# للتثقيف اكثر مماينبغي
الجزء الاول
Words You Should Know to Sound Overeducated
Drop a few of these words into casual conversation, and your friends, colleagues, and bosses will think you are particularly sagacious (see below). But be careful! If you use too many of these words, you run the risk of sounding obstreperously overweening (see below)!
aberrant (AB-uh-runt), adjective
Abandoning the correct, expected, or proper way of doing things; straying from the “right” or norm.
Alice’s decision to quit college and tour the country on motorcycle seemed so ABERRANT to her parents that they asked her to get a psychiatric evaluation.
aberration (ab-uh-RAY-shun), noun Diverging from a moral standard or expected course. Aberration refers to a usually temporary departure from what is normal or expected. Something that deviates from a customary or natural course of action is an aberration.
Sally’s poor work in the first part of October was hardly grounds for dismissal; it was an ABERRATION caused by serious problems at home.
abide (uh-BIDE), verb To withstand, patiently wait for, or tolerate. To abide is to tolerate or endure. Abiding also refers to the ability to withstand and/or persevere. I could ABIDE my dinner companion’s bigotry for only so long; by evening’s end, I had to challenge him.
ablution (ab-BLOO-shun), noun Washing or cleansing the body as part of a religious rite; any cleansing, purification, or purging. Ablution is the washing away or cleansing of sin or spiritual uncleanness.
Pilate turned away from the crowd and called for a bowl of scented water with which to perform his ABLUTIONS.
abnegate (AB-ne-gate), verb and noun
To renounce, surrender, or deny privilege to oneself. Abnegation is the act of denying oneself something considered vital or important. Hunger strikes or long fasts are a form of abnegation.
The activist’s fast lasted for forty-seven days; in an election year, such ABNEGATION draws headlines and attention from elected officials.
abortive (uh-BOR-tive), adjective Unsuccessful or fruitless. Something that is abortive has failed to come to fruition. The word also refers to something that is partially
or imperfectly developed.
Although it was the astronauts’ failure to dock at the station that drew media attention, the ABORTIVE mission had many potentially more serious problems as well.
abrogate (AB-ro-gate), verb To nullify or cancel. Abrogation is an official action used to formally and unilaterally conclude an agreement or deed. Something that has been repealed or abolished has been abrogated.
The United States ABROGATED the treaty after evidence appeared suggesting that the other nations had failed to honor the agreement.
abscond (ab-SKOND), verb
To depart quickly and in secret, especially to avoid criminal charges. To abscond is to secretly flee the consequences of one’s acts, particularly those acts leading to illicit gain. Prosecuting attorneys might accuse someone convicted of embezzling of absconding with company funds if the person left the firm shortly after the alleged crime.
The bank robbers immediately ABSCONDED with the money to Mexico.
acclimated (AK-lih-may-tud), verb
Having adapted or become accustomed to.
At first Tami found college life lonely and stressful, but after a few weeks she became ACCLIMATED and never longed for home again.
accoutrement (uh-KOO-truh-mint), noun A superficial characteristic that, nonetheless, identifies a person, group, etc. Accoutrement also can refer to accessory items of clothing or equipment. In both cases, the word is usually plural. Five televisions per household is just one of the ACCOUTREMENTS of American life.
adduce (uh-DUCE), verb To cite as an example or justification. To adduce is to bring something forward for consideration. To cite an example or put forth a proposition is to adduce.
I would ADDUCE the following reasons in support of rewriting the club charter.
adjudicate (ad-JOO-di-cate), verb To employ judicial procedure as a means of hearing and settling a case.
To adjudicate is to have a judge or someone in authority reach a decision on some difficult point. It is usually reserved to describe processes of resolution within a legal setting.
Gentlemen, if this case is hard for you to argue, rest assured it is equally difficult for me to ADJUDICATE.
adventitious (add-vin-TISH-us), adjective Arising or occurring sporadically or in unusual locations. Adventitious has a meaning similar to “accidental.” Every time I plant a garden, ADVENTITIOUS wildflowers pop up to ruin my design.
aegis (EE-jiss), noun From the Latin meaning “shield,” an aegis is a controlling or conditioning influence. Also, control by one individual, group, organization, etc.
Tom tried to explain his illegal activity by claiming he was under the AEGIS of a crooked boss.
aggrandize (uh-GRAND-ize), verb
To raise the importance of or make to appear great. To aggrandize is to increase the prestige, influence, reputation, or power of a person or institution.
What had started out as a simple report quickly degenerated into meaningless self-promotion; Peter could not resist the urge to AGGRANDIZE himself.
akin (uh-KIN), adjective Showing a similar feature or quality. Two things that are comparable or related in some important way are said to be akin. I feel that Harry’s repeated falsification of his records is much more than a breach of policy: it is AKIN to outright perjury.
albeit (all-BE-it), conjunction A favorite word of pundits and editorial writers, albeit means simply “even though.” “I love chocolate,” Kate said, “ALBEIT it makes me hyper.”
alliterative (uh-LIT-er-ah-tive), noun Using the repetition of initial consonant sounds in language. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” is an ALLITERATIVE tongue-twister.
amalgamate (uh-MAL-guh-mate), verb To blend into a coherent single unit. Originally, an amalgamation was the mixture of an alloy or metal with mercury. Today, to amalgamate is taken to mean to combine of a number of elements into a whole.
The two boards voted to AMALGAMATE the firms as soon as possible.
amble (AM-bul), verb
To walk in an easy or leisurely manner; to saunter or stroll. To amble is to go at an unhurried pace. Someone who explores a garden by walking through it slowly and reflectively at a comfortable pace could be said to amble through the garden.
The day’s last customer AMBLED from one end of the shop to the other; no amount of staring from the clerk, it seemed, could make him come to the register.
anachronism (uh-NAK-ruh-niz-um), adjective
The depiction of something as occurring or existing at a point in time it did not. An anachronism is an intentional or unintentional representation of a historically incorrect situation. A portrait of George Washington holding a pocket calculator would be an example of an anachronism.
The author’s weak grasp of Greek history is demonstrated by several embarrassing ANACHRONISMS in the book’s very first chapter.
ancillary (AN-se-lare-ree), adjective
Secondary or subordinate; serving an auxiliary or supportive function. An ancillary role is a role that does not “command the spotlight,” but that may entail support duties of some importance.
He took a great deal of pride in his work, even though the pay was poor and most of his duties were ANCILLARY to those of the regional director.
anemic (uh-NEE-mik), adjective Of or pertaining to a medical condition in which one’s blood is deficient in red corpuscles; also, extraordinarily weak. I made a few ANEMIC efforts to get some work done last night, but I couldn’t really focus on the job at hand.
annunciate (uh-NUN-see-ate), verb To proclaim or announce. Annunciate is a more formal, sometimes religiously oriented way to express the idea of proclaiming or announcing.
The ANNUNCIATION of the Virgin Mary figures importantly in Catholicism.
antediluvian (an-ti-de-LOO-vee-en), adjective
Pertaining to the period prior to the Great Flood recounted in the Bible. Figuratively, antediluvian has come to mean woefully out-of- date or extremely old-fashioned.
Rachel’s ideas are outmoded, but those in Paul’s report are practically ANTEDILUVIAN.
aperitif (uh-pair-uh-TEEF), noun An alcoholic beverage consumed before a meal. The clock struck six o’clock and the guests at the dinner party were served APERITIFS.
apoplectic (ap-uh-PLECK-tic), adjective An “apoplexy” is a stroke, but apoplectic often is used to describe an extremely agitated state of rage. Fred’s carelessness can make me so APOPLECTIC that I just want to stomp him into jelly.
apotheosis (uh-POTH-ee-oh-sis), noun A perfect example; the epitome of a person, place, thing, etc. Also, apotheosis can mean something or someone elevated to god-like status.
No, Bob, I can’t agree that death metal is the APOTHEOSIS of rock ‘n’ roll.
appellation (ap-puh-LAY-shun), noun Title or name. An appelation is the formal name of something. I wish you would stop calling me Doctor; I have never gone by that APPELATION.
apprise (uh-PRIZE), verb To notify; to cause to be aware of. (See, for comparison, the entry for appraise.) Have you been APPRISED of the most recent news from home?
approbation (ap-ruh-BAY-shun), noun Official approval or commendation. Tim felt his boss’s APPROBATION was even better than a raise since she was usually so hard to please.
apropos (ap-ruh-POE), adverb Opportunely; as an apt point. The structure is typically apropos of . . . , meaning “speaking of . . .” or “with regard to . . .” The word comes from the French for “to the purpose of . . .”
APROPOS of our vacation, it occurs to me that we haven’t yet selected a hotel in Honolulu.
aquiline (ACK-wuh-line), adjective Resembling an eagle or curving like an eagle’s beak. Neil wasn’t sure that it was a compliment when Julie described his features as AQUILINE.
arbiter (AR-bi-ter), noun A person selected to judge or mediate an issue in dispute. An arbiter is the person assigned the power to make a final decision. A person selected to rule definitively on a salary dispute, for example, would be an arbiter.
It is not my plan to ask an ARBITER to step in; I firmly believe you and I can settle this amicably between ourselves.
arcane (are-CAIN), adjective
Known only to a few; secret.
It’s too bad, thought Yolanda, that my ARCANE knowledge isn’t earning me any extra money. Maybe I can get on a game show.
archaic (ar-KAY-ik), adjective Relating to or resembling something from the past; antiquated. Grandma refused to use our washing machine to clean clothes, insisting instead on her ARCHAIC washboard and bucket.
arrant (AIR-ant), adjective Typically used with a negative connotation, arrant means thorough, complete, through-and-through, without qualification, etc. Mindy considers Jack an ARRANT fool because he refuses to respond to her advances.
askance (uh-SKANTS), adverb Sometimes used simply to denote the manner of looking obliquely at an object, person, or situation, askance often implies judgment or disapproval.
I looked ASKANCE at Philip when he left the store without paying for his bubble gum.
aspiration (ass-puh-RAY-shun), noun Goal; desire; something one wishes to achieve. Marco, whose ASPIRATION was to be a concert violinist, practiced his instrument at least eight hours a day.
assay (UH-say), verb To test or examine; to check out. My insurance company would not settle my accident claim until an adjuster had ASSAYED the damage to the car.
assiduously (uh-SID-joo-us-lee), adverb Constantly; unceasingly in effort; persistently. Someone who is diligent and persistent is assiduous. Someone who works unremittingly and attentively works assiduously.
Karen worked ASSIDUOUSLY to complete her final project, but was still one day late.
asunder (uh-SUN-dur), adjective Into pieces or parts; separated. The lightning bolt had torn the old hickory tree ASUNDER, and it now lay shattered and twisted in my grandparents’ yard.
attenuate (a-TEN-you-ate), verb
To spread thin; to cause a decrease in amount, value, power, severity.
Jim’s strategy was to ATTENUATE the impact of Joan’s accusations of harassment by suggesting that she had somehow invited his overtures.
augmentation (awg-men-TAY-shun), noun
The process of increasing in extent, size, or scope. The broadening, extension, or increase of something is that thing’s augmentation.
He had hoped to bring in enough money with the second job, but even this AUGMENTATION of his income was not enough for him to meet the payments.
auspices (AWS-pis-uz), noun Support, encouragement, or patronage. Auspices is generally used with “under.” To operate under the auspices of an organization is to act with that organization’s encouragement or permission. The emergency food shipments were delivered under the AUSPICES of the United Nations.
autonomous (aw-TAHN-uh-muss), adjective
Being in charge of one’s own life; independent of other influences; self-governing.
Peter had always struggled to remain AUTONOMOUS after leaving home, so it was no surprise to us that he chose to start his own business after graduation.
aver (uh-VER), verb To assert the truthfulness of a statement. I can AVER that your boyfriend is, in fact, a horse’s butt.
axiomatic (ak-see-uh-MATT-ick), adjective Something accepted to be self-evident. “You don’t have to tell me that life isn’t fair,” said Joan to her teenage son. “That’s just AXIOMATIC.”
badinage (BAD-in-azh), noun Witty, playful banter. As their mutual attraction became clear, the BADINAGE between Mike and Sarah became increasingly suggestive.
bailiwick (BAY-li-wick), noun
Originally coined to describe an area controlled by a bailiff, the term bailiwick has come to mean any special domain.
I was exasperated by that so-called “customer service agent” because all she would ever say in answer to my queries was, “That’s not my BAILIWICK.”
balderdash (BALL-der-dash), noun Nonsense; a ridiculous idea or suggestion. To say an idea is balderdash is to dismiss it as senseless, idle, or worthless. Balderdash is used almost exclusively to describe writing or speech.
He went as far as to suggest the works of Shakespeare had been written by Queen Elizabeth, as if further examination of that BALDERDASH would help his cause.
banal (buh-NAHL), adjective
Trite; unoriginal.
Aaron always dismissed the insights of the other philosophers as BANAL, but I for one never heard him utter a single profound idea.
bandy (BAN-dee), verb To exchange or pass back and forth. Trading words or blows is often referred to as bandying. To exchange witticisms or insults is to bandy them about.
The two sides BANDIED threats and accusations for months, but it was clear that neither nation wanted war.
baneful (BAYN-ful), adjective
Extremely harmful, ruinous, or destructive. Bane is anything that spoils or destroys utterly; baneful, then, means deadly and likely to cause ruin. The word is often used for dramatic effect and so is likely to describe that which should be considered deadly.
His BANEFUL influence on the younger man in the squad was the cause of all the misdeeds we are examining.
basal (BAY-suhl), adjective Fundamental and basic. “The BASAL issue here,” Donny said, “ is what is right versus what is wrong!”
belabor (bih-LAY-burr), verb To go over and over a position excessively, even to the point of absurdity. Also, belabor can mean “to attack verbally.” As usual, you’re making a jerk of yourself by BELABORING your point long after I’ve agreed with you.
bellwether (BELL-weh-ther), noun A leader, or something that indicates future developments. This term often is used in business, to discuss business trends. We may have to change our plans. I’m afraid those dark clouds are a BELLWETHER of today’s weather shifts.
bemoan (bih-MOAN), verb To regret passionately or to complain about an ill turn of events. Joel could not stop BEMOANING the fact that he was only three numbers off of the Powerball jackpot.
besotted (bih-SOTT-ed), adjective
To besot is to make stupid or dull, especially due to drink. But the most common use of this word is its adjective form, which describes someone who is drunk. Also, besotted can describe anyone who has been made foolish by anything, such as love, money, a drive for power, etc.
I can’t hang out with Will anymore because he’s so ridiculously BESOTTED with Anna.
bewail (bih-WAIL), verb
To express deep sorrow or regret over something, usually by weeping.
After his marriage ended, Chuck spent months BEWAILING his fate.
bifurcate (BI-fur-kait), verb To divide one thing into two. The group seemed unified at first, but it soon BIFURCATED into two very disagreeable factions.
bilateral (bye-LAT-er-uhl), adjective
Involving or pertaining to both sides of something. A bilateral agreement is one that affects and is binding upon both parties.
