الجمعة، 7 أبريل 2017

Enterview Winner

Enterview winner :

Values :
In many companies - especially smaller ones - bringing on a new employee can feel like adding a member to the family. Knowing that he or she will get along with their co-workers is extremely important. Companies - big and small - are building a more open, friendly, and identifiable culture. Very rarely will interviewers want the absolute best candidate IF that candidate is hard to be around. Skills can be honed, but values and behavior is much more difficult to change.
To borrow an old sports adage, "Hard work beats talent, if talent doesn't work hard". Maybe it's trite, but that doesn't make it less true. Employers want to know that you take pride in your work and are, not only willing to learn, but eager to grow as a professional. Generally, companies don't want to hire a "full-book" so to speak, they want to know you are not coming into the the interview (or job) with a know-it-all mentality. No one truly knows it all, so don't even bother pretending.

This is often a place that employers separate the wheat from the chaff when vetting candidates. They typically don't want someone who views the position as 'just a job' or 'just a stepping stone'. Employers want someone who is interested and invested in the company itself. Just don't let your ambition get too far beyond the scope of the position you are being interviewed for.

Different companies have vastly different work environments ranging from open and collaborative to cubicle laden and shut off. Not everyone can thrive in every environment and employers are fully aware of it. For instance, some personality types are easily distracted in a fun, loud, and creative office, while others feed off of it. If a candidate has experience and has excelled in a similar environment to what the employer offers, they may get a leg up in an interview.

The amount of weight put into these aspects of fit will certainly differ from employer to employer. When searching for a job, doing a little bit of research, choosing companies with clearly laid out culture, and crafting a resume to match that culture can be the difference between an applicant and new hire.

For a hero, courage is as important as a shell is to a tortoise. Without courage, a hero is just as vulnerable as any other man walking down the street. Courage here stands to signify that firmness of the spirit and 'mettle' of the soul to stare at danger and trouble right in the eye. Courage here stands to signify the valor it takes to overcome adversities and adversaries. It's like a soldier rushing into battle knowing well that death awaits him. In all reality, this is what courage is all about!
A hero does not become a hero by simply beating up a thousand goons and riding into the sunset victoriously with his lady love. If this was all it took to become a hero, every other Romeo beating up rivals and stealing away his love in the still of the night can be branded a hero. It really is more than that! Sacrifice is what helps a mere mortal make that journey from a mediocre life to one filled with greatness. Sacrifice, by definition, can be described as the giving up of something highly valued for a purpose of greater importance. Thus, in order to achieve greatness and the status of a hero, it is extremely essential for an individual to sacrifice.

Self Talk
Self talking is the best way in which you can instill any good habit and give up a bad habit. Keep speaking to yourself about the change which you want to see in yourself. Repeat the statements which will help affirm the particular new habit which you want to create a part of your daily life.

Directed Imagination
Another effective way in which you can incorporate a new habit consciously is by imagining yourself performing the action relating to the new habit. Visualize yourself performing the new activity or a role and see how good you sound and look. This visual imaginative role that you will see yourself in, will help you easily make the habit a part of your daily routine.

One Habit For 30 Days
It can so happen that you want to bring about a number of changes in your behavior at a time. In such a case take up a single change that you want to see in yourself and start practicing it daily consciously for 30 days at a stretch. After 30 days you will realize that you no more need to practice the change you want to be because it has now become a habit. After 30 days you can take up the next endeavor.

Use A Trigger
A trigger is a small ritual which you perform before getting used to a habit. A simple habit which you want to inculcate like not watching excess of television, can be triggered by setting a self-timer in the television. The time you want the television to get switched off, set the timer to that time so that the T.V will get switched off, forcing you to engage yourself in something more productive. You can use such small triggers to consciously develop a habit.

Replacement is the key word to develop a new habit. In order to remove something from the system without damaging the other files it is necessary to fill in the gap which was created due to the removal of a file. Similarly if you are giving up a habit you need to fill up the free space by a habit that fulfill the same requirement as the old habit. For eg. giving up watching television means you need to find some other relaxation medium for yourself. This approach will make it simpler for you to get used to the change you want to be.

But To Kill Bad Thoughts
A prominent habit changing step can be to force out all the negative thoughts from your mind. The moment you think negative about yourself and find yourself incapable of taking a strong stand, use the word 'but' and bring in the positive about yourself. This negative positive game will help develop your self-confidence and will make you believe in the change you are going to make.

Write It Down
You can even write down a particular habit in a piece of paper and stick it to a place where it will be visible to you. This will keep reminding you about the commitment you made to your brain and will help you in working towards living that change you wished for.

Get Leverage
Catch hold of your sibbling or a friend and hand them over a 100 rupee note. Instruct them to return you the note only if you successfully cross all the hurdles to reach your goal. Make a public commitment in front of everyone you know that you will stick to your plan. The necessity to keep up your words and dignity will force you to consciously work towards developing the new habit.

Keep It Simple
Changing for the good is beneficial both to your personality and to others as well. But, you should keep in mind that changing is a small process and your body and mind should first get used to the new introduction. Therefore, don't get too harsh on yourself and keep only one or two rules simple rules and not a dozen rules regarding the new habit. Simple rules will help you create habits, whereas complex rules will just put you in a more complex puzzle.

Consistency Is Key
The point of a habit is that it doesn't require thought. Make sure that your habit is consistently being followed everyday without fail. This consistent performance will drill in the habit in you instead of multiple habits loosely conditioned.

Love to Hear Compliments
You always want others to compliment you for even the smallest of the achievements like how you look, how you worked on that article, what you have or what great work you have done. You are so desperate to hear that even if you do not get any comments, you start pouring in questions in order to receive compliments, such as Do you think I did great? or Do I look good tonight?

Avoiding Compliments
While some people love to get complimented, some prefer to refrain from receiving any accolades. Even if you have done well, you do not want to be complimented or appreciated simply because you feel the comments aren't from the heart. Rather, it is just a way to make you feel better. You feel that the positive comments are not justified, since you are not worth getting them.

The Universe is the Cause
Any mistake or failure committed on your part is simply put on various external factors, such as poor luck, bad company, the environment in general, and so on. If you are not able to accept your mistake and hold the universe responsible for it, you are definitely suffering from inferiority complex.

Lack of Sportsmanship
Competitions where you are required to test your abilities against the others are always kept at bay. If you lose competitions, you feel you are not good enough to compete with anyone. You do not take any step towards achieving success. On rare occasions, when you take in that step, chances are that you discourage yourself saying that you can never achieve it even in your wildest dreams.

Finding Faults
As you cannot keep yourself happy, you cannot accept others feeling happy as well. As such, you are constantly finding ways to point out their imperfections and making them feel bad about themselves. This is known as crab mentality, where we pull others down as well. In case you are one of such people, know for sure that you can never feel confident and superior, unless you stop competing with others.

Avoiding The World
People with inferiority complex often avoid social gatherings, meetings, debates and forums. Rather, they prefer to stay back alone keeping the world unknown about their flaws. The feeling that they are not smart and as interesting as others pulls them to a corner unnoticed by anyone. All efforts trying to make this person speak fail, since they think they will make a laughing stock out of themselves.

Time Management
Are you always in hurry and rushing for your daily chores? Do you find yourself in a mess and do you find it difficult to remember things? If yes, then perhaps you need to organize your time more efficiently. Maintain a To Do list and schedule all your appointments in a notebook. Stick to only one notebook instead on using multiple calendars to schedule your appointments. Check the notebook regularly so that you don't miss any appointments. This way you can avoid overtaxing your brain with preoccupying thoughts. Do not overbook yourself with tasks, find some time for relaxation too. Catch up with friends and spend time with families so that you don't overstress yourself.

Organizing Home
Do you live in a cluttered home filled with unnecessary things? Does cleaning home sound a herculean task to you? A cluttered home can drain both your time and finances. A nicely organized home not only creates an abode of peace, but also impresses your guests. If you too want your home to look simple and organized, why wait for the springs? Any time is the right time to create a soothing, simple, and organized home to return to. If you are living in a messy home, set a schedule for your home cleaning agenda. Hire help if required. If you have the money to invest, call a gardener, a decorator, or a professional organizer to get things in order. This will also help you save a lot of time so that you can do some productive work. Make cleaning a fun activity so that you don't get bored and give up the task. Include your kids and other family members to help you in the job. Take a break at intervals, sit back, and relax. Making things in order is great but maintaining things in place are difficult. Take necessary steps so that your cleaning doesn't go in vain.

Getting Workplace Organized
Is your work desk always filled with clutters and old stationeries? If yes, then try getting your workplace more organized. Check your pen holder and get rid of old pens that do not write any more. Don't feel bad to throw out unnecessary items. The more you dispose out clutters, the more organized will be your workplace. Organize your desk drawers and make room for subtle items. If you don't have a drawer, use the place below your monitor to give home to your calculator, PDA, wallet, keys, phones, etc. Organize your files and folders and label them appropriately so than you don't have to hunt for them. Do you grab an envelope to scribble telephone numbers and addresses and then couldn't find them when needed? Rather maintain a notebook for this purpose so that you don't have difficulty finding them.

Being Creative
Limit your resources and tools that will help you to produce creative outputs. Limiting resources forces you to create things with whatever is available in your hands. The more limited resource you have, the better you will learn to utilize them and come up with new ideas and innovations.
Feedback and criticism are good, but only to a certain extent. Most of the time, a negative feedback or criticism can make you disheartened and you may give up easily. So don't listen to feedback, instead follow your own path. Don't let criticism take over your creativity. Finish your work and then share it with everybody.
Remember that people might not take your creativity seriously or will show resistance to your ideas. This is common because people usually are resistant to anything new. They prefer things the way they are and if you come up with an idea that opposes their belief, they might get resistant and criticize you. However, don't get carried away with negative feedback and criticism, instead follow your own set path.
Most creative people ignore trends. If you truly want to be creative, ignore the trends and let your mind go free. If you really want to do something don't follow the trends. Come up with your own idea instead of following a particular genre.
Spend some time alone. You don't have to become antisocial, but quiet surrounding helps you to focus more on your work.
Creativity Exercises
Take a picture and try to write a few lines about the picture. Try to think out of the box and write something funny or interesting about it.
Play word association games. You can either play with a friend or alone. Write down a word and then write down a related word that comes to your mind.
Write down some basic questions on a paper. For example, what is your name, what you did last night, etc. then try to answer the questions with a song lyric. To make it more interesting, you can ask a friend to ask the questions to you and you can answer by singing a line from a song that fits the question.
Take a familiar outline and then come up with sketches to fit the idea. You can also ask a friend to doodle a line and then draw cartoons on the line. You may even try to build a story line with all the cartoons you have drawn.

