it.
The dog which ( that ) you killed is mad.
The dog, you killed is mad.
‎لاحــظ  :ـ  حلـت   which  محـل المفعـول لذلـك يمكـن حذفـها .
-He bought a new car.   He made an accident with it.
He bought a new car  which ( that ) he made an accident with.
-He bought a new car with which he made an accident.
‎يبقـى حـرف الجـر كمـا هـو بعـد الفعـل أو يستخـدم قبـل  (  which  )  وليس that .

‎تستخـدم للملكيـة عاقـل وغيـر عاقـل وتحـل محـل ('s)  أو صفـة الملكيـة  (  .( my , his , her
, its , your , their , our
-That's the man.   His son succeeded.                            
( whose )
That's the man whose  son succeeded.
-My uncle travelled abroad.  We live in his house.       ( whose )
My uncle in whose  house we live travelled abroad.
‎لاحــظ  :ـ  يمكـن إستخـدام حـرف الجـر قبلهـا ولا تستخـدم   that  بـدلا منهـا .

Where                                                                                      تستخـدم مـع المكـان .
-This is the house.   We live in it now. (Where )
This is the house where we live.

‎تستخـدم مـع الزمـن ( الوقـت ) .
-It is the month July.    We go on holiday.      ( when )
It's the month July when we go on holiday.

‎ملحوظة :ـ  يمكن حذف  who , which  عندما تحل محل الفاعل إذا جاء بعدهما  v. to be  أو مبنى للمجهول
‎ويحذف v.to be .
-They boy who was punished yesterday got the worst marks.
The boy, punished yesterday got the worst marks.
-The food which was left in the dirty container has turned bad.
The food left in the dirty container, has turned bad.

•where to refer to place, usually after nouns such as place, house, street, town, country, etc. it can be replaced by which/that +preposition and, in this case. which/that can be omitted.

‎تستخدم في التعبير عن المكان وغالباً تأتي بعد أسماء معينة مثل ( مكان / منزل / شارع / مدينة / بلد ) .
‎ويمكن أن تستبدل بالتعبير المكتوب عاليه وفي هذه الحالة يمكن أن نحذف which/that
-The house where he was born has been demolished.
-The house (which/that) he was born in has been demolished.

• when to refer to time usually after nouns such as time period, moment, day, year,
summer, etc, it can either be replaced by that or can be omitted.

‎تستخدم للتعبير عن الوقت أو الزمن وتأتي بعد كلمات تدل علي وقت مثل (لحظة / يوم / سنه / صيف ) ويمكن أن        أو تحذف .that تستبدل ب
-That was the year when she graduated.
-That was the year (that) she graduated.
• why to give reason, usually after the word reason. It can either be replaced by that or can be omitted.
-The reason why she left her job was that she didn't gel oft with her boss.
-The reason (that) she left her job was that she didn't get on with her boss .
‎#  أسماء الموصول
 -1 that , which , who
Which في حالة النصب للأشخاص اما Whom في حالة الرفع و Who أ- یستعمل اسم الموصول فتستعمل مع الأشیاء بدون تغییر

ب- تستعمل That عوضا عن which & who
‎حیث ھي تختلف بأنھا تستعمل لتحدید شخص او شیئا.
He is the man who came yesterday.
‎ھو الرجل الذي جاء امس .
The man whom I saw is here.
‎الرجل الذي رأیتھ ھنا .
The book which I read is there.
‎الكتاب الذي قرأتھ ھناك .

My brother who is in Australia sent me this book.
My brother that is in Australia sent me this book.
لاحظ الفرق بین الجملتین :
في الجملة الاولى who تقدم جملة فرعیة غیر محددة وفي الجملة الثانیة that تقدم جملة فرعیة محددة.
 ھكذا في الجمل الفرعیة التي ھي وصفیة وغیر محددة یجب استعمال who & which

The house which is beautiful stands near the river.
‎البیت الذي ھو جمیل یقع قرب النھر .
Keats who was an English writer died in 1821.
‎اكیتس الذي كان كاتباً أنجلیزیًا مات عام1821.

: which & who عوضا عن That ج- متى نستعمل

‎- عند البدایة :
I do hope it’s the room that I wanted.
‎امل ان تكون ھي الغرفة التي اریدھا.
It wasn’t the food that he disliked.
‎لم یكن الطعام ھو الذي لم یحبھ .

: every , all , only بعد التفضیل وكلمات -
It’s the best room that they have.
‎ھي الغرفة الافضل التي لدیھم .
He’s only customs officer that I’ve ever met.
‎ھو ضابط الجمارك الوحید الذي صادفتھ او قابلتھ .
She believed every word that he said.
‎ھي صدقت كل كلمة التي ھو قالھا .

- عندما یشیر اسم الموصول الى الاشخاص او الاشياء
The tourists and baggage that arrived here today.

2- حذف أسم الموصول
‎أ- في كثیر من الجمل المدرجة اعلاه ممكن حذف اسم الموصول لانھ لیس الفاعل ویمكن حذف اسم الموصول اذا كان في حالة نصب
‎السیاح والامتعة الذین وصلوا ھنا الیوم .
The people and events that are described in this book.
‎الناس و الحوادث الذین وصفھم ھذا الكتاب .
The man (who) I saw is here.
‎الرجل الذي رأیتھ یكون ھنا .
The book (which) I read is there.
‎الكتاب الذي قرأتھ یكون ھناك .
Didn’t you get the letter (that) I wrote?
‎ألم تستلم الرسالة التي أنا كتبتھا ؟
She believed every word (that) he said.
‎صدقت كل كلمة التي ھو قالھا .
It’s the best room (that) they have.
‎ھي احسن غرفة التي لدیھم .

‎ب- في الجمل التالیة اسم الموصول ھو الفاعل ولایمكن حذفھ .
They have a double room which overlooks the park.
‎لدیھم غرفة مزدوجة التي تطل على الحدیقة .
The business man who talked to you yesterday has two cars.
‎رجل الاعمال الذي تحدث الیك البارحة یملك سیارتین
 3- الجمل الایجابیة مع what
أ- في الجمل الایجابیة فإن what تعني الشيء
‎الذي وتترجم الي كلمة ما .
That’s what I asked for.
‎ھذا ما سألت عنھ .
She gave him what he wanted.
‎أعطتھ ما یحتاج الیھ او ما ھو أراد .
The one , The ones -4
‎أ- نستعمل ھذه الضمائر عندما نرید تجنب تكرار الكلمة الواحدة .
Have you a room vacant?
‎الدیك غرفة شاغرة ؟ .
There’s the one by the lift on the second floor.
‎ھناك واحدة قرب المصعد في الطابق الثاني .
I like this car better than the one you bought.
‎احب ھذه السیارة اكثر من تلك التي انت اشتریتھا .
‎5- الأرقام
‎أ- عند استعمال الاعداد الحاویة ثلاثة ارقام نستعملھا غالبًا مفصولة ، فغرفة رقم .260
Two نقول عنھا
Two hundred and sixty أو sixty.

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