It is useless to try to settle such issues in our legislature; only a BILATERAL trade agreement will resolve our disputes with that nation.
bisque (bisk), noun A thick and creamy soup made from meat, fish, or shellfish. Mom didn’t care what else was on the menu, as long as the restaurant offered lobster BISQUE.
blather (BLATH-er), verb To gabble or talk ridiculously. Someone who blathers is prone to talk nonsense or discuss meaningless issues for extended periods. We tried to leave the party, but Mark insisted on BLATHERING endlessly to the hostess about his new car.
boondoggle (BOON-dahg-uhl), noun Useless activity designed to make one look busy. In an effort to appear efficient, Sally filed and re-filed paperwork, but her boss caught on to her BOONDOGGLE.
botanical (buh-TAN-ih-kull), adjective Of or pertaining to plant life. A botanical garden is one that features a wide variety of plant life. The word comes from the Greek botanikos, meaning “herb.”
Martin’s BOTANICAL survey of rainforest plants required a series of trips to Borneo.
bourgeois (BOO-zhwah), adjective or noun
In its noun form, this French word was adopted by Karl Marx to describe members of the middle class who want to maintain the status quo. In both its adjective and noun form, bourgeois denotes a member of the middle class, and it often is used negatively.
Dave is so BOURGEOIS he goes to a liquor store across town so his neighbors won’t know he drinks.
braggadocio (brag-uh-DOCE-ee-oo), noun Bragging or meaningless boasting. Braggadocio can refer both to actual boasting or to a person who engages in it. It appears that the dire warnings we received some weeks back were nothing more than BRAGGADOCIO.
bravado (bruh-VA-do), noun An open show of bravery. That which is characterized by a display of boldness shows bravado. The mayor’s swaggering attitude of BRAVADO was of little help when the town was finally attacked.
bravura (bruh-VOOR-uh), adjective and noun An amazing or daring display of style, technique, or expertise; also, as a noun, a particularly difficult and showy passage in a piece of music requiring both technical proficiency and great energy on the part of the performer.
Ron Liebman’s portrayal of attorney Roy Cohn was a BRAVURA performance, the kind that makes critics sit back in awe.
brevity (BREV-ih-tee), noun
Shortness. Someone who writes with brevity writes in a way that is terse and to the point.
Paine’s argument was stated with such BREVITY and passion that within one short month of its publication it seemed every colonist was in favor of independence from Britain.
brigand (BRIG-und), noun One who lives as a bandit, plundering riches. The BRIGANDS held up the stagecoach and terrified the passengers.
brouhaha (BROO-ha-ha), noun
An event that involves or invokes excitement, turmoil, or conflict.
The BROUHAHA in the hotel lobby was the result of a rock star making his way from his limousine to the elevator.
brusque (brusk), adjective Short; abrupt or curt in manner. A person who discusses things impatiently or with shortness is said to be brusque. Her BRUSQUE exterior put Tom off at first, but he later discussed many important issues with Ann in depth.
burgeon (BURR-jin), verb To sprout, to grow, to blossom and flourish. The BURGEONING “green” movement may change the way people live their everyday lives.
bygone (BYE-gone), adjective and noun Something gone by. A bygone occurrence is one that took place in the past. Used as a noun, a bygone refers to an event that took
place long enough ago to be seen in the proper perspective, as in the phrase “Let bygones be bygones.”
The inn calls to mind a BYGONE era of Southern hospitality.
cadaverous (kuh-DAH-vuh-russ), adjective A cadaver is a dead body, so someone or something that is cadaverous is painfully thin and suggests death. Images of the CADAVEROUS survivors of Nazi concentration camps continue to haunt the world’s consciousness.
calamitous (kuh-LAMM-ih-tuss), adjective Having extremely dire consequences that point toward a calamity. The stock market’s CALAMITOUS crash gave rise to a nationwide panic.
capacious (kuh-PAY-shus), adjective Capable of holding a great deal of something. Something that is spacious or capable of encompassing a large quantity of an item can be said to be capacious.
Don’t let his show of ignorance fool you; he has a CAPACIOUS memory and a strong eye for detail.
carafe (kuh-RAFF), noun
A wide-mouthed bottle for holding liquid.
I would have been happy with a single glass of the house wine, but Billy, who was in a generous mood, insisted we order a CARAFE of the expensive Chardonnay.
cardinal (KAR-dih-nul), adjective Primarily important; vital; prominent. A cardinal sin is one of great seriousness. As a noun, cardinal can refer to a number of things or people regarded as primary or important, including a kind of high official in the Roman Catholic church.
Whatever you do, remember the CARDINAL rule we have in this house about avoiding the subject of religion.
carouse (kuh-ROWZ), verb
To engage in boisterous social activity or to drink to excess.
During his twenty-fifth high school reunion, Dave CAROUSED more in twenty-four hours than he had in the last ten years combined.
catharsis (kuh-THAR-siss), noun To purify and rejuvenate the body and spirit by purging them of whatever is causing problems; to release tensions and achieve renewal by an outpouring of emotion.
Jimmy’s therapist suggested that the young boy take up painting as a means of achieving a CATHARSIS after his father’s death.
cavort (kuh-VORT), verb
To caper about; to prance.
Elwood and Riley were so happy to be released from the kennel that they spent half an hour CAVORTING wildly about on our lawn.
celerity (suh-LAIR-ih-tee), noun Speed; swiftness of action or motion. Celerity comes from the same Latin root as accelerate. I will carry out your orders with CELERITY, sir.
celestial (suh-LESS-chul), adjective Relating to the skies or the heavens. At first Sam thought that the CELESTIAL body he had picked up on his telescope was a spaceship, but it turned out to be a meteor.
cerebral (suh-REEB-rul), adjective
Appealing to or involving the human mind; characteristic of intellectual pursuits; also, pertaining to the brain.
Bill’s lofty observations on the nature of existence are a little too CEREBRAL for a party like this; you’ d be better off inviting Charlie, who tells such funny stories.
cessation (sess-SAY-shun), noun The act of drawing to a close. Cessation is the process of ceasing or reaching a point of abatement. Continued diplomatic effort may well bring about a CESSATION of hostilities.
chanteuse (shan-TEUZ), noun
A female singer, usually one who performs in nightclubs.
Although he claimed to like the decor and the atmosphere of the club, we suspected that Elaine, the CHANTEUSE who performed there, was the real reason Jimmy kept going back.
circumlocution (sir-kum-lo-CUE-shun), noun Overwordy and indirect language. Language that is overblown and tedious is considered circumlocution. The student’s use of CIRCUMLOCUTION lengthened his report, but lowered his grade.
clamorous (KLAM-uhr-uss), adjective Loud; expressively vehement. A clamorous crowd is noisy and demanding; a clamor is a loud outcry. The throngs in the street roared with CLAMOROUS applause.
climactic (klie-MAK-tik), adjective Of or pertaining to a climax. (See, for comparison, the entry for climatic.) The CLIMACTIC moment of the play comes when Hamlet finally kills Claudius.
climatic (klie-MAT-ik), adjective Of or pertaining to climate. (See, for comparison, the entry for climactic) The CLIMATIC conditions in northern Alberta during the winter really don’t agree with me.
coalesce (ko-uh-LESS), verb To unite or grow into a single whole. Disparate groups that coalesce for a single cause (thus forming a coalition) put aside their differences or separate goals to present a united front.
No amount of pleading from Jones could convince the two unions to COALESCE.
coda (KO-duh), noun In music, the final passage of a movement or piece; also, the final part of anything, especially an artistic work. As the “experimental” orchestral piece finally reached its CODA, I saw the percussionist yawn and look at his watch.
codify (KOD-ih-fy), verb To reduce to the form of a code. To codify a series of positions is to systematize them, setting them down into distinct rules and guidelines.
It is high time we CODIFIED the existing maze of tax regulations.
cogitate (KOJ-ih-tate), verb
To think about or ponder seriously.
The president, never one to be pressured into a decision, closed the discussion by saying he needed another week to COGITATE on the matter.
cognition (kog-NISH-un), noun Perception; the process of knowing. Cognition can also mean “knowledge.” The process of COGNITION develops with amazing rapidity over the first two years of life.
cognizant (KOG-nuh-zunt), adjective Aware or well informed. The attorney angrily denied the charges that his client had been COGNIZANT of the scheme to defraud consumers.
coiffure (kwa-FYOOR), noun A hairdo; the style of one’s hair. When you’re as rich and powerful as Don King, I imagine you can get away with wearing any COIFFURE you like.
colloquial (kuh-LO-kwee-ul), adjective In common conversational use. Colloquial is used to describe breezy, informal communication, either written or spoken. A colloquialism is a common phrase or expression of a conversational or informal nature.
You cannot expect a college president to take seriously a letter so COLLOQUIAL in tone.
collusion (kuh-LOO-zhun), noun
A conspiratorial or secret understanding entered into for an illicit or fraudulent end. To enter into collusion with someone is to join with him in a secret plot or strategy.
The leaders were arraigned on price COLLUSION in violation of anti-trust laws.
comely (KUM-lee), adjective Pleasing or attractive. Also; appropriate. A comely appearance is one that is fetching or inviting. Jane is COMELY, but her mother fears that the men she attracts will not make her happy.
commodious (kuh-MODE-ee-uss), adjective Very spacious, large, and roomy. The COMMODIOUS suite at the hotel was worth all we paid for it and more.
compendious (kum-PEN-dee-us), adjective Comprised of all necessary or essential components, yet concise. Something that is compendious (usually a piece of writing) deals with all important matters in a tight, succinct format.
The new desk encyclopedia is COMPENDIOUS but typographically unattractive.
comport (kum-PORT), verb To behave in a particular fashion. Also: to stand in harmonious relation. This second sense of comport is usually followed by “with.” That does not COMPORT with the facts, counselor.
comprise (kum-PRIZE), verb To include or contain; to consist of. (See, for comparison, the entry for compose.) The new complex COMPRISES several floors of student residences, a cafeteria, and a recreation area.
compunction (kum-PUNK-shun), noun Unrest or self-dissatisfaction arising out of a feeling of guiltiness. A compunction is a sensation of remorse or uncertainty about a decision or course of action.
I will sign her dismissal notice myself without COMPUNCTION; she is easily the most incompetent salesperson I have ever worked with.
concerted (kun-SUR-tid), adjective Mutually devised or planned. A concerted effort is one that features mutual effort toward an established goal. The two made a CONCERTED effort to get Vivian to change her mind, but she was resolute.
confabulate (kun-FAB-yoo-late), verb
To chat or talk informally. Confabulate derives from the Latin for “to have a conversation with.” (Confabulation also has a technical meaning in psychiatry: the process by which people invent and believe stories to fill mental gaps due to memory loss. Confabulation is sometimes used in this sense in general discourse to describe extravagant storytelling.)
“I have no time to CONFABULATE,” the actor exclaimed melodramatically before leaving.
conflagration (kahn-fluh-GRAY-shun), noun In general, a conflagration is a fire, but the word typically denotes a massive, uncontrollable, and very destructive fire.
The CONFLAGRATION caused when the separate wildfires united led to evacuations up and down the coast.
connotation (kon-uh-TAY-shun), noun
An implication beyond literal meaning; an unspoken suggestion. To connote is to suggest something implicitly; accordingly, a connotation is a secondary meaning discernable “beneath the surface.”
His article on race relations uses several phrases that carry unfortunate CONNOTATIONS.
connote (kuh-NOTE), verb
To imply, suggest, or hint at another meaning in addition to a primary one.
To many people the term “ frontier” CONNOTES a rough and primitive lifestyle, but most pioneer families maintained household living standards that equaled those of the eastern relatives they’ d left behind.
consummate (KON-sum-mate), verb
To complete or finalize; to bring to a point of finality or a desired end. To consummate something is to bring it to its point of fulfillment. When we speak of a marriage’s consummation, we refer to the married couple’s establishment of a sexual relationship. Business agreements and contracts are also consummated.
The real estate agent CONSUMMATING the deal realized a substantial commission.
contiguous (kun-TIG-yoo-uss), adjective Joining physically; touching. The prize offer is limited to residents of the forty-eight CONTIGUOUS states.
contravene (kon-truh-VEEN), verb To go against or deny. A person who opposes something by action or argument can be said to contravene that thing. The orders I left were to be CONTRAVENED by no one but the colonel.
contrivance (kun-TRY-vunce), noun A device or artful means of acquiring or performing something. Contrivance may refer to an actual mechanical object, or, more darkly, to a plot or scheme.
The false expense report totals—a rather obvious CONTRIVANCE—were discovered well before the embezzlement took place.
conundrum (kuh-NUN-drum), noun
A riddle or puzzle.
“I don’t understand anything,” Stan said, in the months following graduation. “Now that I’m out on my own, my whole life is one big CONUNDRUM.”
conveyance (kuhn-VAY-unts), noun In general, a conveyance is something that serves to transport something or someone. In real estate terms, a conveyance is the document that creates a property transfer.
Our visit to the “wild west” site was greatly enhanced by a ride on an authentic CONVEYANCE: a Conestoga wagon.
convivial (kuhn-VIV-ee-ull), adjective Describes someone who is fond of good times: drinking, feasting, hanging out with good friends. Kevin is so CONVIVIAL that he’s always the life of the party.
convoke (kuhn-VOKE), verb To call together for a meeting; to summon. You might also see the noun form of this word, which is “convocation.” An announcement went out over the intercom to CONVOKE seminar participants.
coquettish (ko-KET-ish), adjective Given to flirting. Coquettish is almost always used to describe women rather than men. Little Amy’s COQUETTISH display was noted with amusement by all.
corpulent (KORP-you-lunt), adjective
Obese; fat; bulky.
A CORPULENT waiter, apparently meant to frighten us into sensible eating, waddled out to ask us whether we were interested in hearing about the restaurant’s special low-calorie entrees.
coterie (KOH-tuh-ree), noun From the French meaning “an association of tenant farmers,” a coterie is an exclusive group of people, often meeting with a specific goal in mind.
Those in favor of the proposal formed a COTERIE that quickly became a very vocal minority.
countenance (KOUNT-nunce), verb The familiar noun form of this word means “appearance.” As a verb, countenance is to indicate approval, to sanction something. I’m afraid I can’t COUNTENANCE your dangerous exploits, so please take me home.
countervail (kown-tur-VAIL), verb
To use equal force against; to compensate.
The challenger hit the champion with two quick left jabs and a right uppercut, but the champion COUNTERVAILED with a left hook.
crescendo (kruh-SHEN-doe), noun A gradual increase in volume or intensity to a certain point (used especially in relation to musical works). As the orchestra reached a thundering CRESCENDO, my six-year-old son continued to sleep peacefully by my side.
crestfallen (KREST-fall-uhn), adjective In low spirits; extremely depressed. When I heard that Mapa would have to work late that evening, I was CRESTFALLEN.
criterion (krie-TEER-ee-un), noun
Standards; qualities or preconditions that must be met. Plural: criteria.
Stan met all of the college’s CRITERIA for admission, but he put off applying because he simply didn’t believe he was smart enough to survive there.
culinary (KYOO-lih-nar-ee), adjective Relating to cooking or the preparation of food. My CULINARY efforts these days are much humbler than my library of cookbooks would lead you to believe.
curative (KYOO-ring), adjective Serving to provide a remedy. Curative refers to the ability to provide alleviation of an ailment. The CURATIVE measures were slow but effective; Joseph eventually recovered completely.
dalliance (DAL-ee-unce), noun A lighthearted undertaking; carefree spending of time. A dalliance is an inconsequential event. (The word often refers to an amorous
flirtation or distraction.)