Know Yourself
Know your strengths and weaknesses. After all, what's the point of having good listening skills if you are not aware of the same? A good self-knowledge would make you more self aware and confident in company of other people. Also, it would give a boost to your self esteem and sense of self worth.
Self Consciousness Vs Self Awareness
Pointing out and constantly thinking about your weaknesses is being conscious. What you need to practice is acceptance. Accept your weaknesses and be aware of them. That would make you more comfortable in your skin. The more you are aware of your own self, the more relaxed you will be, as you would explicitly know what you are capable of and what not.
Learn To Like Yourself
Liking comes with acceptance. You cannot keep pinpointing your failures to yourself. That is unfair. You must start realising that you are likeable and most importantly, a unique individual. Turn to your close friends and family to know what they like about you and maybe you'll know what makes you so important in their life. You need not conform to rules. Love yourself and in no time you would shed off those shy robes and get comfortable socially.
Get Inspired
Observe the people that you like and gauge what it is about them that you like so much. This is the best way to get inspired and rid yourself of the shyness syndrome. People whom you admire have this intrinsic quality to transforming your life without doing much. Just stay close to such people and who knows you might just be like them!
Visualize & Practice
Think of situations and imagine your responses to them. Visualize yourself walking into a room full of people you may or may not know. Come up with situations and think of your responses to them. Take the help of past encounters and situations for this. Practicing in front of the mirror is another way to come out of the shell and get interactive.
Escapism Is Bad
Never escape a situation because you are feeling shy. Don't just run away when caught in the spotlight. That's the worse you can do to yourself. Try to make most of what you can do and bow out gracefully from the scene, instead of making a run for it. Remember, a gracefully handled situation is always better than an escaped one. Your conscience would never forgive you for escapism!
Mythical Perfection
Nobody is perfect and you must understand it. Everyone errs and it's only when you err that you learn so stop brooding about all those times you slipped on spilled wine in a room full of eligibles. It happens to everyone, so you don't really have to be singularly paranoid about it.
Accept Rejection
Many a times, it happens that you are amidst a group of people who have sworn by to keep away from you. In such times, feeling rejected and dejected is natural. However, the trick is not to take this rejection personally. Instead, find a lesson from it and move on.
Practice Social Skills
Sociability is a skill and it is the acquired type. You can practice being social by putting yourself out there and by practicing what to say ahead of time. You might do blunders for a couple of times initially, but that doesn't mean you stop trying. Learn from your mistakes and go ahead and socialize more. Only then you would turn to a perfect social birdie you always aimed to be.
Ask Yourself
Am I breathing? Am I relaxed? Am I moving with grace? Am I looking good? Have I done full justice to the party do's and don'ts? If the answer to all the above question is a confident 'Yes', then what is stopping you from having fun at the party. However, in case you are not sure about any of the questions, just make way to the washroom, look at the mirror and say yourself 'I look gorgeous/handsome'. This would give an instant boost to your confidence. Return to the party and mix with people.
What is Comfortable for You?
Hanging out in bars and clubbing every night is not really everybody's cup of tea. Just be wherever you are comfortable. If your idea of an outing is a picnic and road trip, then do it and make sure you go out with different, but reliable, groups every time. Do not get worked up if you are Bryan Adams lover stuck in a rockers' company. Just be yourself and you would be surprised that people would in fact love your individuality!
Make More Friends
Nothing beats this one. The more people you meet, the more exposure you get and that in turn makes you super confident. More people means more points of view, more exchange of information and hence more knowledge and social skills. Also, more people would mean hanging out with different groups and shedding off those inhibitions forever!
Work On Your Body Language
Only twenty percent of the conversation comprises of the verbal one. The rest eighty percent is body language. Study and observe the people you like and then see what is it that make their body language likeable. However, that doesn't mean you compromise your individuality and copy someone. You can develop your own style according to your comfort. The general idea here is that body language is extremely important, so make sure you don't ignore that detail. Have a good and confident posture and even your walk must be composed and elegant one. Once this is achieved, you would feel the confidence levels rising within you.

First find out all that you consider to be the most important aspect that you should have in life. Naturally, you cannot do this in an instant. So you should sit down and brainstorm. Jot down all what you wish to accomplish in your life.
Set a time period, say for a period of six months or one year. Write down a list of personal goals that you would like to adopt in that period. These goals may include your development in the areas of finance, health, society, career or spirituality. Jot down what you would like to achieve regarding personal development in that period.
From the list separate your short term and long term goals. Also, strike out any goals that you feel will require more time and patience for you to achieve. Select only those personal development goals that you can achieve in that time period.
You can also work on developing personal development goals regarding the job you are holding. Note down the various key areas in which you would like to set up the goals and achieve them.
Try to blend your personal goals with your work goals. You should find a relationship between your goals, so that those areas keep you highly motivated.
Jot down the activities that can help you to attain the goals. In this, you should first select those activities that help you in achieving the most important goals that you have mentioned in the list. Segregate the activities so that when one goal is achieved you can move on the next goal of another activity.
Rewrite the goals after every couple of months. This is to help you to figure in any changes that you may consider regarding your goals. Also, the list of activities that you must do should also be revised every once in a while, so that you can select the activities that help you the most in achieving your goal. Strike out the activities that you find are less helpful in achieving your goals.
Be determined. Focus on what you want to accomplish. When you know what you want, you can also choose what you want to do and what not to do.
Your success in life is dependent upon your realization of your goals. Remember that the journey to your goal is as important as achieving your goals.

Learn to forget and forgive even if you are cheated, betrayed, taunted, or hit by someone. Unless you can forget and forgive, grudge, anger, and frustration will envelope you, thus making you very unhappy. Rehashing old stories only reinforces the pain and misery.
Do not expect much from people and from life. If your expectation is not met, it will make you unhappy.
Never compare yourself with others. Every person has his or her own ability and limitations. Learn to appreciate things you are presently have, instead of complaining about things you don't have.
Show love, care, and respect to people around you.
Be a social worker. Help people who are in distress. This will give you immense joy and a sense of contentment.
Learn to be self affirming and find ways to be good to yourself.
Learn to praise yourself. Pat yourself if you cooked a good meal, or if you have painted a nice picture.
Give some time to yourself. Do things you love to do the most. Read a good book, watch some movies, or just pamper yourself with a lavish spa treatment. This will definitely rejuvenate you and most importantly, will make you feel joyful.
Explore your spiritual side and learn the effect of spiritual healing.
Spirituality is a great source of emotional support especially during hard times. It has the ability to make you mentally strong and help you focus on life.
Enjoy life to the fullest. Learn to keep aside tension and anxiety and relax peacefully.
Close your eyes and remember all those beautiful moments that make you feel happy. Good memories will bring a smile to your face.
Always wear a smile and dress nicely.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learn to stay fit and keep yourself healthy.
Greet people with a sweet smile.
Get enough rest. Avoid overworking. It is absolutely okay to mollycoddle yourself some times.
Treat yourself often! Go for a good show, dine in a chic restaurant, or let your shopping spree take over you. However, be sure to keep it within your ability to afford it.
Don't allow negative thoughts to dwell in your mind. Forgetting unhappy events is a great way to stay happy.
Love people around you. Bringing a smile to the face of a loved one will make you happy too.
Do not slave yourself for money.

How often have you slouched in your couch and pinned about your flagging gait? Correct posture is something that doesn't come easy to most of us and it definitely deserves an all-out effort to stop one from slumping, when expected to stand tall. However, the simple balloon trick can elevate your posture, if not get you flying! All you have to do is stand straight and imagine a balloon tied to your head, trying to heave you upwards. Thinking so will get you posing upright naturally, without unnecessarily stressing your spine. Try this little mind trick every day to do away with the hunch and sport a fitter you!
Do you remember being snubbed by your mom, your nanny and even your teacher for bending over your desk when expected to sit erect. While you inadvertently filed away the flak then, you definitely regret now about not having taken a stand then. Nonetheless, it is never too late to work towards a healthy body. Strenuous hours on your chair can get the better of your spine and get it slouching. If you are caught in a desk job, there is indeed no escape from lot of slumping around. Kick the bad habit and dump the chair and get moving. Walking once in every thirty minutes will save your muscles from tiring out and also save you from the hump later on in life!
Doesn't matter if you are hanging out with your friends in the club or reclining in your office cafeteria - always ensure that your posture is correct! It's important for your body to stand in perfect alignment. Always hold your ears, shoulders and hips in complete coordination.Standing straight doesn't have to mean that you tense up your back, heave your chest and draw your head back to the chest, which is wrong. All you need to do is to make sure that your ears are aligned with your shoulders and you are done.
The way you sit often makes a difference on the way you stand and how you carry yourself. While it is easy to sit erect, getting the right lumbar support can make a big difference. Ensure that your chair's backrest has a natural curve that fits into the hollow of your back. When seated, always make sure that your spine is in sync with the backrest. Always rest the soles of your feet flat on the floor while seated.
This one is especially for the high-heeled ladies out there! Heels are indeed the worse affliction women can subject themselves too. Heels tend to non-align the body posture and alter body's center of gravity. If you are a heel freak and can't do without your high-heeled footwear, it's suggested that you settle for a more modest kitten heels than perch yourself on the stilettos.
Last but not the least, when you bend to lift anything, don't crouch or bend from your waist. Just bend your knees, if you have to bend at all. The cue is to never bend your spine. The more you flex your spine, the more likely you are to be left with a curve posture.

It's your job to sell yourself:
If you don't do it, then you can be sure that no one else will. Most of us understand this, but that doesn't mean that we're all comfortable with it. There is no need to bloat your accomplishments or make false claims, but there is every need to paint the best picture of yourself. If you're feeling apprehensive about this idea, then remember: it's not bragging if you did it.

Apply to fewer jobs:
When you need a job, it's easy to shotgun your resume in 100 different directions. And that is exactly why the stack of resumes is so high for that job you want. Everyone is sending out the same resume to every job they can find. Slow down. Focus on a few jobs that you actually want. Then tailor everything about your application to each specific job.

You're interviewing them too:
Your goal should be to find a job that you actually care about and a company that you want to be a part of. If you focus on jobs like that, then the interview will be much better. You'll be genuinely engaged. You'll ask more questions because you're interested and not because "that's what you're supposed to do in an interview." Plus - and here's a crazy bonus - if you only apply to jobs that you look interesting, then you aren't going to end up in a job that you never actually wanted. Sort of makes you wonder why you're applying to a bunch of jobs that you aren't going to enjoy, right?

Realize that some things are of minimal benefit:
If you really wanted, you could write out a list of 1000 things to remember for a job interview. Of course, most of them wouldn't really help you because some things just aren't that important. Your focus should be on solving problems for the company, on proving why you're the best candidate for the job, and on finding a culture and community that you naturally fit in with. If you do those three things, then you'll find that the little things (like remembering to iron your shirt) are... well... little things.

Sometimes you may need to be persistent:
If you want to make an impression, then you might have to find the courage to never say die. You might need to take ten people out to lunch before you find a contact that can help you. You might need to send a progress report to the recruiter every week for two months before they even care. You might need to start a project on the side and email a progress report to a recruiter every week for two months before they start to pay attention to you. You might need to ask one person to vouch for you. Then you might need to ask five more. Don't lose hope and keep moving forward everyday. Keep walking and you'll make it to the finish line.

If you want to be an exceptional candidate, then you need to do exceptional preparation:
Preparation is the number one thing that will set you apart from other candidates. Want to be more impressive? Prepare more. If you are obsessed with preparing for every aspect of the interview, then you will be ready to crush it.

Know why you are applying for this job:
Yes, you want a job so that you can pay for your lifestyle. But what are your underlying motivations? Why are you driven towards this job? Why are you passionate about this position? How do your values match the values you will need to do your job? This is a deep question and if you know the answer to it, then you will understand what drives a lot of the answers you will give during the interview. You'll have a better idea of why you're a good fit for the job ... and that makes it easier for you to tell the recruiter why you're a good candidate.

Research everything you can about the company:
You want to know about the place you're going to work not just so that you can sound intelligent in the interview, but so that you can figure out if it's a place that you actually want to work at. Even if this isn't a "career" for you, it's likely that you'll be in the job for a year or two. A year might not seem that long, but talk to anyone who hated their job for a full year ... and they'll tell you that one year is a long time. See what you can find on the company. You'll want to know what you're getting into.

If you're applying for a job at a public company, then check out the financial statements and SEC filings:
Go online and search for the Annual Report, Proxy Statement, and 10-K for the company that you're interested in. These documents aren't thrilling reads, but they have excellent information in them. Even if you only read the summary near the beginning of each document, then you will be well versed on the inner workings of the company. The corporate filings are also a great way to discover specific questions about the company and you can mention that you read these documents in your research.

Get to know someone on the inside:
Employees can give you an idea of what "a day in the life" is like and can help you determine if this is a place you would like to work at. Plus, if you mention your meetings with employees during the interview then you will make an impression as someone who is serious about the job. If you don't know where to start, then head over to LinkedIn or Google and do some searches for people at the company you are interviewing with. If all else fails, give them a call and talk to someone in the department that you want to work in. It shouldn't be too hard to find someone willing to let you take them to lunch.

Show them that you are familiar with that culture and that you're a good fit for it:
Interviewers are looking for qualified candidates and people who fit in well with their community and culture. They want to be able to trust you, so show them that you display values that are consistent with their group. (Side note: if you really aren't a good fit and don't match up well with the people you talk to, then you might want to reconsider going there. There is no sense in spending tons of time with people you don't enjoy being around.)

Describe the ideal candidate:
Once you know a bit more about the company, spend some time writing out a full description of the ideal candidate. Try to be totally objective about it. What would the company want? See things from their perspective. If you were the recruiter, what would the perfect candidate look like?

Reframe your experiences:
Once you understand what the company is looking for and what the ideal candidate would look like, you can reframe your experiences to meet those expectations. For example, if the job description requires a "proven ability to motivate others," then it is basically asking for "effective leadership skills" ... but one of those phrases might match up better with your background than another. Spend some time thinking about alternative phrases and how you can reframe your skill set to match the desired qualifications.

Create an "I can handle it" list:
If you can convince the recruiter that you can handle the job, then you'll have a much better chance of getting the job. Print out the list of required skills and experience that comes with the job. Next to each item, write down an experience you have had that is relevant. It doesn't need to be a perfect match... just an experience that proves that you can handle the task. This is also a good place to look for stories from your personal life or previous work that match up well with the "I can handle it" list. It's a great way to keep your stories relevant to the position. The hiring managers want to make a good call because their reputation is on the line. You need to ease their fears and show them that you can handle the position.

Develop a list of "sound bites":
Sound bites are short phrases or sentences that you want to make sure you say throughout the interview. These are phrases that highlight everything that is great about you as a candidate. The exact way you tell a story might change, but you'll always want to include the sound bite. For example, "I once worked with a co-worker who constantly pushed her work off on me because Excel spreadsheets are a strong point for me and she knew this..." is a great sound bite to use at the start of a story about dealing with a difficult co-worker. It kicks things off and refers to one of your skills. You can tell the rest of the story naturally and still know that you included a solid sound bite. You should have a sound bite for each story you tell. (Hat tip to Stephanie Kiester)

Own your online reputation:
Everyone going through the job process is going to have their name searched. You don't need to be an internet superstar, but it's a good idea to have an online presence that puts recruiters at ease. You either need to be comfortable with having the hiring manager reading your tweets and browsing your Facebook pictures or you need to adjust your privacy settings so that those areas are hidden. Some people provide a lot of value through social media, so perhaps they want hiring managers to see that. It doesn't matter which method you choose, but make sure it's a conscious decision. This is one area of the job process that actually is under your control, so it would be silly to not take responsibility for it.

If you know who is interviewing you, then search for them online:
You can flip the script and search for your interviewers as well. Of course, you're not looking for dirt, you're looking for evidence that you might fit in well at the company, for areas of common interest, and for possible questions you could ask the recruiter.

Determine who the most appropriate people are that you can list as references:
Then, tell them that you are listing them. It's important to give your references a heads up. If you feel uncomfortable telling someone that you're listing them, then what makes you think that they are going to be a good person to talk about you?

Do as many practice interviews as you can:
It's not fun - and it might even be more awkward than the real interview - but doing practice interviews with friends, family, or others is a critical piece of the puzzle. You need feedback not just on your responses, but also on body language, tone, and approach. You'll never know how your answers need to change unless you deliver them a few times.

Use the STAR method to guide your answers.
This simple formula ensures that you accurately describe your experiences and highlight the results they provided. The STAR method includes,

S: The Situation - describe it
T: The Task or problem - what dilemma or problem did you face?
A: The Action - what action did you take?
R: The Result - what was the result of your action?
Make sure that each experience you describe includes those four areas. (Hat tip to Fred Cooper.)

Devise bullet points for each question, not a full script:
You will want to write out your answers to hard questions beforehand because the written word forces you to clarify your thoughts. However, you only need to know the main point or primary story that you want to tell for each answer... you don't need to memorize everything word for word.

Hiring managers usually ask questions related to five categories.
a) Your background, so that they can understand your experiences, education, and overall qualifications.
b) Your knowledge of the job, so that they can test your understanding of the position, their company, and the industry.
c) Your personality, so that they can understand your work style and social style and decide if that fits in with their company.
d) Your skills, so that they can get an idea of your abilities and test your knowledge and competency for the job.
e) Your future goals, so that they can get an idea of your career aspirations and determine how motivated you will be in the position.

Tell me a little bit about yourself:
Use this question as an opportunity to tell a short story about yourself that describes the values you have and why you think they are important for the job.

Why are you interested in our company?
This is where you show that you did your research. Tell them what you know about the company, about the challenges they face and the opportunities they have, and how you fit in well with that overall picture.

Give us an example of a challenge you faced and how you overcame it:
Once again, a good story here is crucial. One solid story about overcoming a challenge will stick with a recruiter long after the interview.

What are your strengths?
Only mention strengths that you can back up with clear proof. Prove your strengths with numbers and percentages, not generalized statements.

What are your weaknesses?
This is a classic question that everyone hates. If you say that you "work too hard" then no one takes the answer seriously, but if you say a real weakness then you look like a bad candidate. So what do you do? My suggestion is to pick a technical skill that is real, but mostly unrelated to your job. For example, you could say "Finance isn't really my thing. I understand the big picture of profit and revenue, but small details and the mechanics of how it works - that's just not how my mind works. So I would say that's a weakness, but it's also a reason I'm applying for this job in marketing. I know that it leverages my strengths and steers clear of some of the weaknesses."

Did you and your former boss ever disagree?
Never speak poorly about a former employer in an interview. It doesn't matter what the circumstances were or how bad it was - keep things positive or neutral. Nobody wants to hire someone that might talk bad about them down the road.

Why did you leave your last job?
Be honest, but also use it as an opportunity to show why this job is a better fit.

Are you a team player?
Yes, you are - and make sure you have a good story and some proof to back it up. If you can provide the results that your team efforts provided, then that's great too.

What books or magazines do you like to read?
This question is meant to find out how much you keep up with the industry, market, and so on. Feel free to throw in some of your own personal tastes, but the hiring manager wants to hear that you read things that are relevant to the job you're applying for.

Why should we hire you?
Don't make vague statements here. Show them that you have done your research by highlighting what problems they are facing. Then, provide specific examples of how you're the right person to help solve those problems. Give them proof of your value and your answer will come across as clear, concise, and confident.

You won't be able to prepare for every possible question.
Don't worry about having all of the answers before your interview. It's more important to develop stories that highlight your key virtues and adapt those stories to the questions that are asked.

Show that you're in it for a career and not a job:
Most people just want a job. They want to be employed and get paid. Show the recruiter that you're looking for a career. You want to become a part of the culture, of the company, of a team. You want to be there through good and bad and support the people around you. You researched the company history, their culture, their advertisements and marketing campaigns, their Twitter and Facebook pages... you want to get to know them because you want to know the type of family that you're being a part of. You're in it for a career - not just a job.

Ask "What intrigues you about me enough that you called me in for a second interview?"
It's obvious that they like you because they invited you back for a second interview, so you might as well find out what they like. They will give you some key areas that they are impressed with, which makes it easier for you to briefly highlight those strengths as well as focus on the other areas that will seal the deal.

Say thank you:
Once the interview is over, send an individualized thank you note to each person you interviewed with and mention something specific that happened or that you said during the interview to remind them who you are. Don't worry about saying all sorts of things. Just keep it short and sweet.