Jean made a show of being jealous, but the truth was she understood Brian’s past DALLIANCES.
dauntless (DAWNT-luss), adjective
Unable to be intimidated or put down; brave; fearless.
Although Jan had told Michael she would never marry him, he was a DAUNTLESS suitor, sending flowers and candy on a daily basis.
decanter (dih-CAN-ter), noun A fancy glass bottle used for serving wine, brandy, etc. As teenagers, Austin and Billy would sometimes steal wine from the DECANTER in the den, replacing it with fruit juice.
déclassé (day-klass-AY), adjective
This French word describes someone whose social position has fallen or labels someone or something as being of inferior status.
Jean thought her imitation designer bag looked exactly like the real thing, but the other girls in her exclusive private school quickly ridiculed Jean—and her bag—for being DÉCLASSÉ.
decorum (di-COR-um), noun Social propriety; dignified conduct. Decorum can also refer to a harmonious union of elements in a piece of art or literature. Though the delegates were extremely frustrated at the chairman’s move, they betrayed no emotion, and strict DECORUM was observed in the meeting hall.
decry (dih-CRY), verb To condemn, ridicule, or denounce as harmful. It is unconscionable to DECRY due process just because the system is sometimes abused.
deign (dane), verb To condescend; to lower oneself to a position or role considered unsuitable. Since Walter won that writing prize, he hasn’t DEIGNED to return any of my phone calls.
demarcate (de-MAR-kate), verb To establish the limits of. Demarcating is the process of setting down boundaries. The idea of a new house had been abstract, but once Joan and Peter DEMARCATED the land, their undertaking felt suddenly real.
demur (dih-MUR), verb
To take exception; to object, particularly as a result of deeply held principles.
Mike suggested that we run an ad alluding to our opponent’s supposed ties to organized crime, but Congressman Taylor DEMURRED.
denigrate (DEN-ih-grate), verb
To defame or speak ill of; literally, to blacken (a reputation, for instance).
Reprinting, without permission, the cruder poems of the writer’s formative years was one strategy the reviewer used to DENIGRATE her entire body of work.
denizen (DEN-ih-zun), noun An inhabitant or resident. Michael regarded homeless people as DENIZENS of another world until a series of setbacks landed him unexpectedly on the street.
denouement (day-new-MAH), noun This French word for “untying” is used in literary circles to describe the resolution of a plot following its climax. In general, a denouement is the “wrapping-up” of any complex series of events.
I was disappointed with the play because I felt its DENOUEMENT left too many loose ends.
derivation (dare-ih-VAY-shun), noun Source. Also: the act or process of deriving. A thing’s derivation is its origin or path of descent. The phrase’s DERIVATION is unclear, but it may have its roots in an obscure tribal dialect of Borneo.
descry (dih-SKRIE), verb To spot as a result of attentive observation; to discover or find. With mingled relief and dread the crew learned that the lookout had DESCRIED the white whale Ahab had been hunting.
desiccate (DESS-ih-kate), verb
To cause to dry out.
The food preparation process for the items to be taken on the astronauts’ voyage involved elaborate DESICCATING and sanitation procedures.
détente (DAY-tahnt), noun From the French meaning “to slacken,” a détente is the loosening of strained relations. After Graham and Heather stopped yelling at and started listening to each other, the DÉTENTE between them began.
devoid (dih-VOID), adjective
Lacking utterly; without.
“No matter how skilled a surgeon you become,” Dr. Smith told the intern, “you’ ll fail as a doctor if you continue to be DEVOID of compassion and sympathy for patients.”
diatribe (DIE-uh-tribe), noun Bitter denunciation. A diatribe is a pointed and abusive critique.
The professor had scrawled a scathing DIATRIBE in red on the unfortunate boy’s paper.
dichotomy (die-KOT-uh-me), noun
Division into two (contrasting) halves, pairs, or sets. A dichotomy is the division of mutually exclusive ideas or groups.
“There is public interest and there is private interest,” said the Senator. “And reconciling that DICHOTOMY can be a difficult job.”
digress (die-GRESS), verb
To wander off the point of a discourse or conversation; to turn away from a course.
The topic of the speech was interesting enough, but Bill had an unfortunate habit of DIGRESSING from his text with irrelevant off- the-cuff stories.
dilate (DIE-late), verb To expand. The rock star’s DILATED pupils led some to believe that he had been experimenting again with narcotics, and quite recently.
diminutive (dih-MIN-yuh-tiv), adjective Describes someone or something of small stature. Marcia’s forceful personality overcomes her DIMINUTIVE stature.
disabuse (diss-uh-BYOOZ), verb
To free oneself or someone else from an incorrect assumption or belief.
The bestselling work of history caused many to DISABUSE themselves of the notion that President Franklin Roosevelt was an entirely benevolent leader.
discursive (dis-KUR-siv), adjective
Rambling; not to the point.
Unfortunately, the study group tended toward long, DISCURSIVE examinations of the day’s social events rather than preparation for our term papers.
dishevel (dih-SHEV-ul), verb and adjective
To put (hair or clothing) into disarray.
Although Adam answered the interview questions intelligently, his DISHEVELED appearance led the interviewer to doubt his professionalism.
disparate (DISS-puh-rut), adjective
Utterly dissimilar. Two things entirely or fundamentally different can be said to be disparate.
After inviting his mother to live on the East Coast with him, Clark wondered at how they would reconcile their DISPARATE lifestyles.
disputation (dis-pyoo-TA-shun), noun
A debate, especially, a formal debate.
The two candidates for student body president gave surprisingly mature and well-reasoned DISPUTATIONS about important school issues.
disquisition (diss-kwuh-ZISH-un), noun A formal written or spoken exploration of a particular subject. I was fascinated by the author’s DISQUISITION concerning the history of the remote control.
dissimulate (diss-IHM-you-late), verb
To hide one’s feelings from another, often by using untruths.
Feeling extremely guilty about his affair, Jake would DISSIMULATE behind a wall of anger whenever Tricia asked him pointed questions.
distraught (dih-STRAWT), adjective Deeply hurt emotionally. Phyllis was DISTRAUGHT after her favorite cat died.
doleful (DOLE-full), adjective Causing or expressing grief or affliction. I decided to rescue Rex from the animal shelter because I was entranced by his DOLEFUL expression.
domicile (DOM-ih-sile), noun A residence. A domicile is one’s legal, permanent home. The defendant at that time had no DOMICILE, your honor; she was a homeless person.
donnybrook (dahn-EE-brook), noun
A free-for-all, knock-down, drag-out fight.
Police expected a DONNYBROOK at the protest march, but both those for and those against the issue were peaceful and courteous.
dossier (DOSS-ee-ay), noun A collection of documents offering detailed information on a particular individual or topic. Keeping or referring to a dossier on someone often carries sinister overtones of that person’s espionage or subversion.
Marie finally obtained her DOSSIER by means of an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act.
droll (drole), adjective Wryly amusing. Something that is strikingly odd and humorous is droll. The little volume was filled with DROLL illustrations that further undermined any attempt at authoritativeness.
dross (dross), noun Useless material; trash. The young poet was scarred for life when her father described her poems as “DROSS” and told her to throw them away.
ebullience (ih-BOLL-yunce), noun The quality of being optimistic in speech or writing; vivaciousness. Ebullience is the expression of feelings or notions in a lively,
upbeat manner.
Sharon’s EBULLIENCE in delivering the presentation really set her apart from the others on the team.
éclat (ay-KLAH), noun This French word suggests great public acclaim . . . or notoriety. The ÉCLAT that greeted the reclusive author’s last book seemed to cause him dismay rather than joy.
edification (ed-ih-fih-KAY-shun), noun Enlightenment. To edify someone is to instruct him or share important insights with him; edification is the process by which this is done.
Although the author includes several supplements on ancient Egyptian construction methods for the EDIFICATION of his readers, these are not directly connected with the book’s central idea.
effervescent (eff-ur-VESS-unt), adjective Bubbly; sparkling; lively. Myra’s EFFERVESCENT personality makes her a favorite guest at our parties.
efficacious (eff-ih-KAY-shuss), adjective
Producing the desired outcome; effective.
Tom’s lawyer tried a battery of shrewd negotiating techniques during the meeting, but only outright threats to walk away from the deal proved EFFICACIOUS.
effrontery (ih-FRON-ter-ee), noun Impudent boldness. Effrontery is shameless audacity. She had the EFFRONTERY to ask for a raise after three months of dreadful performance.
egress (EE-gress), noun Exit. The stewardess’s earnest request that we try to make an orderly EGRESS from the burning plane had little effect.
élan (AY-lahn), noun From the French meaning “to hurl,” élan is high-spirited morale that results from extreme confidence. The ÉLAN with which my son attacked the obstacle course filled me with pride.
elision (ih-LEE-zhun), noun A deliberate act of omission or the omission of one or more syllables in a word, such as when a poet writes “ne’er” for “never.” Keeping some of the details of the accident from the children seemed like a reasonable ELISION.
emasculate (ee-MASS-kyoo-late), verb
To castrate; also, to deprive of strength or essential elements.
In the editor’s view my book had been subject to “deft pruning of occasional offensive passages”; in mine, it had been utterly EMASCULATED.
enceinte (en-SAYNT), adjective French, by way of Latin, for “enclosed area,” enceinte describes a woman who is pregnant. After two years of trying to get pregnant, Lena was overjoyed the day she learned she was ENCEINTE.
engender (en-JEN-dur), verb To beget; to cause to exist. My decision to move east has ENGENDERED a good deal of hostility on my brother’s part.
ennui (on-noo-EE), noun Listlessness, dissatisfaction, or boredom. Ennui is French for “boredom.” A sense of ENNUI pervaded the office during the long offseason period.
ensue (in-SOO), verb
To come afterward; to follow; to happen as a result.
When a tractor-trailer skidded out of control and spilled its load of lumber across Route 128 yesterday afternoon, a huge rush-hour backup ENSUED.
envisage (en-VIZ-uj), verb To picture or conceive of. To envisage is also to consider or project mentally. The group of developers ENVISAGED an apartment complex on the waterfront property.
ephemeral (ih-FEMM-uh-rul), adjective
Lasting only a short while.
Our school’s joy at winning the state basketball championship turned out to be EPHEMERAL, as the title was suspended when officials learned of the presence of an ineligible player on the team’s roster.
episodic (ep-ih-SOD-ik), adjective Made up of episodes; consisting of a group of separate but only externally related anecdotes; tending to digress. Although the novels of Dickens and Twain still enthrall modern readers, many are puzzled by their EPISODIC structures.
epistle (uh-PISS-uhl), noun An epistle is a formal letter. Christians and biblical scholars are familiar with the epistles of the Apostle Paul. As the popularity of text messaging rises, the EPISTLE is becoming a dying art form.
epithet (EP-ih-thet), noun
A word, description, or expression (often disparaging) meant to characterize a person.
The EPITHETS used by members of the Nixon administration to describe their political enemies were often unsuitable for publication in family newspapers.
epitome (ee-PIT-uh-mee), noun The highest or supreme example. Many people consider “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” to be the EPITOME of 1970s situation comedy.
eroticize (ih-ROT-uh-size), verb
To take something “tame” and sexualize it.
There’s no need to EROTICIZE Shakespeare because his works are already filled with bawdy—sometimes downright filthy—puns.
errant (AIR-unt), adjective Describes someone who likes to travel or something that/someone who wanders about aimlessly. The buzzing of ERRANT flies practically wrecked the contentment I had been feeling while sitting on the dock.
erroneous (ih-RONE-ee-us), adjective Wrong. Your suggestion that I spent the summer on the coast of California avoiding writing my book is completely ERRONEOUS.
erstwhile (URST-hwile), adjective
Former; of or pertaining to a long-past time.
Boston Red Sox fans can only dream of what might have been had their ERSTWHILE star Babe Ruth not been sold to their archrivals, the New York Yankees.
eructation (ih-ruhk-TAY-shun), noun A fancy word for “belch.” The verb form is “eructate.” Miss Smithers hid her dainty ERUCTATIONS behind a charming cloth napkin.
eschew (ess-CHOO), verb To shun; to stay away from, especially as a result of moral or ethical concerns. Chuck ESCHEWED his coworkers’ nights out on the town, knowing they almost always concluded with a visit to a strip club.
espouse (ih-SPOWZ), verb To advocate as though one’s own. Espouse can also mean to take in marriage. Do you have any idea how complicated it would be to implement the plans you are ESPOUSING?
ethos (EE-thoass), noun From the Greek meaning “custom” or “habit,” an ethos is the underpinning philosophy that guides a person, community, nation, group, etc.
I can’t support any group that seems to have divisiveness as its guiding ETHOS.
excogitate (ecks-CAHJ-ih-tate), verb To study something carefully in order to understand it as fully as possible. Dad spent so much time EXCOGITATING over the map that we missed our flight.
exemplar (ig-ZEHM-plur), noun The original, to which all future examples are compared. For many, Abraham Lincoln is the EXEMPLAR of a war-time president.
exorbitant (egg-ZORE-bih-tunt), adjective
Beyond what is reasonable; extreme or excessive.
Christopher had thought he needed a laptop computer to make his business trips easier, but after seeing the EXORBITANT prices, he decided he could go without for another year.
expedite (EKS-puh-dite), verb
To speed up (a process or action); to complete promptly.
My father’s friend at the Registry of Motor Vehicles was able to EXPEDITE my driver’s license application, and I was spared the standard six-week wait.
extant (ik-STANT), adjective
Existing; in existence.
The EXTANT laws on the subject did not make adequate provisions for issues of sexual harassment, Maria argued, and would have to be updated.
extricate (EKS-trih-kate), verb
To remove from an entanglement.
Having gotten us into an impossible dilemma, Warren appeared to have no idea how we should go about EXTRICATING ourselves from it.
extrinsic (iks-TRINZ-ik), adjective
Not part of the true nature of something.
The revolution was less of a spontaneous eruption of anger against capitalism as a system, and more of a reaction to EXTRINSIC forces like the constant oil shortages that came about because of international sanctions.
fabricate (FAB-rih-kait), verb To create something. Often, this word is used negatively, to suggest that one is lying, or “creating” false information. Mom shook her head because she could tell I was just FABRICATING my explanations.
facet (FASS-it), noun A component or aspect. A facet is also the flat smooth surface of a polished gem. To say something is multifaceted is to say it has many dimensions or components.