Be diligent and keep checking in:
You don't want to pester them, but occasionally check in to see how the process is coming along and remind them of who you are and why you're committed to the position. Waiting one week before reaching out is usually a good time frame.

You've done your best.

Phone Calls
Make a note of all the conversation that you would be talking on the phone. Most people are scared about forgetting what they intend to say to the other person on the phone. The best way to deal with this is to write down all that you will speak. This would help ease all your worries.
Most people panic when they receive a rude phone call, as they do not know how to react to such calls. In such a case, ask your friend to behave like one of those people. He/she might enact the way your boss or the bill collector does. Practice your responses in order to better behave when the actual call rings.
If you are into a marketing job where you have to promote various products to strangers, it is natural to get anxious about the questions that the customers would pour in. Hence, gather all the possible knowledge about your product to speak confidently and answer the questions accordingly.
While making calls to an unknown person, some people fear that the person on the other end would respond negatively or start cross questioning. To overcome such a situation, prepare for the negative reaction in advance.
Always make a call when you feel comfortable rather than talking when the person feels better. Do not worry about the time that you would be calling, simply focus on your comfort level. For example, if you are a morning person, it is best to make calls in the morning rather than when you are dull.
Public Speaking
Always pick up a topic that you are comfortable with, such as sports, television, fashion or anything that interests you and puts you on the front. Gather all the possible extensive knowledge on that subject.
While speaking, always look at the audience and make eye contact. Though this is the basic rule of public speaking, it takes considerable time for a person to get adjusted. Many new speakers always look over the heads of the audience or at the floor or ceiling.
Never ever converse with the first friendly face that you find in a gathering. Try and make efforts to talk to everyone present. Eye contact plays a vital role here in keeping the audience glued to your talk.
Practice speaking by recording your speech in a small tape player and listening to it later on. Initially, you will be surprised to hear to your voice but with time, you will love to hear it.
While recording your voice, start looking into a mirror reflecting how you project yourself in front of the audience. This will give you an idea of what gestures and expressions you pose to your listeners and how you can work on them so as to improve.

Honesty can be considered to be the most important value in life. Honesty is the foundation from which all the other values find their footing on and the enrichment to grow. Honesty is not only recognizing one's mistake, but taking every step to avoid that mistake. So, more than any one, it is to yourself that you must admit that you have made a mistake. An honest person will always accept the consequence of his/her mistake with good grace. Not for nothing is it said that honesty is the best policy , as the success of all values depend on how one follows them with honesty.

Compassion is not only taking care of your fellow beings, but in empathizing with them. Anyone can donate money and materials for the needy, but know that satiating monetary or material needs doesn't show compassion. Compassion is when one goes out of the way to help those in need, giving them his/her time and energy. Understanding the situation of the desperate and coming out with solutions is another way you can show your compassion. A compassionate person will not only show compassion against his/her fellow beings, but also towards all creatures big and small.

Life without discipline is like a car with a drunk driver. That is, without discipline, one goes through life erratically, bumping here and there and sometimes crashing all together. Discipline is not routine per say, but the acceptance of responsibility. It can be said that a discipline person is a responsible person. Unlike routine, which is just a monotonous repetition of certain activities, discipline is the act of balancing fun and work and coming out with exceptional results, both professionally and personally.

Love is the most important value that opens the heart and the mind. The concept of love here encompasses everyone. To love one's friends and family is natural and easy. It is to love those who are unlikely to deserve your love that counts. Love will help you to see others in a new light, to see what is the best in them, and appreciate for who they are and the qualities they possess. When you open yourself to love, you will find that you are more at ease and have more faith in the world.

One can never hope to love people unless one cultivates a respect for them. Thus, without respect no other values can seek to attain a toe hold. When one develops respect for people, it helps in understanding the positive aspects of them. Remember that the more respect that you give to people the more respect you will get in return.

Basic Trust Vs Mistrust
This is the stage which starts with the birth of the child when he/she has no knowledge of the world and is completely dependent on his/her parents, especially the mother. The parents become the basis of their existence and it is the type of environment they are brought up in, which influence their behaviour later in life. This is a stage where the child develops the value of hope and learns to love and trust people because of the loving and caring environment the child receives. This stage lasts till two years of age.
Autonomy Vs Shame And Doubt
The second stage in the psychosocial development of a person is when the dependent infant grows up into a toddler. This is the time when the child learns to move around freely, and with this freedom of movement he/she explores the things around them, make choices of food, toys, games etc. If the parents grant this freedom to their child and encourage their child's independence, then the child will grow up to become a competent person. However, if parents become overprotective and keep a check on all the movements of the child, then the child will lack in confidence and competence to take risks in life.

Initiative Vs Guilt
This stage begins when a child turns 3 yrs of age and continues till the age of 5. This is the first social experience of the child where they attend pre-school and make friends, interact with them, and explore his/her power and control over peers while playing. This is the time when the child should be encouraged to socialize and stay in the social environment so that they can develop a sense of purpose to achieve something. This stage also develops the leadership quality in the kid, who if discouraged will lack these qualities and will find it guilty to take initiatives.

Industry Vs Inferiority
The fourth stage of development starts from 5 yrs of age and continues till the child is 13. This is the stage where children start attending school, experiences a greater degree of independence, start understanding and differentiating between people and cultures, learn reading, writing and presenting amidst other skills which they try to master. Children should get full support in this stage not only from their parents, but from their teachers also. They should be encouraged to participate, learn and take failures in a positive way and not get demotivated by them. If the kids don't get enough support and guidance in this stage, it will affect their growth in later stages of development.

Identity Vs Role Confusion
This is the stage of adolescence and is the most crucial stage among all the stages of development. This is a stage where teenagers are confused because they are expected to act neither like kids nor like adults. This is a stage when the teenagers need to cope with his/her physical changes and understand gender roles. The teenagers in this stage try and develop their individuality in relationships, society, careers etc. They develop a sense of faithfulness and start attaching importance to relationships, especially friendship. The parents in this stage needs to be very careful in handling the behavioural changes of the growing teenagers for them to grow into confident and responsible individuals.

Intimacy Vs Isolation
This stage encompasses people between the age group of 20-40. This is the stage where a person becomes an adult, has his/her own identity and is ready to share their sense of identity with others by forming intimate relationships based on love and commitment. The environment in the previous stages has a great role to play in judging a person's behaviour in this stage. A person who is scared of commitment and intimacy will stay isolated and depressed.

Generativity Vs Stagnation
This stage is totally dependent on the success of the other stages of development. This is the stage when the person is in the middle of adulthood and has his/her set career and family. This is the stage where a person learns to care for others and give back to the society what he/she has received from it. If people fail to achieve this sense of care, they get stagnated and experience a life without any meaning to it.

Ego Integrity Vs Despair
This is the last stage in the stages of psychosocial development where a person's ego identity is fully developed. This is a stage where a person reflects back on his/her life and analyzes the achievements and failures. If a person has achieved success in all the earlier stages he/she develops a sense of integrity and wisdom. However, if a person has experienced failures then he/she develops a sense of despair for his/her life.

What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Why are you interested in working for [insert company name here]?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Why do you want to leave your current company?
Why was there a gap in your employment between [insert date] and [insert date]?
What can you offer us that someone else can not?
What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?
Are you willing to relocate?
Are you willing to travel?
Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
What is your dream job?
How did you hear about this position?
What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job?
Discuss your resume.
Discuss your educational background.
Describe yourself.
Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.
Why should we hire you?
Why are you looking for a new job?
Would you work holidays/weekends?
How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?
What are your salary requirements?
Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.
Who are our competitors?
What was your biggest failure?
What motivates you?
What's your availability?
Who's your mentor?
Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.
How do you handle pressure?
What is the name of our CEO?
What are your career goals?
What gets you up in the morning?
What would your direct reports say about you?
What were your bosses' strengths/weaknesses?
If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say?
Are you a leader or a follower?
What was the last book you've read for fun?
What are your co-worker pet peeves?
What are your hobbies?
What is your favorite website?
What makes you uncomfortable?
What are some of your leadership experiences?
How would you fire someone?
What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?
Would you work 40+ hours a week?
What questions haven't I asked you?
What questions do you have for me?

Tell me about yourself.
Why should I hire you?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why do you want to work at our company?
What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?
What is the difference between hard work and smart work?
How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
Can you work under pressure?
Are you willing to relocate or travel?
What are your goals?
What motivates you to do good job?
What makes you angry?
Give me an example of your creativity.
How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Are not you overqualified for this position?
Describe your ideal company, location and job.
What are your career options right now?
Explain how would be an asset to this organization?
What are your outside interests?
Would you lie for the company?
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
Have you considered starting your own business?
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?
Tell me something about our company.
How much salary do you expect?
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
Do you have any questions for me?

The Introduction Questions
Why are you a good fit for this job and our school district?
What makes you qualified for this teaching position?
Tell us a little about your professional experiences.
Do you have a professional portfolio you would like to share with us?
Why did you become a teacher?
Name three words that describe you.
What is your philosophy on teaching?
What separates you from other teaching candidates?
Questions About College and Student Teaching
How well has your university prepared you for teaching?
What was the most useful college course you have taken?
What is the most important thing you learned from your cooperating teacher?
What was the most important thing you learned from your overall student teaching experience?
Describe your student teaching experience.
Personal Information
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
What are your three greatest strengths?
Name three of your weaknesses.
What is the most satisfying thing about teaching?
What is the biggest challenge in teaching?
What is the scariest thing about teaching?
What part of teaching do you look the most forward to?
What is the last book you read? When did you read it? Tell us about it.
Are you interested in extracurricular involvement at our school?
What are the important aspects of a good principal?
What is your least favorite subject, and age group, to teach?
Have you ever been a substitute teacher? Describe that experience.
What type of in-service topics would you be most interested in?
Do you belong to any professional teaching organizations?
What is the difference between a good teacher and an outstanding teacher?
Have you ever received an award?
What type of student were you in high school?
What are your interests outside of teaching?
Do you belong to any social networking websites (Facebook, etc.)? Do you mind logging in and showing us your profile right now?
What do you feel is wrong with public education?
Are you a flexible person?
Why do you want to teach in this district?
Tell us about your references and what they would say about you if they were here with us today.
What would your last boss say about you?
How would one of your students describe you?
Are you actively involved in any type of community service?
Imagine you are at your retirement party at the end of your career. How would people describe you as a teacher?
Do you want students to like you? Why or why not?
Who do you look up to and want to emulate?
Interview Questions About Teaching Style
Would you say that you are a tough teacher?
Describe an example of when you used positive reinforcement.
How do you integrate technology into your lessons?
Are you a team player? Give us an example.
How do you allow students to express their creativity in your classroom?
Do you have students use higher order thinking in your class? Give an example.
How do you develop self-esteem within students?
How do you prepare students for standardized testing?
How do you make learning fun?
Describe a typical lesson.
What are techniques you use to teach besides direct instruction?
What do you do if the whole class is "not getting it"?
How closely do you follow your lesson plan?
What do you put in your learning objectives of your lesson plan?
How do you incorporate writing into your lessons?
Describe the most effective teaching techniques.
How do you connect your lessons to the "real world"?
Is it ok for a classroom to be noisy?
How much homework do you assign and how often do you assign it? How do you know this is a good amount?
How do you stay current in your field?
Interview Questions About Teacher Communication
Give us examples of how you communicated with other teachers in your department?
Give us an example of effective communication with an administrator.
Have you ever utilized a class newsletter? What did you include in the letter?
How would you deal with an angry parent if they called you?
How do you communicate with parents on a regular basis?
How do you keep parents aware of their son's or daughter's grades?
How would you react if a parent complained about your class?
What would you tell a parent if he or she was concerned about their kid's grades?
What would you do if you received a note from a parent asking for their son to be excused from last night's homework because the student was too busy with another activity?
What course of action would you take if a student says he or she is being abused at home?
Teacher Interview Questions About Differentiating Instruction
Give an example of how you differentiated instruction in a lesson.
How do you accommodate for a gifted student in your class?
How do you manage students with different reading abilities?
Explain how you meet IEP needs.
How do you feel about inclusive classrooms?
What is your experience co-teaching with an inclusion specialist?
How do you accommodate for non-English speakers?
Questions About Classroom Management
What is your classroom management plan and what do you hope to accomplish with it?
What does a model classroom look like to you?
How do you avoid misbehavior altogether?
What was the most difficult child you have ever dealt with?
Would you create a behavior modification plan for ongoing misbehavior?
What is the most challenging behavioral situation you have ever dealt with? How did you react?
What are your classroom rules?
The Closing Interview Questions
Is there anything we have not talked about that you would like to share with us?
Do you have any questions for us?

1. What motivates the sales personnel at the company?
2. How would you describe the corporate culture of the company?
3. What traits make up the most effective sales representatives at the firm?
4. What is the quota you expect from this individual?
5. What is the ramp-up time until I will be making sales?
6. What is an average sales cycle?
7. Who is the most profitable target market?
8. Whom within those companies will I be selling to?
9. What are some common hurdles the sales team currently faces right now?
10. How involved can a contract negotiation be?
11. How does your organization position themselves in the market?
12. What is the industry outlook for the coming years?
13. What are some of the traits you look for in a sales representative?
14. What are your competitors currently doing that the firm is not?
15. Where would you like to see the sales team improve?
16. Do the representatives use more of a consultative selling style?
17. How much is an average sale?
18. Is new business acquisition a priority or would you rather maintain current accounts?
19. What is a typical day like?
20. What is the typical sales recruiting process at the company?
21. Is this an expansion or replacement position?
22. What type of feedback will I be getting from my manager?
23. Whom will I be reporting to?
24. What is the sales manager's background?
25. How would you describe the selling style of the manager?
26. Where do you see this employee being in 1, 3 and 5 years?
27. How would you describe the company's vision?
28. How would you describe the company's core values?
29. How would you describe the people at the company?
30. What do you enjoy about working at the company?
32. What was your experience like during the sales recruitment process when you first joined?
33. Will there be formal training or do you prefer this individual to be self-taught?
34. What advantages does your sales team currently have over the competition?
35. What is the commission structure like?
36. What is the on-target expected earnings?
37. What percentage of sales employees meet their quota?
38. Are there extra bonuses for greatly exceeding quota?
39. Is the company currently coming out with any new products or services in the coming future?
40. How would you describe the current sales force?
41. What type of marketing does the firm currently engage in?
42. Is the marketing helpful to the sales representatives?
43. Do you do in-house marketing recruitment or outsource the job?
44. How does the company obtain its leads?
45. What percentage of leads does the company convert?
46. How would you describe your ideal sales lead?
47. How competitive is the industry right now?
48. What innovations are currently happening in the industry?
49. Will these marketplace changes affect the sales team?
50. If so, how will the changes affect them?

Set Goals
A major mistake made by most people is that they set their goals only in mind . And anything out of mind turns out to be out of sight. Hence, make a note of all the goals that you intend to achieve, before you sleep in a notepad and place it right in front of you. Every morning when you wake up, a look at the notepad would remind you of the targets. Moreover, make realistic goals that can be achieved. Unset goal in life is like starting a business without having a capital to invest.

Stay Focused
Another problem with most people is that they get influenced by other people easily. Often, people try to divert you from your goal, thereby creating bad feelings that are worthless and rubbish. As the popular saying goes, Don't get mad, get even . Hence, take those bad feelings as a challenge and make efforts to minimize them. Whenever you feel someone is trying to pull you back, work twice hard and prove them wrong.

Do Not Procrastinate
Once you have set goals for yourself, do not make excuses to delay them, else you will never be able to achieve them. Never let procrastination come in your way of accomplishing the tasks. The best way of keeping it at bay is to start working on the goals immediately. Break down the goals into small bits to make them easily achievable.

Share Your Goals
Family and friends are the best motivators to look on. Thus, tell and discuss about your goals with these people, as they help you to continuously stay inspired and dedicated. By sharing your dreams and aspirations to your near and dear ones, you will be motivating yourself to achieve the set goals since you would never want to let down these people.

Stay Positive
In case you are finding it hard to stay focused on your goals, the best way is to stay optimistic and positive towards reaching the final line. Confidence and optimism serve as your best friends in your tough and rough times. Spend adequate time with family and friends who themselves are positive and motivated. People who are discouraging and pessimistic should be kept at distance.

Reward Yourself
The best and perfect way to keep motivating yourself is by rewarding yourself on completing a particular task. Conquering small battles is the best motivation secret for moving on to the next goal. Through rewarding and congratulating yourself, you are increasing your self-esteem. Hence, self motivation gets easier and attainable.

1. Tell us something about yourself.
This is the first question, you can expect during any interview you face. This usually is a question to start the communication and set the ball rolling for the interview. You can answer this question by providing some information about your work experience, technologies you have worked upon, educational qualifications. If you are a fresh graduate, you can provide some information about your family also.
The trick is to put the full stop at the right place to provoke the next question you want. For e.g. ?Recently I developed a website using Drupal. It was quite an interesting but challenging job which I enjoyed.

2. Why do you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position?

The answer to this question lies in the preparation you did before the interview. It is extremely important that you research the requirements of the position well and match them with your skills.
For e.g. if the position requires an Asp.net developer with good knowledge of health care domain, tell the interviewer about your technical skills and your domain knowledge.
Fresh graduates can talk about their technical skills, ability to learn and grasp things quickly.

3. Why do you want to leave your present job or company?

You may want to leave your present job for any reason but make sure that you do not talk bad about your manager, company or job. It reflects your complaining attitude.
Provide a sincere reason for e.g. ?I think, I have grown up with my last employer as much as I could. I want to grow further and I believe that is possible with a new employer.?

4. You have stayed in your current job for quite a long time, why?

There are many people who do not change their jobs for years and when they go out looking for a new employer, this is one of the most important questions they are asked. Some people might look upon staying with the same employer for long as ?lack of ambition?.
A good answer to this question can be something like, ?Yes, you are right. I stayed with my last employer for almost 5 years but I was continuously growing in the company, doing new things, handling bigger challenges. So, I was quite happy working with them for these many years.? You can then talk about how you grew with your last employer.

5. What do you know about us?

Research the company and its business a bit before appearing for the interview. Also, find out a bit about the technologies they work upon. You don't need to know everything inside out but having a fair idea about the company makes you appear interested in the position, to be taken seriously.
For e.g. I see that your company does a lot of projects based on OpenSource platforms like Joomla, Drupal, Magento which is quite interesting as I have a similar kind of experience.

6. What do you do to improve your knowledge?

The field of IT is very revolutionary. It is extremely important to keep yourself abreast with the new technological developments and this needs you to take some time out of your work schedule so that you can keep sharpening your saw.
To answer this question, you can tell the recruiter about the forums which you keep visiting, blogs which you keep reading. It will be an advantage if you are a member of some local user group.

7. Can you perform under pressure?

Most of the times, the job of software development is that of working under pressure. Sometimes, it will be the pressure of delivering on time while it can be that of a bug that has sprung all of a sudden in your code.
So, expect pressure in everything you do. It is important to maintain your performance and develop strategies to deliver under pressure. You can then go ahead an talk about your way of dealing with pressure and performing under it.

8. Tell us some of your strengths.

Again, it is important to study the requirements of the position before you appear for the interview. List out your strengths and offer the ones that this role demands.
For e.g. if you are appearing for the position of a Tech Lead ? VB.net, talk about your VB.net skills, any extra knowledge which you have about coding with VB.net in comparison to other candidates, your team management skills etc.

9. Tell us some of your weaknesses.

You have to be careful while answering this question. Do not offer a weakness which will directly affect your selection but at the same time saying that you do not have any weakness will not be right too. Every human being has weaknesses, so it is perfectly OK for you to have some too.
The best way to answer this question will be to turn one of your strengths as a weakness and say that others accuse you of having this weakness but you think it is important to work in this manner. For e.g.: ?My colleagues accuse me of paying to much attention to syntaxes but I believe it is important when you are writing the code to avoid spending too much time on finding and fixing the bugs later on.?|
Another way to answer this question is to offer a totally un-related weakness for e.g. ?I have been staying alone for so many years now but I still can't cook independently.?

10. Are you comfortable working in a team?

The whole work of software development or IT is a team work. So, the only answer to this question can be: ?Yes, I am comfortable working in a team.? If you have any problems in working as a team, it is important to work on them and develop yourself as a team player.

11. How do you rate your communication skills?

Again, IT is about dealing with people within and out of the company. So, it is important to have good communication skills. By good communication skills we mean, ability to understand and explain in a common language. So, if you believe that your communication skills are weaker, you need to work on them.
Anything less than average or good is not acceptable here.

12. You do not have all the experience we need for this position?

It is not possible for a candidate to have all the experience an employer requires. Even if you match yourself up to the expectations on technical front, there will be some difference in the work environment. And, it is absolutely fine.
The best way to deal with this question is to analyse the requirements of the position well and match your skills as close to them as possible. If something is still left untouched, offer your quick grasping power and ability to learn quickly as a solution & back it up with an example from the past.