I am afraid I am unfamiliar with this FACET of the case.
facetious (fuh-SEE-shuss), adjective Meant to evoke laughter or enjoyment; not intended seriously. My suggestion that we pack the children off to live with their grandparents for a few decades was FACETIOUS.
facile (FASS-ill), adjective Describes something accomplished easily. The teacher said the work would be difficult, but most students found it rather FACILE.
fallacious (fuh-LAY-shuss), adjective False; containing a logical error or serious misapprehension. Fallacious is derived from fallacy, which means a false notion. As it turned out, McCarthy’s accusations against the Army were totally FALLACIOUS.
fallacy (FALL-uh-see), noun A misconception; an erroneous perception; a deceit. For some childhood is a time of innocence; but it’s a FALLACY to say it is like this for all children.
fauna (FAW-nuh), noun The animal population of a particular region or time period. (A plural noun.) According to this article, the FAUNA of Australia include more marsupials than are found on any other continent.
faux (foe), adjective Fake or counterfeit in nature. Jill made such commotion over the FAUX pearls I gave her that I began to suspect she thought they were real.
felicity (fih-LISS-ih-tee), noun Bliss; extreme happiness. Felicity can also refer to something that gives rise to sublime contentment. Her FELICITY at the news that her brother had been located knew no bounds.
fiefdom (FEEF-dum), noun The domain over which a feudal lord rules; an area over which one has control or domain. Mr. Duncan treated his wife and children as if they were his subjects, the lucky few privileged to occupy his FIEFDOM.
flagellate (FLADGE-uh-late), verb
To whip.
My daughter, a lifelong animal lover, refused to go on the stage coach ride at the amusement park because of the way the driver FLAGELLATED the horses.
florid (FLOOR-id), adjective Describes something or someone with a reddish, rosy tint. In addition, florid can be used to describe writing or speech one considers too showy and ornate.
Critics praised her, but I found the pundit’s FLORID prose a real turnoff and got through only the first twenty pages of her book.
folderol (FALL-duh-rahl), noun
Foolishness, a trifle, something nonsensical and unimportant.
The commentator called all of the political wrangling nothing but FOLDEROL that kept anything substantive from being done to solve the problem.
foliage (FOLE-ee-udge), noun
A group of leaves, branches, and flowers.
The best time to view the fall FOLIAGE in New England is at generally early October, when the reds, oranges, and golden yellows are at their most brilliant.
foment (fo-MENT), verb
To aid, nourish, feed, or encourage.
Some in the university argued that our group’s purpose was to FOMENT a revolution, not work for reform, and they demanded that we dissolve.
foofaraw (FOO-fuh-raw), noun A lot of fuss about a lot of nothing, or an excessive amount of decoration on oneself, in a room, etc. Whether or not the celebrity had removed a mole became a FOOFARAW debated for days by the entertainment press.
foray (FORE-ay), noun An initial try. Originally, a foray was a sudden military advance. Elizabeth’s FORAY into the world of publishing was not without disheartening moments.
forebear (FORE-bare), noun An ancestor; forefather. Kate’s illustrious FOREBEAR was a pre-eminent figure in the abolitionist movement.
forefend (for-FEND), verb To protect, defend, secure, etc. After he bought a television with a fifty-five inch screen, Keith bought an alarm system to FOREFEND it.
foreordained (fore-or-DANED), verb To ordain or appoint in advance; predestined. Although Milton viewed his promotion to management as FOREORDAINED, his wife had her doubts.
forestall (for-STALL), verb To anticipate an action and thus work to prevent it from happening. Alice saw that the driver was going to run the red light, so she paused at the intersection, FORESTALLING an accident.
forte (fort), noun One’s niche or strong point; that at which one excels. Interior decorating was Frank’s FORTE, but he resisted making a career of it for fear of what “the guys” would say.
fortuitous (fore-TOO-ih-tuss), adjective
Accidental; lucky or fortunate. A fortuitous event is one that comes as a pleasant surprise.
After years of trial and error, Dr. Powers made a FORTUITOUS discovery when he mistakenly combined two chemical compounds.
fracas (FRAK-us), noun Commotion; a noisy disagreement. The nightly FRACAS between the couple next door is always loud enough to wake me out of a sound sleep.
fribble (FRIB-uhl), verb or noun To waste one’s time in a foolish manner, or the term for someone who does this.
Tom knew he needed to focus on the project, but he couldn’t keep himself from FRIBBLING away his time with video games.
fructify (FRUCK-tih-fie), verb To bear fruit or to make fruitful. I believe the partnership of our firms will FRUCTIFY both our companies.
futz (futs), verb To pass the time idly or without purpose. Kevin spent so much time this morning FUTZING around with his new espresso maker that he was late for work.
gadabout (GAD-uh-bout), noun
A person who wanders about aimlessly or restlessly, especially one in constant search of pleasure.
Though most everyone thought of her as a flighty GADABOUT, Karen certainly knew when to bear down and get serious about her schoolwork.
gainsay (GANE-say), verb To declare false. To gainsay is to oppose or contradict. The principles of the Bill of Rights, Mr. Secretary, will admit no GAINSAYING.
galoot (guh-LOOT), noun An eccentric or foolish person. Mike’s outdated clothes and hairstyle cause many to consider him a GALOOT.
gambol (GAM-buhl), verb To skip or frolic about with delight. The birds GAMBOLED outside my screened-in porch as I sat there with my morning coffee.
gamut (GAM-ut), noun The full range or extent. Gamut also refers to the entire series of standard musical notes. His house featured an entertainment center whose components ran the GAMUT of state-of-the-art equipment.
genuflect (JENN-you-flect), verb To bow deeply on one knee. Often, the word is used negatively, to suggest that someone is acting in a servile or overly reverential way toward someone else.
“The way Harold GENUFLECTS to Mr. Thomas at staff meetings just makes me want to barf,” Alice said.
germinate (JUHR-muh-nate), verb To cause something, such as a concept, to come into existence. The ideas we GERMINATED that day have led to numerous improvements in the area of global communication.
gestation (jes-TAY-shun), noun Inception and creation. The period of gestation among humans, for instance, would be the nine months spent within the womb. Concepts and ideas are also said to have gestation.
The ad campaign’s GESTATION was fraught with conflict, but the end result was well worth all the quarrelling.
gibber (JIB-bur), verb
To speak nervously and incomprehensibly; to speak in a fast, jumbled, inarticulate manner.
Zack may have been believable playing the part of a Casanova in the television show, but off-screen he could barely GIBBER his way through a conversation with a woman.
gimcrackery (JIM-crack-ur-ee), noun
An object or objects that have no real value except for the purpose of show.
Paul’s father used to tell him that all the academic honors he earned in college amounted to so much GIMCRACKERY if he couldn’t put his intelligence to work for him in the “real” world.
glom (glahm), verb To look at with rapt attention or to steal something. “Glom onto” means to take possession of something, such as someone else’s ideas.
Once he realized it would get him votes, the candidate GLOMMED onto the plight of blue-collar workers and made the issue his campaign’s emphasis.
glower (GLOU-ur), verb
To give a brooding, annoyed, or angry look.
Mark hoped GLOWERING at our mother would convey that he didn’t appreciate her telling his new girlfriend how difficult he had been to toilet train, but Mom didn’t seem to notice.
gnash (nash), verb To grind or strike (usually the teeth) together. Although she claimed not to be, I could tell that Elaine was angry by the way she GNASHED her teeth.
gradation (gra-DAY-shun), noun A progression by state or degree. To progress in gradation is to move ahead in measured, distinct stages. The portrait’s haunting effect may be due to Singer’s extremely subtle GRADATIONS of color.
gradient (GRAY-dee-unt), noun An incline or slope. The hike was refreshing but not taxing because the trail had a gentle GRADIENT.
grandiose (GRAN-dee-oce), adjective Pompous. Someone whose pretentions or ambitions exceed his abilities, sensitivities, or means could be considered grandiose. His GRANDIOSE scheme for career advancement simply will not pan out.
gratuitous (gruh-TOO-ih-tuss), adjective Unnecessary. Also: given or granted without recompense or charge. Something that is gratuitous is excessive, out of place, or unnecessary.
His GRATUITOUS attacks on the popular governor only weakened his standing among voters.
gregarious (gri-GARE-ee-uss), adjective Outgoing, cordial, or friendly. Gregarious people enjoy the company of others. Many would have been put off by such a reception, but Bill was unusually GREGARIOUS; he made many friends that night.
grouse (grouss), verb This common bird becomes something entirely different when transformed into a verb. Then, to grouse is to complain and grumble. We were just ten minutes late, but my in-laws GROUSED about our tardiness for the rest of the day.
guffaw (guh-FAW), noun
An instance of full, unrestrained laughter.
From the howls and GUFFAWS I heard issuing from the auditorium, I gathered that the principal’s speech introducing a new dress code for the school was not going well.
guise (guys), noun
Semblance; outer appearance; manner of dress.
Having assumed the GUISE of a pirate for the costume ball, Tom looked dashing and dangerous for what may well have been the first time in his life.
habitué (huh-BICH-oo-ay), noun From the French meaning “to frequent,” a habitué is someone who frequents or spends a lot of time in a place, especially places like
bars, casinos, nightclubs, etc.
Ellen has become known as a HABITUÉ of the shadier coffeehouses.
halcyon (HAL-see-on), adjective and noun
Tranquil. Also: prosperous, carefree. A halcyon is a mythical bird, identified with the Kingfisher, that could supposedly calm ocean storms.
The company’s HALCYON years were behind it; all was in chaos now.
harangue (huh-RANG), verb Lecture; berate; also, an instance of such berating. Professor Thomas kept me after class to HARANGUE me for handing in a handwritten term paper.
harbinger (HAR-bin-jur), noun
Someone or something that announces the approach of another, or of a forthcoming event.
The artist’s mediocre early work, while commercially unsuccessful, did serve as a HARBINGER of future triumphs that dealing with similar themes.
hoary (HOHR-ee), adjective Gray or white with age. Also, describes someone or something that is old and venerable. Those HOARY urban myths about madmen lurking along lovers lanes no longer have the power to scare teenagers.
homage (HOM-ij), noun Display of special respect or honor. To pay homage to someone is to act in a way that shows high reverence or alleigance. The family made the long auto trip primarily to pay HOMAGE to their dying uncle.
hovel (HUV-ul), noun
A modest, humble home or hut; a rude or dirty dwelling-place.
In the storm scenes of King Lear, Edward is disguised as Poor Tom, a lunatic who has sought shelter in a HOVEL on the barren heath.
hubbub (HUB-ub), noun
A commotion; an outburst.
The HUBBUB outside our window came as a surprise; the parade was not due for an hour, yet the streets were already thronged with people.
iconoclastic (eye-kon-uh-KLASS-tik), adjective Given to attacking cherished institutions or beliefs. Taken most literally, iconoclastic describes a person who defaces or destroys holy images or icons.
Shaw’s ICONOCLASTIC approach to issues of social class won him many enemies.
ilk (ilk), noun Family, type, or category. I have no use for such vapid writers as Crennenfield, or anyone of his ILK.
illusory (ih-LOO-suh-ree), adjective An illusion is something that appears real but is not. Thus, something illusory seems genuine but is probably fake or deceptive. After she moved to the beach, Lorna expected to feel joy but instead found that joy ILLUSORY.
impalpable (im-PAL-puh-bull), adjective Impossible to perceive through use of the sense of touch. Impalpable also refers to anything extremely difficult to perceive or interpret.
The prosecution has tried to connect my client with the murderer, but all the connections they have put forward have been IMPALPABLE ones.
imparity (im-PARE-uh-tee), noun Inequality; disparity. Things that are unequal in scope or extent possess imparity. The treaty will rectify the serious IMPARITY that now exists in weapons systems.
impasse (IM-pass), noun A situation that seems to offer no solution or escape. To reach an impasse is to come to a point of stalemate. Literally, an impasse is a dead-end street or passage.
Torn realized that his relationship with Betty had come to an IMPASSE; divorce was now on her mind, and he knew it.
impecunious (im-pih-KYOO-nee-uss), adjective Lacking in money; having little or nothing in the way of funds.
When Greg and Cheryl first met, their IMPECUNIOUS circumstances led them to take a lot of long walks instead of going out to dinner or dancing.
الجزء الثاني كلمات للتثقيف اكثر مماينبغي
Words You Should Know to Sound Overeducated
Drop a few of these words into casual conversation, and your friends, colleagues, and bosses will think you are particularly sagacious (see below). But be careful! If you use too many of these words, you run the risk of sounding obstreperously overweening (see below)!
imperiled (im-PARE-uld), adjective
Fred knew that if he stumbled on the final history test of the year, the B-plus average he had worked toward all semester long would be IMPERILED.
impertinent (im-PURR-tih-nent), adjective Rude; brash. Something that is improper or beyond established bounds is impertinent. What an IMPERTINENT thing to say!
impetus (IHM-puh-tuss), noun The force that moves something or someone to action. Losing his job became the IMPETUS for John to focus full-time on his writing career.
implore (im-PLORE), verb To beseech or beg for fervently. To implore is to plead urgently. She IMPLORED him to attend the party.
impolitic (im-PAWL-i-tick), adjective
Not expedient; injudicious.
After a few drinks, Uncle Roland has an unfortunate habit of making IMPOLITIC remarks about my father’s failed business ventures.
importunate (im-PORE-chuh-nit), adjective Demanding or impatient in issuing repeated requests. An importunate person makes many annoying entreaties. Two-year-olds, though lovable, can be IMPORTUNATE; Wesley seemed unprepared for this.
imprecation (im-prih-KAY-shun), noun An oath or curse. The verb form is “imprecate.” When the wide receiver fumbled the ball, the crowd attacked him with numerous colorful IMPRECATIONS.
impropriety (im-pruh-PRY-ih-tee), noun Incorrectness. An impropriety is a misdeed or crossing of established social mores. Beverly’s minor IMPROPRIETY at the dinner table was overlooked; the conversation turned quickly to other topics.
impugn (im-PYOON), verb To brand as false in argument or discourse. Impugn usually implies an open attack or challenge upon another’s honesty or motives. Are you attempting to IMPUGN my husband’s version of the attack?
inception (in-SEP-shun), noun Beginning. Inception refers to the generation of an idea or organism, from its initial developmental stages onward. The car was riddled with design flaws, most dating back to the auto’s INCEPTION in 1972.
incipient (in-SIP-ee-unt), adjective Early in development; at a beginning stage. Attempting to stave off an INCIPIENT flu, Marsha consumed glass after glass of orange juice.
inclement (in-CLEM-unt), adjective Harsh. Inclement is often used to refer to the condition of the weather. The unexpected INCLEMENT weather ruined our vacation.
incongruous (in-CON-groo-uss), adjective
Not consistent; incompatible.
Much of the troupe’s humor relies on an absurd grouping of INCONGRUOUS elements, a technique best exemplified by the dapper-looking, by-the-numbers bureaucrat who heads up the Ministry of Silly Walks.
incontestable (in-kuhn-TES-tuh-bull), adjective
Cannot be argued with because it is unquestionable.
The fact that Lloyd thinks his talent for birdcalls will be found attractive by women is INCONTESTABLE proof that he will remain a lifelong bachelor.
inculcate (IN-kul-kate), verb To instill (learning) by means of repetition or instruction. To inculcate is to impress an idea upon someone with urging or earnest
Rachel tried to INCULCATE the virtue of thrift in her daughter.
indefatigable (in-di-FAT-ih-guh-bul), adjective Tireless. Someone who possesses unyielding stamina is indefatigable. Betty, an INDEFATIGABLE runner, never seemed to slow her pace.
indignant (in-DIG-nunt), adjective
Marked by indignation; offended by behavior perceived as unjust or immoral; angered.