13. How would you compensate for the lack of experience you have for this position?

As we discussed in the last question, your ability to understand and pick up new things quickly should be able to compensate for the lack of work experience you have.

14. If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for in a potential candidate?

Closely understand the qualities and skills a person holding the position would need and match them with the qualities you have.
If you believe that you are missing a big quality required for the position under discussion, say that, ?I understand that this is an important quality required in the person holding this position but given a chance, I will inculcate it in me.? Back it up with a confident body language.

15. Do you know anyone who works for us?

Offer some one's name if they really know you well and can offer a positive feedback about you.

16. What is your style of management?

In today's scenario, everything needs customization, so here also, one size can't fit all i.e. one management style won't work in all situations. So, offer ?situational? as your style of management.

17. Have you ever fired anyone? How would you go about firing a person, if required?

The basic purpose of asking this question is to check your EQ and see if you have the guts to make tough decisions. If you have fired anyone in the past, discuss your experience and approach. If you have never done so in the past, discuss the approach you would take to make and implement such a decision. Keep the focus of your answer on the fact that you would try to do your best to ensure that your team performs to its best but if a particular member is not able to perform even after you taking all the steps to help him, you would make the tough decision to ensure that the project doesn't suffer.

18. What irritates you about co-workers?

The purpose of this question is to see how well you can fit into a team. Basically, you should not have a problem with a person, although you can have a problem with the style of working.
So, to answer this question you can simply say, ?I understand that IT is about team work, so we can't afford to problems with co-workers but if someone is not serious about their work or does a low quality work affecting the whole project, I definitely do not like it?

19. Is there any particular kind of person you can not work with?

For the reason given in the above questions, the answer to this question should be a ?No?. This is basically a different way of putting up the last question.

20. What qualities would you look for in your senior?

You can mention some generic qualities like intelligence, good sense of humour, dedicated to his team etc., which all the managers think that they have in abundance.

21. What motivates you at work?

To answer this question, you can mention things like ? new challenges, good environment which all employers think that they offer.

22. Will you be happy to work in night shifts or over the weekends?

You need to answer this question taking into consideration what is suitable for you. Say that you can work in the night shifts, only if you can really do it.

23. Have you ever committed a mistake at work?

To err is human. So, it is perfectly OK if you committed a mistake at work but before answering the question analyse the magnitude of mistake you did and the effect it had on the company.
What is more important is ? what did you do to rectify the mistake and make sure that you don't do it again?
So, mention the mistake you committed and keep the focus of the answer on the steps you took to rectify it.

24. What position would you prefer while working on a project?

This question is for you to answer based on the skills and qualities you have. If you have the capability to handle different positions, discuss that also in the interview.

25. What are the most important things for you as a manager?

The two things which should be most important for a manager to succeed in his role are:
a.) His team should be happy and keep performing
b.) The project he is working on with his team is successfully finished with minimum problems.

26. Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?

Again, a question for you to answer based on your position. If you are anticipating this question in the interview, it is better to discuss this with your family also before you go to face the interview.

27. What kind of a salary are you looking for?

Try to put the ball back in interviewer's court by asking him about the salary they offer for a position like this. Most of the big companies will have a fixed remuneration for each level.
However, if this is negotiable, you will have more negotiation power if you have some work experience. So, know your lower limit (amount below which you can't go) and also know the maximum salary in the industry for the position then put forward a figure which is not very exact. It is better to mention a range. For e.g. if you are expecting something around 55 K, say that you expect something in mid fifties. Don't keep the range to broad otherwise you will be offered something towards the lower end.
If you are a fresher, most of the times you will have to accept the company's offering for the position. However, if you find it too less, you can definitely discuss that during the interview.

28. Do you have any questions for us?

This is usually the last question you can expect during an interview. It is extremely important to have some intelligent questions to ask the interviewer otherwise you may just sound dull and un-interested. Research the company a bit and discuss if they have been in news recently. You can also discuss about the growth prospects for you within the company etc.

29. Discuss the most stressful situation you came across in your previous job.

Here you should discuss a stressful situation that you were able to overcome and keep a positive tone, do not say you never came across a stressful situation. Typical answers can be:
-Our team's targets were increased three fold and initially everyone was overwhelmed by the number, but we discussed it with our manager and he was co-operative and understood the situation. But he wanted us to give it a try and was ready to reduce the targets to a more realistic number.
-You can also talk about a very demanding project where you worked for long hours/2 shifts and had to sacrifice on family time, but once the project was done you got recognition for the hard work and you were over the stress.

30. For how long do you expect to stay with our organization?

You should ensure that you give an impression that you will pay back more than what you take from the company:
-You can say I will stay here as far as I see an opportunity for growth, as I am looking for a stability in work place
-If they stress on number of years say 3-4 years, and more if I can explore new challenges/growth opportunities

31. Why should we hire you?

-Here you should discuss the profile you have applied for and your strengths/experience with which you can add value to the job
-Discuss your achievements at your previous job, and say that I have developed my skills to suit my current profile, but I want to develop myself futher and face new challenges, and for that I need to change my job.
- I will always be willing to change roles share responsibilities to suit company requirements

32. Discuss your strengths

Discuss strengths that show your professional expertise, some of the answers could be:
-Multi tasking: Say I have been working on mulitple project and I am required to keep tabs on each project and co-ordinate with a lot of teams, and I am able to do it efficiently.
-Problem Solving: You can say that in my current job role I have spent a good time to know how to solve problems. My team members see me as a go-to person to solve issues.
-Team player
-Quick learner
Support each point with your examples

33. Discuss your weaknesses and how do you plan to overcome it

Discuss weaknesses in positive light always discuss how you plan to overcome it, some of the answers could be:
-I am always willing to take up additional responsibilities, but I end up being over worked so now I am realistic about what I can do, so that I do work to the required standards
-If you lack certain technical skill, which is not crucial for the job you can state that and say you are planning to take up a training course/certification to get over it
-If you do not wish to discuss your weakness, you can say, I cannot compete with Rajnikant :P

34. What is your idea of an ideal company?

Do not go over board and ask for , it might give an impression that you are too demanding, some of the answers could be:
-An ideal company provides maximum opportunities for growth of employees.
-They provide comfortable and flexible work environment, so that employees can perform at their best and work towards company's benefit.
-A company that encourages learning
-A company that encourages open culture

35. Why are you leaving your previous job?

Do not go around defaming your company, it will give a bad impression about you.
Give reasons such as:
-Professional Growth
-New challenges
-Change in profile
-Planning to relocate (if applicable)
-With time I found my job was becoming monotonous and I didn't want this to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer
-I am not actively looking for a job change but, I saw this opening and it looked interesting.

36. Tell us something about your achievements at your previous job.

-Talk about your professional acheivements, if you were recognised as a high performer or you got good feedback from your manager
-You can also discuss you annual ratings
-Discuss your promotions/appraisals

37. Tell us what do you know about our company

-Browse through the company website and make sure you know what the company does and make sure you do so in short
-Discuss the positives aspects of the company, the interviewer should feel that you have done your home work
10. Why do you want to work for us?
-Start by discussing the profile you have applied for and go on to say that the organization would provide an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and help you to grow professionally
-Discuss how you would be of use to the organization and how you plan to develop your professional competencies

38. Are you willing to relocate/travel?

-Always say yes if you need the job
-You can ask whether they will compensate for relocation costs

39. Are you a good team player?

Companies look for team players as well as those who are self starters and can work independently, so you need to be versatile:
-You should show that you enjoy working in a team. Say that you are open to suggestions from team members and seniors.
-It is always good to work in a team as one can get the support of other members and in times of crisis everyone can work together to achieve the goal.

40. Can you work independently?

-Yes, I can work independently without supervision or support from a team
Do not emphasize on working independently as that will be seen as an inability to work with others.

41. Do you have any questions for us?

Always have a question ready to answer this one:
-You can ask whether the company allows for lateral and vertical role changes
-You can also ask whether the company encourages learning and development of employees
-Ask whether the company has plans for expansion
-You can also discuss your role in detail

42. Are you willing to work for long hours, if the project demands that from you?

-Discuss situations when you must have done so to fulfill project requirements in the past

43. What is your current CTC and what are your expectations?

-Be honest about your CTC, as you will have to produce you salary slip as a proof of emplyment
-Be realistic when you state your expected CTC, you can ask for a 30-40% hike
-If you are underpaid at your current company you can look for the standard salary paid for the experience you have and ask for that amount

44. Are you planning to go for further studies?

Be transparent in your answer.
-If you are pursuing further studies, say so. Tell them why you want to go for that course
-If you are taking up a distance education course or a part time course, they should know, as you will need to take leaves when you appear for exams

45. Tell us something about yourself, discuss 5 characteristics

List down points that will help you professionally:
-Hard working
-Multi tasker
-Add your characteristcs

46. Tell us something about your hobbies

Answer it with honesty, as they can go deeper into this discussion. You can include:
-Browsing the internet
-Listening to music,
-Chatting with friends
-Reading newspapers,
-Reading books,
-Watching movies?.

47. What is more important to you money or success?

This is tricky question, as money and success both are important and you cannot outweigh the importance of one over the other. Personally you might prefer money over success or success over money, but it is better to be neutral when answering this question in an interview:
You can say, that money and success both are important for you, but if you have to choose you would choose success. The reason being, if one is successful money often follows and you need not focus on money over success..

To be calm, you need to first be free from any form of distraction. For this you should find a peaceful place. Anyplace like a quiet area of a nearby park, your own room or the beach is an excellent place where you can find calmness. The natural coolness and quietness of such places will flood your mind with calmness.
Go for long walks in the evening along quiet roads or hike through forest and glades. In short, spend time with yourself. Admire the scenery and immerse yourself in the cool mountain stream or expose yourself to the gush of fresh air. When you are with nature, you will be automatically relieved of your stress and tension
Understand your place in the universe. You must realize that you are just a tiny speck in an infinitely vast universe. So, you should not worry much about the downturns of your life. Spend time in reflection. Only then will you perceive that your decisions and your problems have no role in the grand scheme of things and that the best is to do away with those. You will be calm and composed, once you realize this eternal truth.
Try to focus more on the positive aspects of your life. It is easy to get lost in all that is not right in your life. However, such thoughts are more stressful and cause unnecessary tension. Instead, focus on what is positive in your life and you will be much calmer.
Volunteer your time for the community. When you help other people, it will naturally make you feel good about yourself. In this way, you will be able to share your knowledge and skills. This is a very good way for bring calmness in you.
Practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises. Yoga and meditation provide you with mental strength and help the body and mind relax. Whenever you find that you are losing your cool and getting stressed, simply close your eyes and focus on something that helps you to relax.  You can do breathing exercises even at your desk. Inhale deeply and then exhale. Do this, until you feel relaxed.
Listening to your favorite music is also a great way to keep calm. Listen to something soothing and pleasing, preferably those that brings back happy memories. Avoid rock and metal even if you are an ardent fan of the same. Remember, you are listening to music because you need peace of mind more than entertainment.

Remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Quite often we jump down to conclusions thinking that our neighbors are doing better than us, leading a far more decent life, working in a better office, getting more perks and the chain of thoughts in never-ending. A chartered accountant thinks that the job of a financial analyst is better while a school teacher might think that a job of a researcher is more fulfilling. But how can you be so sure of the fact? You have chosen your own career path and every form of work is pious and satisfying if you believe so. If you continue to think the other way, it will do you no good but sink you in grave depression. Shed your instincts to keep comparing and instead work with diligence, conviction and stability and you are sure to gain success.
To surrender is the last thing that should strike your mind. If you become such a weakling and plan to give up easily without striving hard and giving your best shot to achieve what you want, you have not lived your life fully and in turn cheating yourself and the one who has created you. Have enough strength to hit back to the challenges. Do not succumb to them and keep in mind that nothing in this world is impossible to achieve. It is just that the seemingly impossible tasks take a bit more time than the rest. Put in your heart and soul into the task or a situation and stay firm and undeterred till your last breath. Keep repeating to yourself that no one else but you can do it. And once this thought triggers your subconscious, there would be magic.
Ignite the competitive streak within you. Do not sidetrack yourself as a loser who is fond of giving up. In order to gain things in life and march forward instead of sliding back, you need to have a healthy competitive vibe. And how exactly do you stimulate yourself for this? Find someone worthy in your class or office to compete with. Constantly gear up yourself and see what your competitor's weak and strong points are. Mould yourself accordingly; negating your own weakness and stay optimistic that you would surely win at the end. After all, while competing with someone, you surely don't want to experience the humiliation of defeat.
Always have an inspiration in life. It is not necessary that your idol should be world figures specifically. Even someone as close as your mother can be your inspiration. Also, remember that your dreams are not yours alone. Your close ones are counting on you and every crucial step you take in life matters to them as well. For instance, by considering your children to be your inspiration, you would always have this thing throbbing in your mind that whatever you do, you are liable to your children back home. This thought would prevent you from taking any wrong step in life and you would stick to the path carved out for your own well-being.

Sit Straight
Our posture greatly affects our thinking process. Try solving mental mathematics while slouching and looking at the floor with your mouth wide open. Then sit up straight and solve the same math problem with your mouth shut and looking forward or slightly upwards. You will notice the difference in thinking while trying these two positions. The latter position would definitely help you to think easily and comfortably.
Breathe Deeply
The more air you breathe in, the more oxygen you would be supplying to your blood and brain, in particular. Breathe through your nose and you will notice, for yourself, more air traveling to your lungs. Deep breaths also enhance relaxation, which is important for clearer thinking.

Utilize Dead Time
Time that is wasted or under-utilized is termed as dead time. You are simply wasting your time, while you indulge in driving, spending time in waiting rooms or even raking your yard. Instead of simply killing your time in unnecessary and useless activities, get up and walk up to the public library. You can either read books or listen to books-on-tape. Imagine what you could have learned if you had not spend 200 hours a year on watching soaps and serials? Isn't it better to grab some knowledge through various sources rather than staying idle?

Start Writing
There are numerous benefits of writing, especially for your brain. Once you have jotted down your thoughts, it becomes easy for you to recall them in the future, whenever required. Writing is the best way to exercise your creativity and analytical abilities. Inculcate the habit of writing diaries, idea-journals, poetry, note-taking and story-writing to boost your brain power.

Sleep Better
Get a sleep of about eight hours and notice the difference in your quality of work. The longer you sleep, the more recharged your brain will be, thereby delivering better work. Additionally, short naps in the afternoon do wonders in refreshing your brain and mind. However, sleeping does not mean you doze off for 15 hours only to wake up and have some food and then doze off again. Excess of sleep is also harmful.

Your physical health is directly proportional to the efficient working of your brain. The healthier you are, the more effective will be your brain power. Researches indicate that a 10-minute aerobic workout instantly improves brain power. Thus, the next time you need an instant brain power boost up, simply walk up and down the stairs a few times.

Avoid Allergic Foods
Foods, like wheat, corn, sugar, peanuts and dairy products may cause subtle allergies. In case you have a problem with any of these foods, stay away from them. They cause digestive problems and brain fog in people. Also, avoid consuming pasta, sugar, white bread and potato chips before any important mental tasks.

Hypnosis is a treatment used at bedtime, as it focuses on complete relaxation of the body. Since agitation and anxiety follows fear, it is significant to overcome stress and comprehension first. Hypnotherapy creates a relaxed atmosphere, which is important for the treatment. By discarding the deep-rooted fears from the subconscious mind, hypnosis renders the mind free from the phobia. By following a few weeks of hypnotherapy, acrophobia successfully gets reduced and replaces the fear with confidence.

Exposure Therapy
Guided by professionals, the person suffering from acrophobia is taken through different stages of height. At first, the person is allowed to experience virtual reality views of high places and then graduated towards real heights. This eventually helps in desensitizing the fear and getting comfortable to varied heights. Medications, such as tranquilizers and antidepressants are used in the initial stages, but with time, they may not be required as the person recovers from them.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy alters your way of thinking, thereby eliminating the unwanted thoughts. Your unwanted emotions are transformed into positive thoughts that make you feel relaxed and comfortable. However, this therapeutic treatment has one drawback. It is not successful in cases where a person is suffering from extreme cases of acrophobia.

The symptoms of fear of heights can be reduced through aromatherapy as well to a great extent. Indulge yourself into a light massage along with some relaxing music.

The root cause of the fear of heights is extracted through psychotherapy treatment. At times, there are past events which lead to fear of heights in people. This fear increases with time thereby leading to acrophobia. Psychotherapy aims at identifying that single traumatic event and taking steps to heal it. However, this treatment has a very low success rate.

Friends and Family
While treating any ailment, friends and family form an integral part. They can come to rescue the victim struggling from acrophobia. Simply, being by the side of the person can be a great help. However, these friends and family should be really patient and ready for setbacks, as the patient is likely to hesitate initially. Nonetheless, they should continue to support even if the symptoms worsen during the treatment.

Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of work, building on an already solid foundation or making a change to something completely different - it can be helpful to have a framework on which you can hang your plans.Follow these ten steps and get yourself a robust career plan that will get you going places.
Where, or what, do you want to be?
When you're setting out on a journey, all the packing and planning in the world won't make for a successful trip unless you know where you're going. Often, knowing that is the most difficult bit but unfortunately it's necessary to a successful outcome. Even if it takes a while, making a decision on where you want to get to is the most important step in the whole process.

Where are you now?
Once you've got an idea of where you need to be, it's important to know where you're starting from. However, there may be something in your current work that, even if you're looking for a change of career, might equip you for your desired role.

What choices are open to you?
Are you able to take a part-time training course and continue to work? Is there an opportunity to shadow other people doing the role you want to do? There are many ways to get what you want out of your career. You need to explore every option.

What are the consequences of each of your options?
Once you have an idea of what you could do, you need to weigh up the pros and cons. Packing in your job and retraining from scratch might seem like a brilliant idea until you realise you have a mortgage that needs to be paid. There may be compromises and sacrifices to be made to get what you want overall.

What action do you need to take?
With your preferred options in front of you, the next step is to take some action. This could be anything from offering your services to another department to raise your profile to finding out information on promotion opportunities. Get some clear actions, a time frame to carry them out, and stick to them.

Where will you get your information from?
Whatever you decide to do, you'll need information to guide your decisions. Careers services, the internet, friends and colleagues can all give you information to guide you. However, make sure that you're checking the reliability of your sources before acting on the information they offer.

Who is going to support you?
If you don't take any other advice from this list, take heed of this one: to get where you want to be, you'll get there faster with a mentor. Someone experienced in your chosen field will give you the best guidance to achieving your aims.

How long is it going to take?
Set realistic goals to achieve along the way. A ten year plan can seem like a good idea, but it's better to have some clear landmarks along the way.

Take time to celebrate
To keep your focus along the way, make sure you celebrate your achievements as you go along. A career is a life-long journey, so it's important to take time out along the way to appreciate the view.

The first and foremost step to keep your calm is to take a deep breath. Breathing deeply can ease your tense muscles and reduce your stress level like nothing else. This will allow you to respond in a controlled fashion. Very soon, the waves of epinephrine running through your veins will become manageable and soothe you from within.
Relax for around five long minutes doing simply nothing. Close your eyes and try recalling some happy and amusing memories of the past. Or try viewing things in a positive perspective. For instance, if you got a bashing by your boss in front of your colleagues and you are filled with anger and shame, be calm thinking you at least have the job when everyone around is losing theirs. Or think of the day you got a promotion and your boss wholeheartedly appreciated your abilities.
Do not yell. If the person you are confronting with raises his/her voice, your natural response is to do the same. But this is no solution to win the game or even come down to a solution. All that would result out of it is irreversible damage. So, remember to keep your voice mellow and modulated under such stressful situations. Easier said than done, know for sure that this is the only way to win the war. Moreover, calmness is contagious. Seeing you behave well, the other person might switch over to your state of control.
Take a quick nap. Give your disturbed state of mind some amount of rest. Let your nerves ease and relax. Avoid thinking of anything in particular and simply catch up with some sleep.
A long, nice shower can also help you regain your peaceful state of mind. Stand under the shower. Feel the coolness of the water all over your body and relax.
Try listening to the natural sounds around you. These will help your mind to get distracted from those depressing thoughts. Be it the mundane sound of the swirling fan above you or the chirping crickets, concentrating on these sounds can keep you calm.
Take a nature walk. Nothing better than this can bring your senses back to normalcy. Tracing a butterfly's trail or noticing a woodpecker peeping out of the tree trunk hole can be sheer joy.
Listening to music is another such activity you can choose to indulge in to help you calm down. Whenever you feel at complete loss and it seems like you had enough of life, all that you require is your I-pod. Plug in the headphone, close your eyes and drench in your favorite melodies.
For some, going out on a shopping spree is a great remedy to shed anger and remain calm. Visit your nearest mall and pamper yourself with clothes and accessories. You can also try eating your favorite dish. This would enliven your senses and calm you from within.
How about visiting a beauty salon? Get a nice head massage done. Even facials can help soothe your tensed nerves. A spa-treatment is another option to rejuvenate yourself from the stress and calm down.
Try planning for your next vacation even if the plan is shelved for months away. This will take you places you've always wanted to be, even if it is a virtual pleasure. It is enough to distract you for the moment and regain your calmness.