Although I apologized for the better part of a week for showing up raving drunk at Simon’s parent’s house, he remained INDIGNANT.
indoctrinate (in-DOCK-truh-nate), verb To teach; to impart with the knowledge or views of a particular group, philosophy, or theory. Max’s earnest attempts to INDOCTRINATE me with the ideals of the Communist Party left me howling with laughter.
indubitable (in-DOO-bih-tuh-bull), adjective Absolutely unquestionable and completely beyond doubt. Warren’s been right so many times that his judgment is considered INDUBITABLE.
inebriated (in-EE-bree-ate-ud), adjective Intoxicated. Someone who is inebriated is drunk. The two men at the bar became steadily more INEBRIATED as the night wore on.
inexorable (in-EK-sur-uh-bul), adjective Unyielding. Something that is stubborn or unwavering is inexorable. “The INEXORABLE advance of our troops,” the Union general said happily, “will complicate things for Mr. Davis.”
inexplicable (in-eks-PLIK-uh-bul), adjective Defying explanation or interpretation. That which is hard to communicate is inexplicable. My opponent’s failure to file income tax returns is INEXPLICABLE.
inextricable (in-ick-STRICK-uh-bull), adjective Incapable of being disentangled. Also describes something that is hopelessly complex. The adverb form, which you may see, is “inextricably.”
The INEXTRICABLE problem remained unsolved, even after the company’s best minds spent three days attacking it.
infer (in-FUR), verb To gather by reasoning. To infer is not the same as to imply, which means “to leave the suggestion that.” I think we can INFER here that the author is using the character as a mouthpiece of sorts to air her own concerns.
infinitesimal (in-fin-uh-TESS-ih-mull), adjective So small that it can’t accurately be measured. Which color lipstick to wear tonight is an INFINITESIMAL, not a major, issue, so let’s get going already!
infirmity (in-FUR-mih-tee), noun A physical ailment. Sometimes the word is used to denote a mental weakness, such as being overly cautious. Randall, get over yourself. An ingrown toenail is annoying. It’s not an INFIRMITY. You cannot park in the handicapped spot!
inordinate (in-OR-den-it), adjective
Excessive; too much.
An INORDINATE number of students failed the last test, leading Professor Harris to believe he’d made it too difficult.
inroad (IN-road), noun An opening or entry (said especially of a new idea, campaign, or undertaking). Inroad originally referred to a military maneuver during invasion. The new brand of cookies was still unknown in the South, although it had made significant INROADS in the Midwest.
inscrutable (in-SKROO-tuh-bul), adjective Dense or difficult to fathom; resisting of scrutiny. Something that is hard to decipher could be called inscrutable. Tom’s INSCRUTABLE smile made many in the room uneasy.
insuperable (in-SOO-pur-uh-bul), adjective
Impossible to overcome.
Faced with hostile rhetoric from members of his own party, mounting opposition in Congress, and a seemingly INSUPERABLE resistance to his policies on the part of the press, the president must sometimes have wondered why he ever selected this line of work.
interminable (in-TUHR-mih-nuh-bull), adjective Describes something unpleasant that is seemingly without end. My wait in the doctor’s waiting room seemed INTERMINABLE.
intractable (in-TRACK-tuh-bull), adjective
Unwilling to be led; stubborn.
Although Monty tried everything he could think of to help Elston overcome his habit of exploding at his coworkers, Elston proved quite INTRACTABLE and actually seemed to resent his efforts.
intrinsic (in-TRIN-zik), adjective In the essential nature of a thing. Something intrinsic is fundamental in character. The INTRINSIC value of gold was one of the few common economic factors the nations could take advantage of.
invective (in-VEK-tiv), noun Abusive language. Invective is denunciatory or overly harsh speech or writing. Clark’s stream of INVECTIVE near the end of the meeting was totally uncalled for.
inveigh (in-VAY), verb To protest strongly. Inveigh is usually followed by against. The crowd INVEIGHED against the governor’s decision to commute Davidson’s sentence.
inveterate (in-VET-er-ut), adjective Deep-rooted. A persisting or long-established habit is an inveterate one. Mike is an INVETERATE gambler; his marriage suffered greatly because of it.
irremediable (ihr-ree-MEE-dee-uh-bull), adjective Describes something that cannot be repaired, cured, or remedied. One too many arguments between Rose and Jim finally left their fragile relationship IRREMEDIABLE.
jocose (joh-KOHSS), adjective Characterized by joking and good humor. Everyone loves Bob because of his JOCOSE manner.
jocund (JOK-und), adjective Given to merriment. Someone who possesses a cheery disposition is jocund. Tim’s JOCUND personality made him the life of the party.
jurisprudence (joor-iss-PROO-dence), noun The science of law. Jurisprudence is the philosophy behind legal practice.
Casey’s study of JURISPRUDENCE lasted for three long years.
kibosh (KYE-bosh), noun The act of halting or squelching. To put the kibosh on something is to stop it. Literally, a kibosh is a spell that brings about the doom of something. We had wanted to go to the baseball game, but Ryan—who’s bored by the sport—put the KIBOSH on that pretty quickly.
kow-tow (KOW-tow), verb
To show respect, deference, or servility.
For the sake of keeping peace in the family, Alice KOW-TOWED to her father, spending her evenings at home instead of joining her friends at the dance club.
laborious (luh-BORE-ee-us), adjective Requiring a great deal of hard work and perseverance. Even though the years in school were LABORIOUS, they were worth the effort when I earned my Ph.D.
lachrymose (LACK-rih-moce), adjective
Causing tears or sadness.
While most men I know dismiss An Affair to Remember as a LACHRYMOSE melodrama, the women in my office consider it one of the best movie romances in history.
lambaste (LAM-baste), verb and noun To reprimand sharply or attack verbally. Lambaste originally meant “to beat harshly.” What a LAMBASTING he received from his mother for coming home late!
lamentation (lam-en-TAY-shun), noun An expression of mourning. Originally, a lament was a song or poem expressing grief; a lamentation is the act of expressing grief and sorrow.
Karl heard groans of LAMENTATION from his mother’s room.
lascivious (luh-SIV-ee-us), adjective
Wanton or lustful. That which excites sexual desires is lascivious.
Grandmother Jones, upon being informed that the dancers at the club had done a cancan for us, denounced such LASCIVIOUS goings on.
laudable (LAWD-uh-bul), adjective
Worthy or deserving of praise.
Dryly, Professor Helmut told me that my ambition to write the great American novel was LAUDABLE, but that unfortunately my manuscript was a few drafts away from meeting that goal.
laudatory (LAW-duh-tore-ee), adjective Giving praise. A laudatory speech is one that praises or glorifies. John’s LAUDATORY remarks really motivated the sales force.
levity (LEH-vih-tee), noun Lightness; insubstantiality. Levity often refers to inappropriately idle or humorous chatter. Gentlemen, with all due respect, we face a crisis; this is no time for LEVITY.
liaison (lee-ay-ZON), noun A communication channel. Also: a person who acts as a go-between or formal representative. Also: a romantic affair. Liaison is often used to describe the meetings of lovers, but it applies equally to formal organizational or bureaucratic contact.
Captain Morse was met by an Air Force LIAISON within minutes of his arrival.
libation (li-BAY-shun), noun
An alcoholic beverage offered or accepted in celebration. (The word is usually used facetiously, as if to exaggerate the supposed formality of an informal occasion.) Originally, a libation was a liquid offering at a formal religious rite.
Will you join us in a LIBATION, Charles?
libretto (li-BRET-oh), noun The text of a musical work, such as a cantata or opera, often accompanied by a translation. As she is fluent in Italian, Maria rarely needs to refer to the LIBRETTO when attending the opera.
lieu (loo), noun Place; stead. This year, in LIEU of individual Christmas presents, the five of us took a family vacation to Hawaii.
limpid (LIM-pid), adjective Very clear; transparent. Looking into a LIMPID stream of swift-flowing water, we saw that it was full of migrating salmon.
litany (LIT-uh-nee), noun Something (especially a list or a single sentence) related incessantly in an unwavering manner. A litany is a responsive prayer service within the Catholic church marked by much repetition.
We listened to Greta recite the usual LITANY of problems in the marketing department.
livid (LIH-vid), adjective Extremely angry; infuriated. Literally, livid means discolored (as from a bruise). To say someone is livid in the sense of being angry is really to say his anger is so acute as to cause a change in his coloring. Caroline was LIVID after she realized she had been swindled.
locomotion (lo-kuh-MO-shun), noun The act or ability of moving from place to place. Children’s lack of LOCOMOTION today is resulting in an obesity epidemic.
loquacious (loe-KWAY-shuss), adjective Extremely talkative. Someone prone to nervous chatter could be said to be loquacious. Michael proved a LOQUACIOUS houseguest; Mrs. Stevens did the best she could to manage his one-sided conversational torrents.
lucid (LOO-sid), adjective Intelligible. Lucid can also refer to a clear mental state. Although be lost consciousness for a few minutes, Glenn was LUCID before the ambulance arrived.
lucre (LOO-kur), noun
Profits; financial rewards; money.
After untold hours creating and developing the software program, Miles received only $2,000 for his efforts—a tiny fraction of the LUCRE that poured into company coffers from sales of the product.
lugubrious (loo-GOO-bree-us), adjective Mournful in the extreme. Lugubrious refers to something or someone mournful to an inappropriate degree. You may consider Steven’s poems “dark”; to me, they are simply LUGUBRIOUS.
macrocosm (MAK-ruh-koz-um), noun A representation on a large scale; the universe envisioned in its totality. In addition, a large system that reflects one of its component systems is a macrocosm.
Some early astronomers obviously believed the physical universe to be a a MACROCOSM of existing social and religious structures.
magisterial (madge-ih-STEER-ee-uhl), adjective Describes the authority, weight, and gravity of someone considered a master of a particular art, task, ability, etc. With MAGISTERIAL grace, the conductor lifted her baton.
malaise (muh-LAZE), noun
A vague feeling of illness, uneasiness, or sadness.
“Sheer idiocy,” commented the professor at the end of my paper, in which I argued that Shakespeare’s King Lear suffered only a passing MALAISE, not madness.
malcontent (mal-kuhn-TENT), adjective or noun Someone unhappy with his or her circumstances or with his or her government, job, lifestyle, etc. As an adjective, malcontent describes such a person.
Harvey is such a MALCONTENT that he’ll argue with you if you tell him it’s a nice day!
mar (mar), verb To spoil, damage, or tarnish. Alissa’s birthday party was MARRED by a loud altercation between two motorists on the street outside our house.
masticate (MASS-tih-kate), verb To chew. To masticate is to knead and grind with the teeth. Grandpa, always an extravagant speaker, referred to his dentures as his“MASTICATING companions.”
maudlin (MAUD-lin), adjective
Gushingly or tearfully sentimental.
I would have liked to believe Kent when he swore I was his dearest friend in the world, but I had a feeling it was all the MAUDLIN babbling of a man who had had a little too much fun at a party.
maunder (MAWN-dur), verb
To speak or act in an aimless, incoherent fashion.
In spite of—or perhaps because of—his father’s tendency to be an overachiever, William MAUNDERED through life without the slightest ambition.
meander (mee-AN-der), verb To follow a turning and winding path. To meander is to wander idly without a set goal. Jack, lost without his shopping list, MEANDERED helplessly through the aisles of the supermarket.
melee (MAY-lay), noun From the French meaning “meddle,” a melee is a confused struggle involving many people. After the batter was struck by the pitcher’s ball, players from both teams ran out onto the field, and a MELEE ensued.
mendicant (MEN-dih-kunt), noun Beggar. There, among the castoffs of society, the lepers, MENDICANTS, and prostitutes of the city, he decided to begin his ministry.
meritorious (mare-uh-TORE-ee-uss), adjective Worthy of praise, laudable. Earl’s work at the homeless shelter was MERITORIOUS, but it left him little time for his family and friends.
mete (meet), verb To measure out; to distribute in proportion. Roland pressed ahead with the case, confident that right would prevail and that justice would eventually be METED out.
meticulous (muh-TICK-you-luss), adjective Precise and thorough, to the point of fussiness. James is so METICULOUS he can tell if you’ve moved anything on his dresser as little as a quarter of an inch!
métier (MAY-tee-yay), noun From the French meaning “minister,” one’s métier is one’s occupation, profession, or field of work. If you need some proofreading done, go see Albert. Editing is his MÉTIER.
microcosm (MY-kro-koz-um), noun A model that reflects a larger thing. A microcosm is a small system roughly comparable to a larger system. A MICROCOSM of society is represented on board the Pequod in Melville’s novel Moby Dick.
midriff (MID-riff), noun On the human body, the middle area of the torso; the diaphragm.
Allison wondered if the outfit she had selected was appropriate for meeting her fiance’s parents; the shirt barely covered her MIDRIFF.
mien (meen), noun Demeanor; appearance; overall impression. A punctual man with an attentive, organized MIEN, Tony seemed the ideal candidate for the job.
milieu (mill-YOU), noun From the French meaning “in the middle,” milieu describes one’s cultural and social surroundings. When I walked into the skateboard store, I knew immediately that I was out of my MILIEU.
minuscule (MIN-uss-kyool), adjective Extremely small. Sometimes, trying to decipher the MINUSCULE names, numbers, and signs on a map only makes me feel more lost.
minutiae (mih-NOO-shuh), noun From the Latin meaning “smallness,” minutiae are all the small, trifling matters that one encounters on an average day. By the time I’ve taken care of all the day’s MINUTIAE—paying bills, getting the kids to school—I barely have any time left to work!
miscellany (MISS-uh-lay-nee), noun
A grouping or collection of various elements.
The volume, which featured a hodgepodge of essays, poems, and interviews relating to the Beats, was an intriguing MISCELLANY of writings from the bohemian world of the fifties.
misconstrue (mis-kun-STROO), verb To get the wrong idea; to misunderstand or misinterpret. Tom MISCONSTRUED Linda’s friendliness as flirting—until he met her boyfriend.
misnomer (miss-NO-mur), noun
An incorrect or inappropriate name.
Vlad the Impaler, the historical antecedent for the Dracula character, was a man apparently intent on demonstrating to the world that his name was no MISNOMER.
moniker (MON-ih-kur), noun Name; nickname. The rock star Sting has revealed in interviews that even his parents and children refer to him by his famous MONIKER.
monochromatic (mon-owe-kru-MAT-ik), adjective Of a single color. Something that features varying shades of only one hue in addition to the background hue (usually white) is monochromatic.
The sweep and power of Adams’s MONOCHROMATIC photography proves how much can be accomplished with a roll of black- and-white film.
montage (mon-TAZH), noun From the French meaning “a mounting,” a montage is a variety of visuals—photographs, film clips, etc.—brought together to present an idea. In essence, a montage is a video collage.
The documentary’s excellent use of MONTAGE really brought to life the triumphs and heartbreaks of World War II.
moribund (MORE-uh-bund), adjective About to die. Moribund means, literally, “bound toward death.” The Confederacy lay in ruins, its currency worthless, its capital desecrated, its once proud fighting force MORIBUND.
morose (muh-ROCE), adjective
Frightening or gloomy. Morose refers to that which is melancholy or sullen in spirit.
Carl knew his company was headed for bankruptcy; he spent several long MOROSE nights alone staring silently at the accounting ledger.
multifaceted (mul-tee-FASS-ih-tid), adjective
Possessing many facets or dimensions. Someone who has many talents is multifaceted.
Joan, a MULTIFACETED writer, had published poems, essays, and novels.
muse (myooz), verb To meditate (about a topic). To muse over something is to consider it closely. Phyllis MUSED over the advertising campaign for some days before finally approving it.
mutable (MYOO-tuh-bull), adjective Unstable and likely to change at a moment’s notice. Barb’s fashion sense is completely MUTABLE. One day she’s in polka dots, the next in stripes, the next in imitation zebra skin.
myriad (MEER-ee-ud), adjective Innumerable. To say there are myriad reasons to do something is to say there are too many to list. Edward’s responsibilities were MYRIAD, but his authority was almost nonexistent.
nascent (NAY-sunt), adjective Emerging. Nascent refers to something’s early stages of coming into existence. The NASCENT republic had few if any established democratic traditions.
nebulous (NEB-yuh-luss), adjective
Cloudy; vague.
Every time Claudia tried to ask Philip about his intentions or the future of their relationship, he gave a NEBULOUS reply and changed the subject.
negate (nih-GATE), verb To cause to be ineffectual; to deny. I imagine that double hot fudge sundae I ate completely NEGATED the effects of my morning exercises.
neophyte (NEE-uh-fite), noun A recent convert. Neophyte often refers to someone whose newfound zeal is not balanced by experience. Jane, a relative NEOPHYTE, found little warmth in her discussions with the other, more knowledgeable members of the group.
nettle (NET-uhl), verb A nettle is a plant covered with stinging hairs. Thus, when used as a verb, nettle means to provoke, irritate, or annoy. Lynn’s irksome comments never fail to NETTLE me.
nondescript (non-duh-SKRIPT), adjective Not having a particularly distinctive or interesting appearance; hard to describe. With all the cars on the lot to choose from, Peggy went and picked a NONDESCRIPT grey sedan.
nonentity (non-EN-ti-tee), noun Something that does not exist. A nonentity is a vacuum or a purely imaginary thing. Nonentity is sometimes used insultingly to describe a person of little importance.
You may safely regard this clause of the contract as a NONENTITY; it is obsolete and completely unenforceable.
nonpareil (non-puh-RELL), noun A person without parallel or equal. Nonpareil can also mean “a flat chocolate covered with colored sugar.” Frank is hardly the NONPAREIL as a mystery writer he makes himself out to be.
nonpartisan (non-PAR-tih-zun), adjective
Not a member of a party (political group) or association; unbiased.
Although the commission was supposed to be NONPARTISAN, Martin knew for a fact that three of the members were dyed-in-the- wool Democrats who would never vote against the interests of their party.
obeisance (oh-BAY-suhnts), noun
A movement, such as a bow, that shows respect for someone else. Most of the time, this word is used negatively, to indicate that one believes someone is acting like a sycophant or toady.
The OBEISANCE Max shows Mr. Jenkins is just revolting.
obfuscate (OB-fuss-kate), verb
To muddy or confuse an issue. Someone who obfuscates makes every effort to muddle facts important to someone else’s judgment or decision.
The defense has put up with enough of these attempts to OBFUSCATE, Your Honor.
obsolescence (ob-suh-LESS-unce), noun
The state or condition of becoming outdated. Planned obsolescence is the deliberate “underdesigning” of products or systems; the items are meant to wear out sooner than they might in order to make way for new items to fulfill essentially the same function.
The farm machinery’s OBSOLESCENCE was now hard for even Grandpa to deny.
oeuvre (OO-vruh), noun From the French meaning “work,” an oeuvre is an artist’s, writer’s, or composer’s body of work, treated as a whole. The film was not appreciated for many years because it seemed so separate from the director’s usual OEUVRE.
ogle (OH-gul), verb To watch intently; to gaze at lasciviously. Bryan’s idea of an afternoon well spent was lounging around the beach OGLING women twenty years too young for him.
omnibus (OHM-nih-bus), noun
Something that covers many areas or subjects; also, a bus.
The OMNIBUS law passed shortly after the publication of Sinclair’s The Jungle was meant to assure consumers that blatant violations of basic health and quality standards would never again be seen in the food industry.
omnidirectional (om-nee-duh-REK-shun-ul), adjective Capable of receiving or transmitting from every direction. Agent Warren hid a tiny OMNIDIRECTIONAL microphone in the suspected drug smuggler’s hotel room.
onomatopoeia (on-uh-mot-uh-PEE-uh), noun The development of a word whose pronunciation imitates its main reference. The words “splat” and “buzz,” for instance, are examples of onomatopoeia.
Over the centuries, the process of ONOMATOPOEIA has become an accepted part of the English language.
opacity (oh-PASS-ih-tee), adjective Degree of imperviousness to light; level of opaqueness. The paper was of a very low OPACITY, nearly transparent.
operatic (op-uh-RAT-ik), adjective Relating to or reminiscent of the opera; overly dramatic or difficult to believe. I’m afraid my family’s conflict style tends to be a little OPERATIC at times.
orator (ORE-uh-tur), noun
A gifted and persuasive professional public speaker.
Don’s encyclopedic knowledge of the topic, combined with his ability as an ORATOR, made him the odds-on favorite to win the debate.
orgiastic (ore-jee-ASS-tick), adjective Reminiscent of or pertaining to an orgy; likely to elicit extremely intense emotions. When the doors opened the shoppers streamed into the store in an ORGIASTIC frenzy, hurrying to find the sale’s best bargains.
orifice (ORE-ih-fiss), noun
An opening in the body.
The ORIFICE Prince Hamlet makes the Player King select as the receptacle for poison, his victim’s ear, recalls the method Claudius used in killing Hamlet’s father.
oscillate (OSS-ih-late), verb
To sway back and forth; vacillate.
My two-year-old nephew was mesmerized by the fishtank, with its colorful fish, OSCILLATING plants, and soft lighting.
ostensibly (uh-STEN-sib-lee), adverb
Seemingly; as represented. A reason ostensibly given for taking an action is the reason that, to all intents and purposes, one would associate with motivating the act.
He was OSTENSIBLY visiting the city on business; no one was aware of his espionage activities.
overweening (OH-ver-WEEN-ing), adjective Overconfident, proud, arrogant. Even after losing the race, the athlete retained her OVERWEENING manner.
pacify (PASS-ih-fie), verb To bring to a point of peace; to dissuade from anger or hostility. Someone who eases tensions or resolves conflicts pacifies a situation.
Her suggestion that she offer a written apology to the offended client seemed to PACIFY Mr. Peters.
pagination (paj-ih-NAY-shun), noun The numbers by which one marks the pages in a book. Pagination also refers to the sequence and arrangement of pages in a book. The word processor PAGINATED Jim’s document flawlessly the first time.
palatable (PAL-uh-tuh-bull), adjective Agreeable in taste. Palatable can also mean “acceptable.” You have two options, Mr. Mayor, neither very PALATABLE.
pallid (PAL-id), adjective Wan, pale; lacking bright, deep color. Frazier’s PALLID complexion and inability to bear even the slightest noise led me to conclude that he was hung over.
palpitate (PAL-pih-tate), verb To flutter; to beat more rapidly than usual. Mel’s heart PALPITATED wildly at the prospect of a date with Irma.
paltry (PAHL-tree), adjective Trivial; insignificant; worthless. The PALTRY sum found in the cash register made us regret having picked this store for our first robbery.
panache (puh-NASH), noun A distinctive flair or style; a flamboyant manner. Rosamund was swept away by the charming stranger’s PANACHE—he seemed so dashing and romantic.
paradigm (PARE-uh-dime), noun An example. A paradigm is an ideal instance or a pattern worthy of study. There have been a number of presidencies well suited to times of national crisis, but Lincoln’s is the PARADIGM.
parameter (puh-RAM-uh-ter), noun Limit or boundary. Parameter also has a technical meaning within the field of statistics, but this is not in common use. Within these broad PARAMETERS, you are free to act as you see fit.
paraphernalia (pare-uh-fur-NALE-ee-uh), noun
One’s possessions; accessory items relating to a particular profession, hobby, or activity.
The abundance of drug PARAPHERNALIA found in his hotel room did not do much to support the rock star’s claim that he abstained from all intoxicating substances on religious grounds.
parenthetical (par-un-THET-ih-kul) adjective
Contained within parentheses. Figuratively, something that qualifies or explains in a manner setting it off from a main idea is parenthetical.
I should add, as a PARENTHETICAL note, that I am donating all monies raised from these efforts to charity.
parity (PAIR-ih-tee), noun Equality in terms of amount, status, position, etc. Wait, wait, wait. Five for you and one for me is far from PARITY, my friend!
parlance (PAR-lunce), noun A way of speaking. Something that is in common parlance is familiar to most speakers. The special PARLANCE of the construction workers was difficult for Mort to decipher.
parochial (puh-ROE-key-uhl), adjective Limited or narrow in scope, outlook, or ideas. This meaning has become more dominant than the word’s original meaning, which
describes something pertaining to a parish, such as a parochial school.
My grandfather’s PAROCHIAL views about “men’s superiority” are not likely to change.
partake (par-TAKE), verb To participate and share in. Your offer is kind, but I’m under strict doctor’s orders not to PARTAKE of any alcoholic beverage.
paucity (PAW-si-tee), noun Smallness of number. A paucity of something is a shortage or lack of it. We were forced to head back down the mountain due to a PAUCITY of supplies.
peccadillo (pek-uh-DILL-oh), noun A minor fault. Pecadillo comes from the Italian for “little sin.” Jane knew her PECCADILLO would be overlooked, but she could not put it out of her mind.
pecuniary (pi-KYOO-nee-air-ee), adjective Of or pertaining to money. That which consists of or concerns money is pecuniary. Uncle Walter decided to stay with us for a few months owing, as he put it, to “PECUNIARY difficulties.”
pedagogue (PED-uh-gog), noun An educator or schoolteacher. A pedagogue is a person who instructs. Mr. Harper, a stern PEDAGOGUE, would not tolerate idle chatter in his class.
pedestrian (puh-DESS-tree-uhn), adjective
Lacking in originality or vitality. The word also can be used to describe someone who travels on foot.
If you really want to advance in this company, you’re going to have to come up with something better than the PEDESTRIAN ideas we’ve already tried and rejected.
peerless (PEER-luss), adjective Without peer; above others with regard to ability or quality; beyond compare. Mrs. Reilly’s PEERLESS skills as a mediator soon earned her a special position of respect on the school board.
pellucid (puh-LOOSE-id), adjective Objects or meanings clear to the point of transparency. I’ ll read anything by that author because her PELLUCID prose can make me interested in any subject.
penultimate (pen-UL-ti-mut), adjective Next-to-last. Penultimate is often thought to mean “final,” but it does not. The book’s PENULTIMATE chapter gave no hint of the surprise ending the novel had in store.
perambulate (puh-RAM-byuh-late), verb To walk around. To perambulate is to stroll or saunter. The elderly couple PERAMBULATED the city streets every night after dinner.
permutation (per-myoo-TAY-shun), noun A transformation leading to a complete change.
After exploring numerous PERMUTATIONS of its style, the band returned to the sound with which it had first attracted fans.
persnickety (purr-SNIK-uh-tee), adjective
Fussy and overattentive to small details. Persnickety can also mean “snobbish.”
Gordon made a point of being PERSNICKETY about meals: breakfast was always served in his home at exactly 7:04, and dinner at exactly 6:42.
pertinacious (per-tih-NAY-shuss), adjective Persistent or obstinate to the point of annoyance. The car salesman’s PERTINACIOUS patter caused me to leave the lot immediately.
peruse (puh-ROOZ), verb To read through with attention. Peruse can also mean “examine with an eye to detail.” The witness PERUSED the document for some time, then declared that it was not the one he had signed.
petrified (PET-ruh-fied), verb
Scared to the point of losing the ability to move; scared stiff; turned to stone.
My aunt was so PETRIFIED of snakes that when one slithered its way onto the pool deck, my brothers and I had to carry her, lounge chair and all, into the house.
phlegmatic (fleg-MAT-ic), adjective Having a calm, unexcitable temperament. Allan’s PHLEGMATIC personality was certainly helpful during the deadline crunch in keeping us all from panicking.
pillory (PILL-uh-ree), verb In olden days, a pillory was a wooden frame in which one was imprisoned and subjected to public ridicule. In modern times—and as
a verb—pillory means to subject someone to merciless public ridicule or abuse.
I sipped my morning coffee as the respective party’s pundits PILLORIED each other.
pithy (PITH-ee), adjective Something very brief but meaningful and concise. The guest speaker limited his remarks to a few PITHY observations on the impossibility of getting anything done in Washington.
pittance (PIT-unce), noun A very small amount. My allowance in those days, of course, was a PITTANCE compared to my brother’s.
plaintive (PLAIN-tive), adjective Expressing sorrow or sadness; mournful. A PLAINTIVE feeling hung over the house for weeks after our dog Sasha died.
platitude (PLAT-ih-tood), noun A commonplace or useless remark. A statement that is trite or unoriginal can be considered a platitude. You have taken a speech that seemed quite promising and filled it to the brim with PLATITUDES.
plenitude (PLEN-ti-tood), noun Abundance. Plenitude is the standard spelling; plentitude, though commonly used, is generally considered incorrect. The sudden PLENITUDE of supplies was certainly a welcome change for the hungry travelers.
plethora (PLETH-er-uh), noun Excessive oversupply. To have a plethora of something is to have a vast quantity of it. The new edition contains a PLETHORA of trivia concerning the films made by Mr. Howard and his cohorts in the forties and fifties.
pontificate (pon-TIF-ih-kate), verb To issue authoritative decrees (as a pontiff might). Pontificate usually carries a sense of self-righteous pomposity. Can I assume the Senator now intends to PONTIFICATE on the many virtues of our current trade policy?
portend (por-TEND), verb
To suggest or foretell. If A portends B, A signifies that B is imminent.
The tone of Joan’s voice this morning PORTENDS trouble.
posit (POZ-it), verb To stipulate. Someone who posits a thing presents or assumes it. In his address, the mayor POSITED the conditions he would have to meet to resolve the fiscal crisis.
postmodern (post-MAH-dern), adjective Very modern, cutting-edge, avant-garde. Older audiences stayed away in droves from the director’s POSTMODERN films, but young people ate them up like candy.
postulate (PAHSS-chuh-late), verb To assume as self-evident something for which one has no proof. Cindy POSTULATED that “everyone” knows that particular restaurant has terrible service.
predominate (prih-DOM-uh-nate), verb
To be the most noticeable or leading element or to have the most authority or force.
Brad felt that his six months in Europe gave him the right to PREDOMINATE the conversation about European customs and culture.
preen (preen), verb
To primp; to perfect one’s appearance. Also: to take pride (in oneself or one’s accomplishments).
The crew knew that the reason Barry arrived at the studio an hour before broadcast was so that he would have plenty of time to PREEN in front of the mirror before going on camera.
preposterous (prih-POSS-tur-uss), adjective
So outlandish as to be unbelievable; incredible.