Confidence is the best sign of attractiveness. If you do not love yourself, then the inner beauty won't be revealed, no matter how beautiful you may be. So, the first step towards being beautiful is to love oneself.
Don't pretend what you are not. This will make you look fake, and you must know that fakeness is not at all attractive. Be yourself and try to be comfortable in your personality.
Take proper care of yourself. A healthy body and mind will never cease to be attractive. Eat well, sleep well and exercise so that you remain energetic throughout the day. Remember, people are attracted to those who give out positive vibrations and not others.
The skin is the billboard of attractiveness. Smooth and glowing skin can make anyone look attractive. Rid your skin of blemishes, wrinkles and sunspots and you will find that you look more attractive. And when you look more attractive, you will definitely feel more attractive.
Needless to say, without proper hygiene, beauty will go in vain. Maintain your body so that it stays fresh. Last of all that you need is a stinking self to attract others.
No matter where you are, always look your best. Your every movement should carry grace and style. Know how to bear yourself in style, so that even if you are wearing pajamas, you can look your best.
Attractiveness counts a lot on modesty and humbleness. Know that a nice person is infinitely more attractive than a rude one. Be nice to whomever you meet and do not portray yourself as an arrogant person who cares only about his/her own self.
A smile can brighten the darkest heart. A smile lights up the face and lends an aura that is bound to attract everyone. A frown, on the other hand, doesn't enhance anyone's beauty. Bear in mind, a smile can make even the plainest looking person glamorous. So bring out that contagious smile of yours and attract everyone you meet. However, nothing is more of a turn off than a fake smile; so take care to make your smile come from the heart.
Don't remain distant from people. Those who join in with others, either dancing or playing, are fun to be had as company. So, if you willingly participate with others, people will see you as an open person and they will surely find you attractive in many ways.
Always speak well. The way in which you speak will determine how people think of you. Articulate your words well and speak slowly, without rushing. Your attractiveness will very well depend on how you communicate.

Prepare solid talking points
Consider the interview a conversation, not an interview
Rehearse your performance
Focus on your strengths and your purpose
Stop the negative thoughts,think positively and be confident
Before you walk into your interview, take a few deep breaths, the kind that force your abdomen in and out.
Arrive early and relax
Be well planned
Think that the person interviewing is a friend
Sit up straight and don't fidget
Remember we're all human,and the person in interviewing is not going to eat you so be chilled and confident
Be confidet and Convey confidence.

Realize! That's the first thing to do when desiring to overcome your laziness. Take a look at your daily schedule. How does it look? Are you spending more time on the bed than out of it? Are you spending more time doing unproductive things than productive things? If you answer yes to these questions, then you sure do lead a lazy life. Laziness when kept under control is not a bad thing at all. However, if it escalates to annoying heights, it sure has to be kept under control. If not kept in check, it can take a toll on who you are as a person, your productivity and your life in general. This is exactly why it is so indispensable to realize when laziness is making vicious inroads into your life. Once you have realized this, taking corrective action becomes so much easier.
Make Up Your Mind
To achieve anything in life, it first begins with the mind. When you make up your mind to overcome the odd that is laziness, overcoming it should be a breeze. However, it is important to mention here, that it takes grit and a strong will to make up your mind and not back out when the going gets tough. For lazy people, making up their mind is just a one-time-thing. It's like one day they decide to get all productive and stop being lazy, and on the next they are back to monotonous routines that mostly only involve sleep. So, if you have decided to do away with your laziness, make it a point to stick by your decision.

Set Goals
When you set goals for yourself, making up your mind becomes that much easier. Your goals can comprise anything. It can range from looking as fit as Sylvester Stallone did in 'First Blood' or become as rich as Donald Trump. Here, it's not the goal that matters, it's each step you take to get that much closer to achieving your goals that count. When you know for sure what you want out of life, taking necessary steps to achieve that goal or dream automatically helps you get rid of laziness.

Do Away With Distractions
When you set goals for yourself, which you really are doing to get the better of your laziness, it is important to recognize and eradicate distractions. These would be the distractions that lie between you achieving your goals and you not achieving them. Distractions here can stand to signify anything, your TV, your lazy friend, you bed, etc. Basically, anything that plays a direct or indirect role in adding to your laziness has to go right out of the window.

 Get a Hobby
Wonder why Einstein loved his solitude? The only logical justification would the fact that he occupied himself with all those creatively stimulating experiments. So why don't you drown your entire state of mind into a hobby? Take advantage of your solitude to be productive. Learn an Instrument and form a garage band. Master the art of pottery or photoshop. Fly a kite. Pick a paintbrush and paint the world! The clock will tick its way to the next week and you may not even feel the pinch of loneliness. You will soon encounter your new companion that fails to blabber like a fool.
Change Is Good
Obama said it and was soon after crowned the president of United States. Accept the change that is your state of aloneness and bask in the novelty of it. Experience the inexperienced as you are now privileged with the liberty whatever your heart desires. No external factors to dissuade you. Explore deep into the confines of your body, mind and soul. Re-discover the real you! You never know where you really belong.

Join A Community
It could be a book club, a social service community, yoga classes or a trekking camp. Absorb yourself in new tasks and get accustomed to news ways of living. Browse the internet or scan the yellow pages and you will stumble upon a group activity that inexorably will grab your attention. Register yourself and get to know more people. Joining a gym would benefit your health, your social life and more importantly, relinquish all thoughts of discontentment. Volunteer your time to those less fortunate than yourself.

Get A Pet
Do you miss the comfort of having your sibling or roommates breathing heavily before you fall into a slumber? Find solace in the warmth and compassion provided a fuzzy little dog, cat or rabbit! Irrespective of the breed or size, even a goldfish encircling a tiny circular bowl vanquishes the gloom triggered by lack of companionship. So, if you can't cope with loneliness, consider buying or adopting a pet of your choice. You know you will always have somebody to welcome you home!

Be Physically Active
Learn to be happy and comfortable with your solitude. Now you certainly aren't bound by family or social obligations. Take long silent walks along the beach or jog around the neighborhood.  Exercise in your spare time and release the endorphins that reward you with bouts of ecstasy. Dance or sing to any background music. Allow the music to reverberate within you.

Work-Life Balance
Most of the people who don't have a life don't really have one because they are almost always stuck at work, or with work. How can you expect to enjoy the intricacies and pleasures of life if you spend most of your waking hours holed up in a cubicle? This is exactly why it is important to strike a balance between work and your life. Work is something you do for eight to nine hours of the day. However, what you do with the rest of your day will determine the course of your 'life'. It's as simple as this. When you are at work, you work as hard as you can, but once you are done with work, you make your moves and live your life like you have never lived before. Hit the gym, go partying, catch a movie, or just indulge in any other activity that can come under the greater wingspan of what can be best described as fun.
Find Friends
What can life be without friends? Can it even amount to anything without the presence of friends, family and loved ones? Well, going by the parameters of how to get a life, it most definitely can't. Finding friends here, however, doesn't mean you go on a manhunt just to zero in on a few friends. It only means that you will need to get back in touch with the people you used to once call friends. Get them back in your life and watch it take a U-turn and head from absolute boredom to absolute bliss. However, if you have never had 'friends' in your life, you may as well go on that manhunt to find friends. This may not be as difficult as you may think it is, because there really are a lot of friendly people out there!

Face Your Fears
Facing your fears, believe it or not, can help you get a life, or at least get it back on track. How this works is pretty simple. When you face your fear or fears, you are getting a huge load off of your shoulders. With the doing away of this load, you tend to feel a lot more confident about yourself and feel a lot happier too. If happiness is a measure of how much of a life you have and if you are a happier person after facing your fears, then you sure do have a life.

If you are truly, madly and deeply yearning for a life, it is important to have a dream, the dream to achieve something, or the dream to make it big on your own terms. If you don't have a dream, you really don't have a life because your existence in this world is as good as pointless. So, take the time to figure out what you want out of life, work towards achieving it and before you know it, your life will be handed to you on a glimmering silver platter!

Perhaps the best way to become more sociable is to show to people that you are friendly and ready to welcome them. And the best way you can do this is by smiling. If you are one of those somber-looking individuals who find it hard to keep up a smile, then it is advisable to think of anything that is funny, so that the smile reflects from your eyes. This will make the smile more sincere. Once you start smiling at people, you will feel more connected to them.
When you meet people, establish eye contact with them. This you can do so by believing in yourself. Eye contact would not only raise your self confidence, but also help you mingle with other freely.
Whenever possible, talk to others around you. This you can do while you are out for shopping to the market place or mall or any other crowded place. Try to talk to strangers. Start off with simple things like asking for the time or the address. The more you do these small things, the more comfortable you will become and later, you can engage in more talk.
If you are reluctant to approach others, then try to strike a conversation with kids and the elderly first. They are the easiest people that you can talk to. Striking a healthy and successful conversation with them would give a boost to your confidence and social skills. With time, you would be able to talk to people of your age as well, with the same level of confidence and self belief.
The best way that you can start conversing with others is to empathize with them. No one likes a self-centered person. Ask them how they are feeling and what their interests are so that they also become more open.
The least of what you are expected to do while you are trying to become social is to refuse invitations. If your neighbors and friends invite you, make sure you accept the invitation always, lest something urgent turns up. In this way, you will have more time to interact with them and can also meet a host of other people. However, this does not mean you just attend parties and get-togethers. You should also throw a party once in a while and invite them so that they know that you treasure their company.
Don't lock up yourself in your room if you don't know many people around you. Go for a walk, sit in a park, spread your smile around, and observe people and you will find that many people are talking to you.
Display a positive outlook. People love interacting to someone who wears a smile than a frown. Also, one who is happy and has a cheerful disposition is likely to attract more people. Once you get comfortable talking to others, bring in fun and frolic into your conversations. After all, who would like to talk to someone who is a big bore? Remember, a bored expression will never bring you the comfort of company.

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