Your suggestion that we hold the board meeting in the park in order to enjoy the warm weather is simply PREPOSTEROUS, James.
presage (PRESS-ij), verb To foretell or indicate. If A presages B, A serves as a warning or sign that B will occur soon. Such provocation may PRESAGE armed conflict in the region.
prescience (PRESS-ee-unce), noun Foreknowledge. Prescience is the knowledge of events before they take place. Lacking PRESCIENCE, I really can’t tell you what Sally intends to do.
prevalent (PREV-uh-lunt), adjective
Occurring often; common.
Although a belief that some kind of conspiracy in President Kennedy’s murder is certainly PREVALENT in public opinion these days, there is no consensus on the nature of that purported conspiracy.
prevaricate (pri-VARE-uh-kate), verb To avoid revealing the true nature of one’s position, actions, feelings, etcetera. Someone who “waffles” on an issue, throwing up distractions or responding to questions evasively, is said to prevaricate. My opponent has chosen to PREVARICATE rather than address his role in the scandal.
primacy (PRY-muh-see), noun
First in order, rank, importance, etc.
My aging dog, Sally, kept trying to attack my new puppy, Max, because she feared he would disrupt her PRIMACY in the household.
proclivity (pro-KLIV-ih-tee), noun A predisposition. To have a proclivity to do something is to tend to do it. Allen has a PROCLIVITY to untidiness that will not go over well with Ralph.
procure (pro-KYOOR), verb To obtain. Someone who procures something gathers or collects it. Susan soon PROCURED sufficient financing to close the deal.
prodigious (pro-DIDGE-uss), adjective Impressive in size, impact, or stature; amazing. Clark’s PRODIGIOUS collection of old movie posters led many of his friends to ask whether he had once owned a theatre.
proffer (PROF-fur), verb
To offer; to tender or volunteer (a thing); as a noun, a thing offered.
Colin PROFFERED his car as a means of getting to Florida for spring break, but as none of us knew how to drive a standard, we had to decline.
profundity (pruh-FUN-dih-tee), noun Depth of reasoning or insight. Something that shows profundity gives evidence of great understanding and intellectual incisiveness. A paper’s length is no indication of its PROFUNDITY.
profusion (pro-FYOOZH-un), noun An abundance or extravagance. Jane’s fiance insisted on sending her such a PROFUSION of flowers that she soon ran out of places to put them.
progenitor (pro-JEN-ih-ter), noun An ancestor who can be traced back through the direct line. A progenitor can also be the originator of a school of thought or organization.
Picasso, considered by many the PROGENITOR of Cubism, showed a mastery of conventional painting technique in his very early work.
propensity (pruh-PEN-sih-tee), noun A tendency or inclination. Rhonda’s PROPENSITY for chocolate did not mesh well with her diet plans.
propinquity (pruh-PIN-kwih-tee), noun Nearness, especially with regard to place, sequence, or heredity. If A is in close proximity to B, A is in propinquity to B. Living in PROPINQUITY to constant civil conflict, as I did, is hardly a recipe for a happy childhood.
propound (pruh-POUND), verb To set forth. To propound is to offer (a theory) for review or consideration. Dr. Richards PROPOUNDED his most complex mathematical theory yet at the conference.
provenance (PRAHV-uh-nunts), noun Derivation, or place of origin. At least three cities claim to be the PROVENANCE of “true” barbecue.
proverbial (pruh-VER-bee-ul), adjective Calling to mind (a familiar) proverb. Something that is proverbial shows an immediate parallel with a well-known saying, story, or maxim.
Stan considered his younger brother about as useful as the PROVERBIAL fifth wheel.
pugilism (PYOO-juh-liz-um), noun Boxing. Pugilism is the science or practice of fistfighting. Finally, the two PUGILISTS stepped into the ring; the match was about to begin.
pulchritude (PUHL-krih-tood), noun Physical beauty. Emily’s easygoing attitude attracted boys’ attention almost as much as her PULCHRITUDE.
purvey (pur-VAY), verb
To supply.
Beluga caviar, PURVEYED by a local gourmet shop, was set out for the guests on large silver trays.
purview (PURR-vyoo), noun A person’s range of authority and control. Yes, Junior, I’m afraid that taking out the garbage DOES in fact fall into your PURVIEW.
putative (PYOO-tuh-tive), adjective Reputed or generally regarded by common assent. Putative is sometimes confused with punitive, which means “inflicting punishment.”
The defendant, PUTATIVE head of the city’s most notorious crime family, entered the courtroom confidently.
quaff (kwoff), verb To drink heavily; to engage in the robust intake of alcoholic beverages. On his twenty-first birthday, Sean vowed, he would QUAFF at least one glass of beer at every tavern in the city.
quagmire (KWAG-mire), noun An entanglement that offers no ready solution or means of escape. Literally, a quagmire is a boggy patch of ground which wagons and caravans often cannot pass over.
The hostage situation, which once worked in the President’s favor, now threatens to become the worst QUAGMIRE of his administration.
quandary (KWON-duh-ree), noun A dilemma; a difficult or uncertain situation. Alisha found herself in a real QUANDARY when she realized she’ d asked two dates to the prom.
quash (kwahsh), verb To repress or subdue completely. The military quickly QUASHED the developing rebellion.
quintessence (kwin-TESS-unts), noun The purest and most perfect form of something. “In my opinion,” Howard said, “the Twinkie is the QUINTESSENCE of the snack cake.”
rabble (RAB-ul), noun
A mob; a rowdy crowd or disorderly group.
Flashing cameras recorded the journey of the accused as the police guided him through the RABBLE that had gathered on the courthouse steps.
raiment (RAY-munt), noun Clothing or apparel, often of the best quality. Clyde stood uncomfortably at the party in his stiff RAIMENT.
rambunctious (ram-BUNK-shuss), adjective
Difficult to manage or control; extremely boisterous.
We love to have Roman and Marlena over for dinner, but their three-year-old is so RAMBUNCTIOUS that no one gets to relax and enjoy the meal.
ramification (ram-ih-fih-KAY-shun), noun Eventual consequence. Ramification is, literally, the process of extending along branchlike progressions; an act’s ramifications, then, are the events or situations arising from it over time.
I believe the RAMIFICATIONS of approving this bill have not been thought through fully.
rarefied (RARE-uh-fied), adjective Lofty or exalted. Something that is rarefied is refined and of high caliber. I must admit I feel a little out of place in such RAREFIED company.
reapportionment (re-uh-PORE-shun-ment), noun Redistribution. Reapportionment is generally used with reference to changes in political districts based on shifting population. The REAPPORTIONMENT of voting districts dramatically affected the balance of power in the House.
recapitulate (re-kub-PIT-yoo-late), verb To summarize in concise form. To recapitulate a story is to relate its essential points briefly. Sgt. Dennis, an eyewitness, RECAPITULATED the incident to his superiors at headquarters.
recondite (RECK-un-dite), adjective Describes something, such as knowledge, that is difficult, obscure, and beyond ordinary knowledge. I made it through only five pages of the author’s RECONDITE prose before turning to the latest thriller.
recrimination (rih-krim-ih-NAY-shun), noun An accusation made in response to an accusation; a countercharge. Bo knew that divorce proceedings often degenerated into endless, bitter rounds of seemingly pointless RECRIMINATION.
recumbent (ri-KUM-bent), adjective Lying down. Recumbent can also mean “inactive.” Oscar lay on the beach, RECUMBENT beneath the warm Hawaiian sun.
redolent (RED-uh-lent), adjective Either having a pleasant fragrance OR being suggestive or reminiscent of something else, such as a writer’s work that shows clear evidence of another writer’s influence.
The song’s dominant theme was REDOLENT of well-known works by Beethoven.
redoubtable (rih-DOUT-uh-bull), adjective Inspiring wonder or awe; worthy of respect. The REDOUBTABLE Saint George mounted his charger and set off in search of his next dragon.
redundant (rih-DUN-dunt), adjective
Unnecessarily repetitious.
By the end of the lecture, Professor Smith’s points began to seem a little REDUNDANT, and I gave up taking notes when she said for the third time, “And as I stated earlier. . . .”
reiterate (re-IT-uh-rate), verb To restate or say again; to repeat. Let me REITERATE: There will be no exception to the official policy on removing unauthorized recordings from the studio.
rejoinder (rih-JOIN-der), noun An answer to a reply, especially a clever or witty answer. I stood there silently, racking my brain for a suitable REJOINDER to Mike’s rude remarks.
remiss (rih-MISS), adjective Negligent; unreliable or careless in one’s duties. I hired Ted because he was my friend, but if he continues to be REMISS in his duties I’m afraid I’m going to have to let him go.
remonstrate (rih-MON-strate), verb
To protest, object, or offer disapproval; to offer objection or specific complaint.
Neighborhood parents packed the meeting to REMONSTRATE with the school committee for voting to close the local elementary school.
remunerate (ri-MYOO-ne-rate), verb To pay (in consideration of another person’s expense or action). To remunerate is to settle an existing financial obligation by means of payment.
The insurance company REMUNERATED the accident victim only after months of delaying.
repartee (rep-er-TAY), noun
Conversation characterized by witty banter.
The REPARTEE of the new late-night host seemed rehearsed rather than spontaneous.
repose (rih-POSE), noun An instance of resting after exercise or strain; also, tranquil rest reminiscent of eternal or heavenly ease. We hiked in the Blue Hills from sunrise to sunset, stopping only for a brief REPOSE by the lake around midday.
resplendent (ri-SPLEN-dent), adjective Brilliantly shining. That which is splendidly lustrous is resplendent. A sky RESPLENDENT with stars awaited Norman and his telescope.
restaurateur (reh-stuh-ruh-TUR), noun
A person who manages and owns a restaurant.
The Andersons had no one to complain to when they discovered their rude waiter was none other than the RESTAURATEUR himself.
retort (rih-TORT), verb To reply in a sharp, sometimes retaliatory fashion; as a noun: a biting reply. “Well, if you’re so smart,” Frank RETORTED, “why did you drop the ball on the five-yard line?”
retrograde (REH-truh-grade), adjective Of withdrawing, retreating, or moving backward. I wouldn’t say you’re in a slump. I’ d say you’re making RETROGRADE progress.
revamp (re-VAMP), verb To redo. To revamp is to renovate thoroughly. The playwright decided to REVAMP several of the weaker scenes in the first act.
revelry (REV-ul-ree), noun Uninhibited celebration. Although Allan had a lot of work to do, he couldn’t resist joining in the REVELRY that accompanied the office Christmas party.
revile (rih-VILE), verb
To curse or abuse in harsh language. Someone who is reviled by another is denounced or hated by that person.
Realizing that he was REVILED by those opposing his stand on the military buildup, the Senator decided to cancel his appearance at the campus.
ribald (RIB-uld), adjective
Amusingly coarse or lewd. A ribald story is one that is off-color.
The young boys often retired to a spot behind the gym where they would pretend to smoke cigarettes and exchange RIBALD jokes none of them understood.
rife (rife), adjective Widespread; commonly occurring. Unimaginably poor sanitary conditions, RIFE in London at the time, were the chief cause of the sufferings of the plague years.
rigmarole (RIG-muh-role), noun Nonsensically complicated procedure. Rigmarole is also misleading and incomprehensible doubletalk. I have had enough of this author’s RIGMAROLE; I want a book with some substance to it.
risible (RIZZ-uh-bull), adjective Capable of causing laughter due to its ludicrous nature. Will someone please tell Sean that the hairstyle he thinks is so cool is really just RISIBLE?
rue (roo), verb To be sorrowful; to mourn or regret bitterly. After spending prom night at home watching movies by herself, Susan began to RUE the day she had rejected Mark so cruelly.
sacrosanct (SACK-roh-sankt), adjective Beyond criticism because it is considered sacred. You can’t criticize the Beatles, Steve. They’re SACROSANCT.
sagacious (suh-GAY-shuss), adjective
Perceptive; showing sound judgment.
Brian is the perfect candidate for chairman of the board; experienced, patient, and SAGACIOUS enough to help us counter the threat from our competitor.
salubrious (suh-LOOB-ree-uss), adjective
Healthful; promoting or contributing to good health.
Working out at the health club was definitely a more SALUBRIOUS use of my spare time than sitting at home in front of the television eating potato chips.
sans (sans), prepositionWithout.On the MTV show “Unplugged,” rock artists perform their songs SANS electric instruments and amplifiers.
sartorial (sar-TORE-ee-uhl), adjective Pertaining to tailors and their trade. Jake arrived at the job interview in SARTORIAL splendor.
satiate (SAY-shee-ate), verb Satisfy beyond reasonable expectation. To be satiated is to consume to excess. If this Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t SATIATE your appetite, nothing will.
saunter (SON-tur), verb To walk leisurely or for pleasure. On Sunday afternoons, Mr. Weeks would SAUNTER through Central Park gathering material for his short stories.
scarify (SKARE-ih-fie), verb To wound with harsh criticism. The drill instructor SCARIFIED recruits for the slightest deviation from protocol.
scintilla (sin-TILL-uh), noun The smallest imaginable portion. Your Honor, the prosecution’s case, which is based entirely on hearsay, is unsupported by a SCINTILLA of hard evidence.
scion (SIE-on), noun
A person directly descended from a given line.
My professor told me my claim to be a SCION of William Shakespeare’s line was totally at odds both with the existing genealogical information and with the quality of writing in my term paper.
sedentary (SED-un-tare-ee), adjective
Involving the act of sitting; accustomed to a lack of movement or exercise.
Although I have nothing against watching television during the work week, I do like to engage in less SEDENTARY activities on weekends.
sedition (sih-DISH-un), noun Words or actions directed against public order; the incitement of disorder or rebellion. The dictator’s charges of SEDITION against his political opponents were met with skepticism by the international press.
segue (SEG-way), noun In music, to pass from one section to another; also, as a noun, any connective matter linking, for example, otherwise unrelated thoughts or observations.
Tomlin’s mature routines, which featured random observations on the eccentricities of life with few or no SEGUES, were risky but always rewarding.
sepulchral (suh-PUHL-kruhl), adjective Describes something that is characteristic of a tomb because it is hollow and deep. Anyone who’s watched old reruns of The Addams Family will never forget Lurch’s SEPULCHRAL voice saying, “You rang?”
seriocomic (seer-ee-oh-KOM-ik), adjective Having both serious and humorous characteristics. Like many of today’s successful dramatists, Erica employs SERIOCOMIC themes in her work.
similitude (sih-MIL-ih-tood), noun Likeness or similarity. If A is a similitude of B, A is similar to B. Bea and Rosa have a SIMILITUDE of habits when it comes to cooking.
skulk (skulk), verb To move about furtively or quietly. After she lost her job, Lea SKULKED around the town at odd hours, hoping to avoid her former colleagues.
skullduggery (skull-DUG-uh-ree), noun
Dishonest actions; cheating.
Mike accused me of copying my answers to the math quiz; I replied that I had never engaged in such SKULLDUGGERY, or at any rate had never been caught, which in my view amounted to much the same thing.
smattering (SMAT-er-ing), noun A little bit. A smattering is a small amount of something. Dean picked up a SMATTERING of Italian during his visit to Venice.
smitten (SMIT-uhn), adjective Very much in love, or struck, as though by a hard blow. Warren is so SMITTEN with Ellen that he’s practically stopped getting anything productive done.
snit (snit), noun An angry or nasty mood; an irritated state. After his roommate spilled grape juice all over his favorite coat, Jay was in a SNIT for weeks.
somnambulist (som-NAM-byoo-list), noun
A person who walks during sleep.
My father, the most notorious SOMNAMBULIST in our family, once emptied out the contents of the refrigerator before proceeding back upstairs to bed.
sonorous (SON-uh-russ), adjective Deep or rich in sound; also, overblown or conceited in language. The chairman’s SONOROUS but mercifully brief remarks brought the long meeting to a close.
spatial (SPAY-shull), adjective Of or pertaining to physical space. The cover artist’s use of varying widths of type leaves the viewer with an intriguing sense of SPATIAL disorientation.
specious (SPEE-shuss), adjective
Something that appears to be good or right, but upon closer examination is not; superficially convincing but unsound.
My opponent’s arguments may seem sound at first hearing, but if you will grant me five uninterrupted minutes, Mr. Moderator, I will show them to be SPECIOUS.
staid (stayed), adjective Serious and dignified. Bert’s fluorescent pinstripes and huge bow tie were not at all what his new supervisor had in mind when he called for STAID attire.
stolid (STOL-id), adjective
Unemotional; impassive.
The witness retained her STOLID, professional demeanor in the face of some intense cross-examination.
stopgap (STOP-gap), noun
A temporary expedient.
We knew that keeping Dad inside the house by suggesting he watch the football game while we mowed the lawn was nothing more than a STOPGAP; sooner or later he’ d have to see the huge dent Billy put in the car.
stratum (STRA-tum), noun From the Latin meaning “cover,” stratum is a layer or level within a larger substance, object, idea, etc. The plural is “strata.” As his apology tumbled out, STRATUM after stratum of Carl’s mistakes came to light.
striate (STRY-ate), verb To mark with stripes or streaks. The adjective form, which you may see, is striated. I think I’ ll try to liven up the appearance of this room by STRIATING one of its walls with white and yellow.
stringent (STRIN-junt), adjective Imposing strict standards, rigid. It was very difficult for Bonnie to adhere to such a STRINGENT diet, but she managed to do it.
stultify (STUL-tih-fy), verb To render foolish or unable to act intelligently. That which stultifies causes a decrease in mental power. The intense heat had a STULTIFYING effect on Melanie; she found she had difficulty thinking clearly.
stymie (STIE-mee), verb
To thwart; to prevent (another) from achieving a goal.
The reporter’s attempts to get to the bottom of the scandal were STYMIED by the refusal of the principals to talk to him—either on or off the record.
substrate (SUB-strayt), noun An underlying layer that serves as a foundation or basis. Doodling on notepads during office meetings became the SUBSTRATE for Phil’s successful cartooning career.
succinct (suck-SINKT), adjective
Brief; pithy; concise.
Norman preferred to say a SUCCINCT goodbye to his brother before getting into the cab, rather than engaging in a long, drawn- out scene at the train station.
succor (SUCK-ur), noun
Aid or assistance; relief.
Although she did not participate in the crime, Mrs. Helm was sentenced to five years in prison for giving SUCCOR to men she knew to be kidnappers.
sully (SUL-ee), verb To besmear or make foul. Figuratively speaking, to sully a person, group, or institution is to cast aspersions on it. I will not allow you to SULLY the good name of my family with such baseless accusations.
sumptuous (SUMP-choo-us), adjective Extravagant. That which is lavish is sumptuous. A SUMPTUOUS feast awaited the couple at the hotel.
surcease (sur-SEESE), noun End. A surcease is a cessation. It was only with the SURCEASE of hostilities that life began to return to normal for the region’s civilian population.
surfeit (SUR-fit), noun and verb Excess. To have a surfeit of something is to have too much of it. We have had a SURFEIT of proposals and analysis; the time has come for us to act.
surmise (sur-MIZE), verb To guess; to come to a conclusion (often without strong evidence). We SURMISED that Leanna had declined the invitation to Arthur’s birthday party simply because she didn’t want to buy him a gift.
tableau (ta-BLOW), noun A memorable scene created by the grouping of objects and people. When I walked into the room, the TABLEAU of angry faces let me know we were about to resolve the family argument.
tacit (TASS-it), adjective Implied; understood without being openly explained or expressed. The men took their sergeant’s harsh language toward Ned as TACIT approval of their own abusive behavior toward him.
tangential (tan-JEN-chull), adjective
Divergent or digressive; only slightly connected (to a more important matter).
After reviewing the financial outlook for the coming year, the chairman closed the meeting with a few TANGENTIAL remarks on some new software the accounting department would be purchasing.
tantamount (TAN-tuh-mount), adjective Equivalent to in all meaningful respects. Tantamount derives from an old verb meaning “to amount to as much.” Please remember that, since this is a tight race, a vote for the third-party candidate is TANTAMOUNT to a vote for my opponent.
tempestuous (tem-PESS-choo-uss), adjective
Stormy, violent.
Lear’s own rage and madness, far more than any artificial theatrical storm effects, are the truly TEMPESTUOUS elements of these scenes.
temporize (TEM-puh-rize), verb
To gain time by being evasive or indecisive.
I stuttered and unleashed a flurry of “um’s” in an effort to TEMPORIZE and come up with a logical explanation for my earlier behavior.
tenet (TEN-ut), noun A principle. Something held to be true, valid, or essential by a group or organization is a tenet. I think you will agree with me that the primary TENET of this company is that the customer must come first.
tepid (TEP-id), adjective
Lukewarm in temperature; also, unenthusiastic.
Although he expected a loud and long ovation from the crowd in appreciation of his work, the playwright had to make do with a few pockets of TEPID applause and a low buzzing sound distinctly reminiscent of snoring.
terrestrial (tuh-RESS-tree-ul), adjective Of or pertaining to the earth, or to life on earth. Although life on a space station is interesting to read about, I still believe I’ d be most comfortable in a TERRESTRIAL setting.
tertiary (TUR-shee-are-ee), adjective Third in succession. That which follows the second item in a list, sequence, or progression is tertiary. The disease had progressed beyond its first two phases, and even showed signs of worsening beyond the TERTIARY stage.
thespian (THESS-pee-un), noun An actor. Thespian refers especially to a person who performs onstage in a play. Sir Laurence Olivier was rightly regarded as the most versatile THESPIAN of his era.
tincture (TING-churr), noun A trace amount or slight tinge. The drama was leavened with a TINCTURE of comic relief.
tintinnabulation (tin-tin-ab-yoo-LAY-shun), noun
The ringing of bells. Tintinnabulation derives from a Latin word meaning “bell.”
The TINTINNABULATION from the center of the village left no one in doubt: Christmas had come at last.
tome (toam), noun A thick or heavy book. Tome applies especially to long, academically oriented books. I had been hoping to read something light
that I could finish over my vacation, not a TOME like this.
tortuous (TORE-choo-uss), adjective Winding; full of twists and turns. Drive safely; the road leading from the center of town up the side of the mountain is a TORTUOUS one.
tragedian (truh-JEE-dee-un), noun An actor noted for performing tragic parts. Richard Burbage was the premier TRAGEDIAN of the Elizabethan era.
transfiguration (trans-fig-yuh-REY-shun), noun An extreme change in appearance; a metamorphosis. I was fascinated by the time-lapse video of a caterpillar’s TRANSFIGURATION into a butterfly.
travail (truh-VALE), noun
Hard work, especially work causing physical pain. Travail is sometimes used to describe the labor of childbirth.
It is not surprising that, given the TRAVAILS of the long journey westward, some settlers opted to return East rather than try to make a life on the frontier.
travesty (TRAV-ih-stee), noun A grotesque parody (of something). That which presents an insulting mockery (of a cherished institution, for instance) is a travesty. Let’s face it: the way Congress deals with overexpenditure is a TRAVESTY of its own budget reduction legislation.
treacle (TREE-kul), noun
Overly contrived sentiment; unrestrained mawkishness.
The movie’s plot, which concerned a little blind girl’s search for her puppy, represented perhaps the most unapologetic TREACLE of the year.
triennial (tri-EN-ee-ul), adjective Ocurring every three years. That which occurs once in a three-year cycle is triennial. The TRIENNIAL Shakespeare festival takes place in April of every third year.
trifling (TRY-fling), adjective Insignificant. That which is unimportant is trifling. The fact is, you are unlikely to be called in for an audit over such a TRIFLING amount of money.
tripartite (try-PAR-tite), adjective Consisting of three elements; involving three participants. The TRIPARTITE trade agreement was signed by representatives of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
troglodyte (TROG-luh-dyte), noun
One who behaves in a beastly, savage, or primitive manner. Literally, a troglodyte is a cave-dweller.
I knew that Sebastian would be uncommunicative after his ordeal, but I did not expect him to act like such a TROGLODYTE at work.
truncate (TRUN-kate), verb
To shorten by cutting (a segment).
The director left the long passage about the “willow that grows aslant the brook” intact, but decided to TRUNCATE an earlier scene that had something to do with Hecuba.
tumescent (too-MESS-unt), adjective
Swollen or beginning to swell.
The yellowjacket stung Rhoda on the thumb, leaving a TUMESCENT welt she felt compelled to show everyone in the office.
tumid (TOO-mid), adjective Swollen, like a body part, or pompous, like some human beings. Stephen’s TUMID, purple bruise was a source of fascination on the playground.
umbrage (UM-brij), noun Resentful annoyance. To take umbrage is to express irritation. I take UMBRAGE at the suggestion that I have used my position here for illicit personal gain.
unceremonious (un-sare-uh-MONE-ee-uss), adjective Rude or abrupt; tactlessly hasty; inappropriate. June made an UNCEREMONIOUS exit just as the chairman was beginning his remarks on the Fentworth project.
undisposed (un-dis-POZED), adjective Not inclined; not favoring. Jim was not crazy about having to find a job, but he was also UNDISPOSED to letting his children go hungry.
unequivocal (un-ee-KWIV-uh-kul), adjective Unambiguous; unadorned; blatant or obvious in expression. My response to your suggestion that we lie to the judge is an UNEQUIVOCAL one: absolutely not.
ungainly (un-GANE-lee), adjective
Wilma, who had always thought of herself as UNGAINLY, was surprised at the ease with which she and Clive moved across the dance floor.
unimpeachable (un-im-PEECH-uh-bul), adjective
Exemplary; beyond reproach or suspicion.
My alibi for the night in question comes from an UNIMPEACHABLE source, Sergeant Miller; I was helping Father White at the homeless shelter.
upbraid (up-BRAID), verb To criticize and assign blame (to a person). To upbraid is to scold. I did not spend thirteen years at this firm to be UPBRAIDED by a junior clerk, Mr. Franklin.
uprear (up-REER), verb To lift or raise up. At the sound of the siren, our dog UPREARED her head and howled.
urbane (ur-BANE), adjective Suave; sophisticated; debonair. Clive, Linda’s URBANE English cousin, was pleasant company for us all during his stay here.
utilitarian (yoo-til-ih-TARE-ee-un), adjective
Characterized by a concern for the practical or useful. That which is utilitarian is pragmatic.
I propose we take a UTILITARIAN approach to the problem: since it no longer runs, why not scrap the old car completely and sell it for parts?
vacillate (VAS-uh-late), verb To waver between options. A person who cannot decide which course of action to settle on vacillates. Mr. Mears’s principal weakness is that he is seen as a VACILLATING leader, one who cannot choose one path and stick to it.
vainglorious (vane-GLORE-ee-uss), adjective Given to self-absorption; inclined to view oneself excessively or too highly. Although some are entranced by Anais Nin’s diaries, they always struck me as the narcissistic, VAINGLORIOUS observations of a woman totally unable to look beyond herself.
valise (vuh-LEECE), noun A small piece of luggage; a carry-on bag. The stewardess asked me to stow my VALISE in the overhead cabin.
variegated (VAR-ee-uh-gay-tid), adjective Changing in color. That which alters hue is variegated. June’s latest needlework project uses VARIEGATED thread to achieve a rainbow effect.
vendetta (ven-DET-uh), noun
A bitter feud or grudge.
Mark’s arguments against my proposed project had less to do with its merits than with the VENDETTA he has held against me since I was hired for the job he wanted.
veracious (vuh-RAY-shuss), adjective
Honest; truthful.
Your Honor, I ask that the defense’s assertion that none of the prosecution’s witnesses are VERACIOUS be stricken from the record.
verbiage (VER-bee-uj), noun
Unnecessary words. Superfluous or overwrought language is verbiage.
Like many novelists, Robert overwrote: he would let everything fly in one session and then come back and pare away at VERBIAGE in another.
verbose (ver-BOSE), adjective Wordy. That which uses unnecessary language is verbose. This is not Hemingway’s best work: long passages of the manuscript are strangely VERBOSE and—let’s face it—downright boring.
verdant (VUR-dnt), adjective
Green (with plant life). That which is lush with vegetation is verdant.
The VERDANT surroundings give one the feeling of being a million miles from the city, but from where we are standing now Nashville is only fifteen minutes away by car.
vexation (vek-SAY-shun), noun Irritation. That which aggravates causes vexation. “Where on earth is my horse?” Scarlett demanded in VEXATION.
virtuoso (vur-choo-OWE-so), noun A supremely skilled artist. Geena is a piano VIRTUOSO who has won dozens of competitions.
visage (VIZ-uj), noun The face. Visage can also mean “appearance.” It was a grim-VISAGED Roosevelt who addressed Congress the day after the Japanese attack.
voluminous (vuh-LOO-mih-nuss), adjective Possessing great volume or fullness. Michelle’s wedding dress was so VOLUMINOUS that there was barely room for Jon to stand next to her at the altar.
vouchsafe (vouch-SAFE), verb
To deign or to condescend; to agree, in a condescending manner, to grant a request or do something; to offer as a favor or privilege.
James’s show of superiority to everyone else in the family was so blatant that I’m surprised he VOUCHSAFED to spend a few minutes with me at the reunion.
waggish (WAG-ish), adjective Joking, witty, and mischievous. The noun form, which you might see, is “wag.”
Kent’s WAGGISH comments got him in trouble with the boss.
wangle (WANG-gul), verb To get one’s own way by using manipulation or clever means. Franz WANGLED two tickets to the concert by pretending to be the son of the city’s premier entertainment critic.
wend (wend), verb To go forward. To wend one’s way is to proceed along a given course. Hansel and Gretel, WENDING their way through the forest innocently, had no idea what awaited them at journey’s end.
whilom (HWHY-lum), adjective Former, erstwhile. I’m afraid our WHILOM friendship will not survive this latest betrayal.
witticism (WIT-ih-siz-um), noun
A witty saying or remark.
We like to invite Roger to our cocktail parties, as he is able to keep other guests entertained for hours on end with his stories and WITTICISMS.
wizened (WIZ-und), adjective Old; shriveled. The subject of the documentary was a WIZENED old man of ninety-seven who happened to be the oldest living Bolshevik.
wont (wont), noun A habit or custom. As was his WONT, Jeb took a walk to the sidewalk cafe near his home and bought a copy of the New York Times to read.
yore (yore), noun
Former days; an era long past.
In days of YORE, scribes sat in their chambers copying out long manuscripts, and dreaming, I like to believe, of copiers and word processors.
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